SAP Transaction code page 30

SAP Transaction code

code academy
ECC 6.0 Transaction code lists
Transaction code Descriptions
OM7R Rule Table for Date Determination
OM8R Invoicing Plan: Blocking Reasons
OM9R Purch. Order: Reasons for Rejection
OMA0 Conditions: V_T681F for H ME
OMA1 Create Cond. Table: Batches in MM
OMA2 Change Cond.Table: Batches in MM
OMA3 Display Cond. Table: Batches in MM
OMA4 Field catalog V_T681f free goods (M)
OMA5 Field catalog V_T681 free goods (SD)
OMA6 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion D
OMA7 Condition Table: Add Index
OMA8 Condition table: Change Index
OMAB Definition Initial Status Batch
OMAC Definition Initial Status Batch
OMAD Number Ranges for Batch Numbers
OMAE Number ranges of strategy records
OMAG View Maintenance
OMB0 List of document types
OMB1 Dynamic Availability Check
OMB2 Create SLoc. Automatically (GI)
OMB3 Create SLoc. Automatically (GR)
OMB4 Maintain Print Indicator (GI)
OMB5 Maintain Print Indicator (GR)
OMB6 Change Manual Account Assgt.
OMB7 Test Data: Init.Entry of Stock Balcs
OMB8 Test Data: Reservations Transfer
OMB9 Change Document Lives
OMBA Number Assgmt. for Accounting Docs.
OMBB Batch Where-Used List
OMBC Set Missing Parts Check
OMBD Business Area from MM View
OMBF Control BTCI Sessions for Goods Mvmt
OMBG Set Stock Balance Display
OMBH Phys. Inventory Settings in Plant
OMBI Suggest Items Preselected GR
OMBJ Suggest Items Preselected GI
OMBK Suggest Items Preselected: Reservtn
OMBM Control BTCI Sessions for Reserv.
OMBN Defaults for Reservation
OMBP Freeze Book Inventory Balance
OMBR General Print Settings
OMBS Reasons for Movements
OMBT No. Ranges: Mat. Doc./Phys.Inventory
OMBU Allocate Layout Sets to Reports
OMBV Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv.
OMBW Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement
OMBX Stock Balance Display
OMBZ Rev. GR Despite Invoice
OMC0 Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipt
OMC1 Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Number
OMC2 Number Assignment for Reservations
OMC3 Suggest Items Preselected: Phys.Inv.
OMC4 BTCI Data Transfer: Inventory Count
OMC6 Test Data Transfer: Phys. Inventory
OMC7 BTCI Data Transfer: Inv.Count + Diff
OMC8 BTCI Data Tranfer: Inv. Doc./Count
OMC9 BTCI Data Tfr.: Inv.Doc./Count/Diff.
OMCB Service Lists
OMCC Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt
OMCD Suggest "Del. Completed" Indicator
OMCDB Activate Documentary Batch
OMCE Define Batch Level
OMCF Print Label
OMCG Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM
OMCH Set Manual Account Assignment (GR)
OMCI Scope of List: Service Lists
OMCJ Screen Layout: Goods Receipt
OMCK Inventory Sampling Profile
OMCL Inventory Sampling: St. Mgmt Levels
OMCM Dynamic Availability Check: GR
OMCN Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv.
OMCO Set Cycle Counting
OMCP Dynamic Availability Check: GI
OMCQ Settings for System Messages
OMCR Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM
OMCS Activate Batch Status Management
OMCT Batch Definition
OMCU Batch Status Management in Plant
OMCV Classify Batches
OMCW Strategy Types: Batch Determin.MM
OMCX Access Seq. Batch Determination MM
OMCY Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM
OMCZ Activate batch number allocation
OMD0 C RM-MAT MRP Controllers
OMD1 C RM-MAT MD Mat.type/MRP procedure
OMD2 C RM-MAT MD Weighting Groups
OMD3 C RM-MAT MD Exception Message T458A
OMD5 C MM MRP Element Description T457
OMD6 C RM-MAT MD Rqmts Plng Active T001W
OMD7 C RM-MAT MD Schedul.Parameters T399D
OMD8 C RM-MAT MD Control Parameters T438M
OMD9 C RM-MAT MD Spec.Procurmt.Key T460A
OMDA C RM-MAT MD Period Split T449A
OMDB Marking Material for MRP Termination
OMDC C RM-MAT MD Planned Orders T436A
OMDD C RM-MAT MD Planned Ord. Types T460C
OMDE C RM-MAT MD Lot Sizes T439A
OMDF C RM-MAT MD StgeCosts Lot Size T439L
OMDG C RM-MAT MD Ord.ForecastRequmt T439P
OMDH C RM-MAT MD Plnned Order Types T460D
OMDI C RM-MAT MD Lot Size Texts
OMDJ C RM.MAT MD Corr.Factors for Forcast
OMDK C RM-MAT MD Error Allocation
OMDL C MM-MRP User Maintenance
OMDN C MM-MRP No.RangeInterval - PurReq.
OMDO Create Planning File
OMDP Check Consistency for Planning File
OMDR C MD Run Time Statistics
OMDS C MD Number of Planned Orders
OMDT C MM-MRP External Procurement
OMDU C MD Activate MRP
OMDV C MD Convert Planning Run
OMDW C MD Rescheduling
OMDX C MD Planning Horizon
OMDY C MD Planning Run Abend
OMDZ C MD MRP Creation Indicator
OME1 C MM-PUR Purchasing Value Keys
OME2 C MM-PUR Terms of Payment
OME4 C MM-PUR Purchasing Groups
OME5 C MM-PUR Activate Plant: Source List
OME9 C MM-PUR Acct. Assignment Categories
OMEC Copying Control Maintenance
OMEE C MM-PUR Reorganization RFQ
OMEH C MM-PUR User Maintenance
OMEI C MM-PUR User Profiles
OMEL C MM-PUR Certificate Categories
OMEN C MM-PUR Reorg. Sched. Agrmnt Time
OMEO C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Info Record
OMEP C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Source List
OMEQ C MM-PUR Quota Arrangement Rules
OMES C MM-PUR Comments on Quotation
OMESCJ Activate chargeable info records
OMET Settings for Function Authorizations
OMEV Determine Consgt. Valuation Prices
OMEW C MM-PUR Requisition Processing Time
OMEX C MM-PUR Reorganization: Requisition
OMEY C MM-PUR Reorganization PO
OMEZ C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Time
OMF0 C MM-PUR Activate Cond. for Plant
OMFH C MM-PUR Find Calc. Schema - Rebate
OMFI Settings for Default Values
OMFJ C MM-PUR Rec. Layout for Batch Input
OMFK C MM-PUR Field Selection: Vendor
OMFL C MM-PUR Transfer of Info Rec. Data
OMFM C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Purch. Org.
OMFN C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Vendor
OMFO C MM-PUR Find Calculation Schema
OMFP C MM-PUR Schema Group <-> Pur. Org.
OMFQ C MM-PUR Scope of List: Conditions
OMFR C MM-PUR Mkt. Price Schema: P. Org.
OMFS CC-MM-PUR Chge.-Notice-Relev. Fields
OMFT Message Determination Requirements
OMFZ C MM-PUR: Stock Transfer Schema
OMG0 CS MM-PUR Item Cat./Acc. Assgt. Cat.
OMG1 C MM-PUR Commodity Code
OMG2 C MM-PUR Customs Offices
OMG3 C MM-PUR Modes of Transport
OMG4 C MM-PUR Business Transaction Type
OMG5 C MM-PUR Default Busn. Trans. Type
OMG6 C MM-PUR Import Procedures
OMG7 C MM-PUR Authorizations
OMG8 C MM-PUR Conditions/Sequence
OMG9 C MM-PUR Assignment Conditions/TCode
OMGA C MM-PUR Texts: Creditor (Central)
OMGB C MM-PUR Texts: Creditor (Purch.)
OMGC C MM-PUR Weighting Keys
OMGEN Generate Organizational Units
OMGENP Generate Organizational Units
OMGF C MM-PUR Output Device: Messages
OMGG Settings for Message Determination
OMGH C MM-PUR: Transaction/Event Keys
OMGI C MM-PUR Main Criteria
OMGM Settings for Subcontracting
OMGQCK Release Procedure Checks
OMGQ_CHAR Charact. Maint.: Release Procedure
OMGSCK Release Procedure Checks
OMGT Import Data
OMGU C MM-PUR Scope of Ranking Lists
OMGV Intrastat
OMGX MM-PUR Form for Buyers Neg. Sheet
OMGY MM-PUR Buyers Neg. Sheet Routines
OMH0 Interface to Activity Allocation
OMH6 Number Ranges for Purch. Documents
OMH7 Number Ranges for Purch. Requisition
OMH8 Number Ranges for Service Package
OMH9 Number Ranges for Entry Sheet
OMHA Cr. Vol. Rebate Cond. Table (Purch.)
OMHB Change Volume Rebate Table: Purch.
OMHC Cond. Table: Display Rebate (Purch.)
OMHD Arrangement Type: Purchasing
OMHE Overview of Condition Type Groups
OMHF Assign Cond. Type Group - Cond. Type
OMHG Assign Arrangement Type - Cond. type
OMHH Purchasing Selections
OMHI Conditions: View Seq. F
OMHJ Purchasing: Condition Index
OMHK Batch Input
OMHL C MM-PUR Matchcode Info Record
OMHM C MM-PUR Matchcode Requisition
OMHN C MM-PUR Matchcode Purch. Document
OMHO C MM-PUR Matchcode Source List
OMHP Updating of Order Price History
OMHS Display Info Record Transfer File
OMHT Display Requisition Transfer File
OMHU Example File: Batch Input Info Rec.
OMHV Example File
OMHX Plant for company code (sbq. sttlmt)
OMI0 Error List for Intrastat Declaration
OMI1 C MD Safety Stock
OMI2 C MM-MRP Number Ranges: Mat. plg.
OMI3 C MM-MRP No. Ranges for Pld Ords
OMI4 C MD Lot Sizes
OMI5 C MD Item Numbers
OMI7 C MM-MRP No. Ranges for Pld Ords
OMI8 Plant Parameters
OMI9 PP MRP C Direct Procurement
OMIA C MRP Range of Coverage Profile
OMIB C MRP Start Times - Background Jobs
OMIC MatMasterCust.:Batch Job Start Times
OMID Maintain Number Range: Indep.Reqmts
OMIE Maintain Number Range: Reqmts Plan
OMIG MRP Group per Material Type
OMIH Check. rule for updating backorders
OMII Missing Parts Controller
OMIJ C MRP Rounding Profiles
OMIK Control of CO Integration
OMIL Sel. Receipt Elements for Coverage
OMILL_CUT Customizing for Cutting Processing
OMILL_MMCL Maintain Selection Profile
OMILL_SE_ATNAM Customizing Fast Entry
OMILL_SE_POSTYP Customize Global Item Category
OMILL_T160M Mill Products Message Control
OMILL_T160M_SD Sales Order Versions
OMILL_VS Sales Order Versions
OMILL_WF_SD Customizing Workflow MILL_SD
OMIM Maximum MRP Period
OMIN Firming Scheduling Agreements
OMIO Screen Seq. MRP List ; Ext.Header
OMIP Reference Plant for MRP Master Data
OMIQ Destinations Parallel MRP
OMIR Storage Location MRP
OMIS Convert Planned Order -> Prod. Order
OMIT Start Date in the Past
OMIU Action Code - Planned Order Control
OMIV Action Control - Planned Order
OMIW BOM Explosion
OMIX Text: User Exit Planning Run
OMIY Plng File Entries for Goods Mvmts
OMJ1 Allow Negative Stocks
OMJ2 Maintain Phys.Inv.Tolrnce->Employee
OMJ3 Printer Determination Plant/SLoc.
OMJ4 Printer Determ: Plant/SLoc./User Grp
OMJ5 Exp.Date at Plant Level and Mvmt Lvl
OMJ6 Maintain No. Range for GR/GI Slips
OMJ7 Plant/Val.Area - Divis. -> Busin.Ar.
OMJ8 Create Stor. Loc. Automatically
OMJ9 Change Manual Account Assgt.
OMJA Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement
OMJC Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt
OMJD Set Missing Parts Check
OMJE Exp.Date at Plant Level and Mvmt Lvl
OMJH Maintain Dataset for Phys. Inventory
OMJI Set Material Block
OMJJ Customizing: New Movement Types
OMJK Number Ranges for Reservations
OMJL Maintain Print Indicator (autom.MvT)
OMJM Comprn plnt/val.area - divis.->BusAr
OMJN General field selection: goods mvmnt
OMJO Convert MKOP into Consgt. Info Recs.
OMJP Batch Input: Consignment Info Recs.
OMJQ Deletion Flag: Consg. Price Segments
OMJR Printer Determin.: Message Type/User
OMJS Check expiration date at goods issue
OMJU Gen. field selection
OMJV Subsequent Calculation of Value
OMJW Create Purchase Order Automatically
OMJX GR Field Selection From Procurement
OMJY GR Field Selec. Fr. Procment (Table)
OMK0 Link to PP interface
OMK1 Batch search method for Whse Mgmt
OMK2 Customer exits for strategies
OMK3 Conditions: field catalog (WM)
OMK4 CondTable: Create (Batches
OMK5 CondTable: Change (Batches
OMK6 CondTable: Display (Batches
OMK7 Batch WM..... (will be deleted)
OMK8 Services: Exclusion Indicator
OMKA Conditions: V_T681F for A V
OMKB Conditions: Rebate - Allowed Fields
OMKC C MM PUR Price Marking
OMKD C MM PUR Supply Regions
OMKE C MM-PUR: Optimize Access
OMKF C MM-PUR: Exlusion Indicators
OMKH C MM-PUR Reg. Vend. Source of Supply
OMKI C MM-PUR Default Purchasing Org.
OMKJ C MM-PUR P.Org. Cross-CoCode Release
OMKK C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Material
OMKL C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Acc. Assgt.
OMKM C MM-PUR Tax Indicators: Plant
OMKN C MM-PUR Assign Tax Inds. to Plant
OMKO C MM-PUR Assign Tax Inds. to A. Ass.
OMKR Search Types: Optimize Access WM
OMKT Strategy Types: Batch Determin.WM
OMKU Access: Maintain Batch Determin.WM
OMKV Batch Determination: Proced.for WM
OMKW Stock removal strategy "SLED"
OMKX Automatic Transfer Orders
OMKY Link to External System via ALE
OMKZ Automatic Transfer Orders
OML1 Overview of Criticl Whse Monitor Obj
OML2 Var. Report RLLL01SE: TOs
OML3 Var. Report RLLL02SE: TR Items
OML4 Var. Report RLLL03SE: Post.Chge Doc.
OML5 Var. Report RLLL04SE: Deliveries
OML6 Var. Report RLLL05SE: Negative Stock
OML7 Var. Report RLLL06SE: Interim Stock
OML8 Var. Report RLLL07SE: Stock Product.
OML9 Customizing MOB Interface
OMLA Putaway Near Picking Bin
OMLB MObj.01: Critical TOs
OMLC MObj.02: Critical TRs
OMLD MObj.03: Critical Post. Chge Notices
OMLE M.Obj.04: Critical Deliveries
OMLF M.Obj.05: Negative Stocks
OMLG M.Obj.06: Stocks Interim Stor.Bins
OMLH M.Obj.07: Critical Stocks in Prod.
OMLI Report Variant: Single Entry ActData
OMLJ Movement Types for Whse Management
OMLK Default Values for Inventory
OMLL WM Movement Type: Clear Invent.Diff.
OMLM Definition Empty Bin Index
OMLN Warehouse Control Link
OMLO Sectioning of Storage Bins
OMLP Plan Jobs for Whse Activity Monitor
OMLQ Stock Removal Strategy FIFO
OMLR WM Interface to Inventory Management
OMLS Stock Removal Strategy LIFO
OMLT Stock Removal Strat. Partial Qty
OMLU Stock Placement Strategy Empty Bin
OMLV Print Control for Whse Management
OMLW Number Ranges for Whse Management
OMLX Confirmation
OMLY Storage Type Search
OMLZ Storage Section Search
OMM1 Storage Bin Type Search
OMM2 Haz.Material Stock Placement
OMM3 Stock Placement Strat.for Pallets
OMM4 Putaway Strategy for Bulk Storage
OMM5 Storage Type Definition
OMM6 Storage Type Definition
OMM7 Storage Type Maintenance
OMM8 Stock Removal Strat. Stringent FIFO
OMM9 Stock Removal Strat. Large/Small
OMMA Print Assignment per Storage Type
OMMB Inventory No.Ranges for Whse Mgmt
OMMC Printer Assignment per WM Mov.Type
OMMD Confirmation Ctrl per Storage Type
OMME Confirmation Ctrl per Movement Type
OMMF Number Ranges per Warehouse
OMMG Number ranges physical inventory
OMMH Type Search per Movement
OMMI Section Check per Storage Type
OMMJ Storage Unit Check per Storage Type
OMMK Putaway Strategies
OMML Hazardous Materials Storage Type
OMMM Storage Type Maintenance
OMMN Stringent FIFO Storage Type
OMMO Consistency Check for MM-WM Tables
OMMP Decentralized Warehouse Management
OMMQ Pre-allocated stock
OMMR Group numbers
OMMS Reference Number Documents
OMMT Reference Number Documents 2
OMMU Link to Decentralized Unit
OMMV Accumulation Decentralized
OMMW Error Recovery Decentralized
OMMX Printer Determination
OMMY Print Code
OMMZ Spool Parameters for WM Print Ctrl
OMN0 Control of Transaction Codes (MM-WM)
OMN1 Print Reference Number
OMN2 Stor.Type Control
OMN3 Storage Classes Allowed
OMN4 Storage Section Search
OMN5 Storage Units Allowed
OMN6 Storage Bin Type Search
OMN7 Storage Type Search
OMN8 Difference Indicators
OMN9 Block Sectioning
OMNA Assignment for Bin Sectioning
OMNB Assignment PF Status
OMNC Control of Subsequent Screen
OMND Field Selection for Whse Mgmt
OMNE Control of Transactions in MM-WM
OMNF Requirement Types for Whse Mgmt
OMNG Queues Warehouse Management System
OMNH APPC Interface per Warehouse Number
OMNI Print Program per Warehouse Number
OMNJ Link to Warehouse Control Unit
OMNK Inventory Control per Storage Type
OMNL Warehouse Number Maint./Inventory
OMNM Define Mail Recipient
OMNN Conversion Exit SU Number
OMNO Define Mail Recipient
OMNQ Special Movement Indicators
OMNR TO Print Control with SU Management
OMNS Print Code for TOs with SU Mgmt
OMNT Printer Pool for SU Management
OMNU Print Control with SU Management
OMNV Number Range Intervals for Whse Mgmt
OMNW System Parameters for Dec.Whse Mgmt
OMNX Bulk Storage Indicators
OMNY Access Strategy for Stor.Type Search
OMNZ Parameters for Activity in WM
OMO! Std Analyses: Std Settings
OMO$ QMIS: Std Settings
OMO0 Self-Def.Anal.: Std.Settings PP-IS
OMO1 Update Maintenance: SIS
OMO2 Update Maintenance: PURCHIS
OMO3 Update Maintenance: External Data
OMO6 Maintain Applications
OMO9 Update Maintenance: INVCO
OMO= PMIS: Default Settings
OMOA LIS: Create Application
OMOB LIS: Change Application
OMOC LIS: Display Application
OMOD Update Maintenance: SFIS
OMOE Generate and Initialize LIL
OMOF Update Maintenance: User-Defined App
OMOG Maintain Update Groups
OMOH Var.Std Analyses: Standard Settings
OMOJ Var.Std Analyses: SIS Std Settings
OMOK Var.Std Analyses: Ext. Std Settings
OMOL Var.Std Analyses: PURCHIS Std Set.
OMON Var.Std Analyses: INVCO Std Settings
OMOR Update Maintenance: QMIS
OMOS Update Maintenance: PMIS
OMOT Updating maintainence: TIS
OMOU Var. Std Analyses: TIS Std Settings
OMOY Maintain Updating: Warehouse Mgmt
OMOZ Update Maintenance: Logistics Genrl
OMP0 Customizing: Demand Mngmt (Menu)
OMP1 Customizing: Requirements Types
OMP2 Customizing: Versions
OMP3 Customizing: Vers. per Reqmts Class
OMP4 Customizing: Indep. Reqmts History
OMP5 Customizing: Refer.Type (Dep.Reqmts)
OMP6 Customizing: Consuming Indep. Reqmts
OMP8 Customizing: Reorganizing Indep.Req.
OMP9 Customizing: Fixing Indep. Reqmts
OMPA Customizing: Version per Ref. Type
OMPC Customizing:PlgInd/Cons.Indep.Reqmts
OMPD Customizing:Indep.Reqmts Init.Screen
OMPE Takeover Structure
OMPG Maintain Consumption Mode
OMPH Period Split
OMPI Configuration
OMPJ Reqmts Type Message Control
OMPL Direct Input
OMPL1 Specify system messages
OMPM Create Example File
OMPN C MM-PUR Purchasing Manuf. Part No.
OMPO Maintain Requirements Classes
OMPP Internal Number Assignment
OMPS Maintain Period Split
OMQ1 Transfer of Purchase Orders
OMQ2 Transfer of Purchase Order History
OMQ3 Transfer of PO Texts
OMQ4 Create PO Transfer File
OMQ5 Edit PO Transfer File
OMQ6 Create PO Text Transfer File
OMQA C MM-PUR: Take-Back Agreement
OMQK Fine-Tuned Control: RFQ
OMQL C MM-PUR: Supply Region for Plant
OMQM C MM-PUR Matchcode: Entry Sheet
OMQN Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order
OMQO Fine-Tuned Control: Outl. Agreement
OMQP Fine-Tuned Ctr.: Sch. Agmt. Schedule
OMQQ Fine-Tuned Control: Service Entry
OMQR Assign Schema to RFQ
OMQS Assign Schema to Purchase Order
OMQT Assign Schema to Outline Agreement
OMQU Assign Schema to Sch. Agmt. Schedule
OMQV Assign Schema to Service Entry Sheet
OMQW Entry Aids w/o Material Master
OMQX Default Asset Class for Mat. Group
OMR0 C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.)
OMR0H C MM-IV Automatic Account Assignmnts
OMR14 Define Variant Name
OMR2 C RM-MAT MR Default Incoming Invoice
OMR3 C MM-IV Default Account Maintenance
OMR4 MM-IV Doc.Type/NK Incoming Invoice
OMR5 MM-IV Doc.Type/NR Acct Maintenance
OMR6 Tolerance limits: Inv.Verification
OMR8 C RM-MAT MR PO Supplement
OMR9 C RM-MAT MR Payment Block Reasons
OMRA C MM-IV Val.Cat./Subs.Debit/Credit
OMRAB Maintain Settlement Profile
OMRB C MR Tolerance Groups
OMRBW Maintain movement type parameters
OMRC C MR Alloc. User/Tolerance Group
OMRDC Configure Duplicate Invoice Check
OMRE Purchasing Document Lists Config.
OMRER_WORKFLOW Workflow for Eval.Receipt.Settlement
OMRF C MM_IV Activate Stochastic Block
OMRG C MM-IV Stochastic Block Values
OMRH C MM-IV Activate Item Amount Check
OMRI C MM-IV Item Amount Check Parameters
OMRK Mail to Purchasing
OMRL Tax Version
OMRM C MM-IV Customer-Specific Messages
OMRMA Screen Selection Initial Screen
OMRMB Screen Selection Header Data Screen
OMRN C MM-IV  Carry Forward Price Change
OMRO G/L Account Auth. in Requisition
OMRP G/L Account Auth. in Purchase Order
OMRQ G/L Account Auth. in Contract
OMRR Transaction/Event Key Usage
OMRS Transaction/Event Key Usage
OMRT Transaction/Event Key Usage
OMRU Sender Texts
OMRV Invoice Status Change
OMRW Treatment of Exch. Rate Differences
OMRX Vendor-Specific Tolerances
OMRY EDI Program Parameters
OMRZ Runtime Invoice Document Archiving
OMS1 Units of Measure Grouping
OMS2 Maintain Material Types
OMS2OLD C MM-BD Material Types
OMS3 Configure Industry Sectors
OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status
OMS5 C MM-BD Set Up Laboratory
OMS6 C MM-BD Storage Condition(s)
OMS7 C MM-BD Temperature Condition(s)
OMS8 C MM-BD Container Requirement(s)
OMS9 Configure Field/Screen Selection
OMSA C MM-BD T130W Plant-Specific
OMSB C MM-BD Special Stock Description
OMSD C MM-BD F. Sel. Spec.   T148G
OMSE C MM-BD F. Sel. Reference T148W
OMSF C MM-BD Material Groups
OMSFIX Maintain Lock-Relevant Indicator
OMSG Account Groups: Vendor
OMSH C MM-BD Matchcode for Material
OMSI C MM-BD Matchcode for vendor
OMSJ C MM-BD Number Range for Vendor
OMSK C MM-BD Valuation Classes T025
OMSL2 Maintain table TMCNV
OMSL_DI Maintenance Table TMCNV in DI
OMSM CS MM Set Up Administrative Data
OMSP C MM-BD Divisions
OMSPCUST Maintain:Ext No Range & Rev.Type
OMSQ C MM-BD Incoterms
OMSR C MM-BD Field Groups
OMSS C MM-BD Field Groups: Special Stocks
OMSU C MM-BD Mat. Master Data Transfer
OMSV C MM-BD Vendor Data Transfer
OMSX TCODE/Field Selection: Vendor
OMSY C MM-BD Company Code for Matl Master
OMT0 C MM-BD Global Setting
OMT1 C MM-BD Consistency Check Updating
OMT2 Required Fields Control MM-BD ALE/DI
OMT3 Customizing for the Material Master
OMT3B Maintain Screen Sequences
OMT3C Copy Customer-Spec. Function Group
OMT3E Maintain Influencing Factors
OMT3P Maint. Status Determination Type
OMT3R Maintain Order of Screens
OMT3U Maintain User Settings
OMT3Z Assign Secondary Screens
OMT4 Customizing for EAN Messages
OMT5 Auth. Group MatMaster (Inactive)
OMT6 Maintain Basic Materials Allowed
OMT8 Transfer Material Master Data by DI
OMTA Output Program: RFQ
OMTB Output Program: Purchase Order
OMTC Output Program: Outline Agreement
OMTD Output Program: Delivery Schedule
OMTE Output Program: Service Entry Sheet
OMTF Output Partner: RFQ
OMTG Output Partner: Purchase Order
OMTH Output Partner: Outline Agreement
OMTI Output Partner: Delivery Schedule
OMTJ Output Partner: Service Entry
OMTX Define non-SAP system
OMUP Forecast Schedule: Transm. Profile
OMV1 Service Category
OMV2 Org. Status
OMW0 C MM-IV Control Valuation
OMW1 C RM-MAT MW Price Control
OMW2 C Define LIFO Pools
OMW3 C Define LIFO Valuation Levels
OMW4 C LIFO/FIFO-Relevant Movements
OMW5 C Devaluation by range of coverage
OMW5W C Devaln by Rge of Coverage (Val.Ar)
OMW6 C Devaln by Slow/Non-Movement
OMW6W C Devaln by Slow/Non-Mvt (Val. Area)
OMW7N C Weighting Mat. Mvts (Mvt Rate)
OMW7R C Weighting: Consmpts (Rge Coverage)
OMW8 C Stock Weighting (Obsolete)
OMW8N C Stock Weighting (Mvt Rate)
OMW8R C Stock Weighting (Rge of Coverage)
OMW9 C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-u.Csts.Pr.Ch.
OMWA C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-up Csts.D/C
OMWB C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.)
OMWC C MM-IV Split Material Valuation
OMWD C RM-MAT MB Grouping Valuation Area
OMWE C LIFO/FIFO Valuation Active?
OMWEB Maintain C Valuation Tracks
OMWF C MM-IV User Maintenance
OMWG C RM-MAT MW User Profiles
OMWH C Indicator for Materials LIFO Pools
OMWI C Movement Types: Lowest Value
OMWJ C Document Types: Lowest Value
OMWK C MM-IV Authorizations
OMWL C LIFO/FIFO Global Setting
OMWM C MM IV Control: Accnt Determination
OMWN MM-IM: Acct Group. Code for Mvt.Type
OMWO C MM-PUR: Purchase Account Mgmt
OMWPS1 C LIFO Pools: Splitting
OMWPS2 C LIFO Pools: Merging
OMWPS3 C LIFO: Reassign Material Layer
OMWR C LIFO Layer Versions
OMWS Activate Proportion/Product Unit
OMWT C FIFO Valuation Levels
OMWU C Constants for DB Commit
OMWV C Movement Types: Movement Rate
OMWW MM Account Determination Wizard
OMWW2 Old MM Account Determination Wizard
OMWX C Mvt Types: Excptns
OMWY C Reduction: Sales Prices
OMWZ C LIFO/FIFO: Company Code Parameters
OMX0 Assign ML Movement Type Groups
OMX1 ML Activation in n Valuation Areas
OMX2 Define Material Ledger Type
OMX3 ML Assignment of Valuation Area
OMX4 Number Range Maintenence: ML-DOCU.
OMX5 Dyn. Price Release Plan. Pr. Change
OMX6 Texts for Currency Types/Valuations
OMX7 Definition ML Movement Type Groups
OMX8 Assign Material Update Structure
OMX9 Define Material Update Structure
OMXA Display Quantity Structure Type
OMXB Define Naming Rule
OMXC Rules for Name Formation
OMXD Maintain Naming Structure
OMXE Assign Naming Structure to Plant
OMXF Activate Actual Cst Component Split
OMXL Configure empties processing
OMXW Activate WIP at Actual Costs
OMXX Update Contr. Release Order Docu. MM
OMX_NLINK_DISP Assign Contr. Level to Process Cat.
OMX_NRULE_DISP Display Controlling Levels
OMX_UMB_ACCOUNTS Display Accounts for Account Key UMB
OMY0 Display Material Transfer File
OMY1 Create Input File from Material
OMZE C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Extra
OMZN C MM-PUR Reorg. Sched. Agrmnt Extra
ON/1 IS-H: Calc. Procedure Determination
ON01 IS-H: Control Institution
ON02 IS-H: Parameter Time-dep. Institut.
ON03 IS-H: Maintain Screen Sequence
ON04 IS-H: Screen Modification
ON05 IS-H: Control Client
ON06 IS-H: Parameters time-dep.
ON07 IS-H: Default Service Catalog
ON08 ISH: Authorizations
ON09 ISH: User
ON10 ISH: User Profiles
ON100 IS-H: Calc.Formula for Cmp DynCaseMx
ON14 IS-H: Postal code maintenance
ON15 IS-H: Maintain Geographical Areas
ON16 IS-H: Parishes
ON17 IS-H: Addresses
ON18 IS-H: Name affixes - titles
ON19 IS-H: Parameters
ON20 IS-H: Inst-Spec.
ON21 IS-H: Sex
ON22 IS-H: Default End Date of Services
ON24 IS-H: Certificate Status
ON25 IS-H: Name elements for search
ON26 IS-H: Marital Status
ON27 IS-H: Religious denominations
ON28 IS-H: Relationships
ON29 IS-H: Asgmt. of case type to
ON30 IS-H: Categories of case-case asgmt.
ON31 Conditions: Customizing for Pricing
ON32 IS-H: Parameter for Copymnt Request
ON33 IS-H: Parameter for Copayment
ON34 IS-H: Accident types
ON35 IS-H: Copayment Waiver
ON36 IS-H: Diagn.Coding Catalog Ctgrs
ON37 IS-H: Diagnoses Codes
ON38 IS-H: Cust.Proc. maint.Prce.Determtn
ON39 IS-H: Risk Factors
ON40 IS-H: Service Text Service Entry
ON41 IS-H: Case types
ON42 IS-H: Case-to-person asgmt functions
ON43 IS-H: Movement categories
ON44 IS-H: Movement types
ON45 IS-H: Discharge statuses
ON46 IS-H: Types of Coverage
ON47 IS-H: Causes of death
ON48 IS-H: Delivery categories
ON49 IS-H: Birth Procedures
ON4A IS-H: Case categories
ON4B IS-H: Assignments to Case Categories
ON4C IS-H: Activation of Case Categories
ON50 IS-H: Organizational Categories
ON51 IS-H: Organizational Cat. Hierarchy
ON52 IS-H: Assgmt. Specialty - Department
ON54 IS-H: Departmental Key
ON55 IS-H: Down Payment Parameters
ON56 IS-H: Params. for Down Pymnt request
ON57 IS-H: R/2 screens for batch input
ON59 IS-H: Outpatient visit status
ON60 IS-H: Building Categories
ON61 IS-H: Building Category Hierarchy
ON62 IS-H: Equipment/Facilities ID code
ON63 IS-H: General Parameter Maintenance
ON64 IS-H: Blocking Reason Build. Unit
ON66 IS-H: Service-related Cat.Determntn.
ON68 IS-H: Hierarchy Bld.Cat. - Org. Cat.
ON69 IS-H: Maintain Division for Pricing
ON70 IS-H: Work org. type: ID codes/texts
ON71 IS-H: Event-work org.type: SAP value
ON72 IS-H: Event-Work Org.Type Asgmt-Cust
ON73 IS-H: Work Organ.: Keys/texts/types
ON74 IS-H Specialty categories
ON75 IS-H: Work Organizer Ctrl w/o Condit
ON76 IS-H: Work Organizer Ctrl with IPTyp
ON77 IS-H: Work org.: Form windows
ON78 IS-H: Input/output device assignment
ON79 IS-H: Assign Work Organ. to Printer
ON7A IS-H: Work org.: With bill.t./IPType
ON7B IS-H: Assign Work Organizers to OUs
ON7C IS-H List of work organizer settings
ON7F IS-H: Work Organizer-Event Filter
ON80 IS-H: Determine Billing Type
ON81 IS-H: Maintain Charge Master Type
ON82 IS-H: Charge Master Columns
ON83 IS-H: Grouping categories
ON84 IS-H: Maintain Record Types
ON85 IS-H: Maintain Record Structure
ON86 IS-H: Default values for FI data
ON87 ISH: Catalog Determination
ON88 IS-H: Charge Master Column Detn
ON89 ISH: Assgnmnt.-Service Conversion
ON90 IS-H: Certificate categories
ON91 IS-H: Certificate Types
ON92 IS-H: Service Text Parameters
ON93 IS-H: Warning f. service adjustment
ON94 IS-H: Create Copayer
ON95 IS-H: Create FI Customer
ON96 IS-H: Type of Processing Cust.Sessn.
ON97 IS-H: Def.Value Country for Bus.Part
ON98 IS-H: Def.Value Language Bus.Partner
ON99 IS-H: Default Start Date of Services
ONA0 IS-H: Routines for filling FI Cust.
ONA1 IS-H: Sort Procedure Ins.Verificatn.
ONA2 IS-H: Displ. Params. f. Copay.Requst
ONA3 IS-H: Display Copayment Parameters
ONA4 IS-H: Display Down Payment Params.
ONA5 IS-H: Display Down Paymt.Req.Params.
ONA6 IS-H: Rules for Direct Pat. Billing
ONA7 IS-H: Change Billing Block
ONA8 IS-H: Change Rules for Point Values
ONA9 IS-H: Control Billing Messages
ONAA IS-H: Maintain Ins. Contract Type
ONAG IS-H: IV reasons for rejection
ONAK IS-H: Copayment amount per day
ONAV IS-H: Variants for Inv.Restrictions
ONB0 IS-H: User groups
ONB1 IS-H: Priorities for waiting list
ONB2 IS-H: Terminal def. HC smart card
ONB3 IS-H: Activity-spec. bus.partner txt
ONB4 IS-H: Bus.partn.funct.
ONB5 IS-H: Assign IV request to clerk
ONB6 IS-H: SAP user exits
ONB7 IS-H: Customer user exits
ONB8 IS-H: Movement reasons
ONB9 IS-H: Exclusions for service pairs
ONBA IS-H: Define stat. key figures
ONBB IS-H: Maintain leave of abs settings
ONBC IS-H: Maintain Pricing Procedure
ONBD Assign Bill.Type to Doc.PricingProc.
ONBE IS-H: Create Condition Table
ONBF IS-H: Create Access Sequence
ONBG IS-H: Create Condition Type
ONBH IS-H: Create Condition Records
ONBI IS-H: Maintain no.range f. bill.doc.
ONBK IS-H: Define Billing Types
ONBL IS-H: Define Partner Functions
ONBM IS-H: Define Document Flow
ONBN IS-H: Define Blocking Reasons
ONBO IS-H: Assign bill.type to bill.block
ONBP IS-H: Maintain access seq. acct detn
ONBQ IS-H: Maintain Acct Detn Type
ONBR IS-H: Assessment rate rules
ONBS IS-H: Maintain Acct Detn Procedure
ONBT IS-H: Billing exception comments
ONBU IS-H: Procedure Dtn. for Act. Dtn.
ONBV IS-H: Assign Revenue Accounts
ONC0 IS-HCM: Maintain Seg. -> Seg. Asgmt.
ONC1 IS-HCM Maintain Message Type
ONC1D IS-HCM: Delete Customer Msg. Cmpnts.
ONC2 IS-HCM: Create Partner System
ONC3 IS-HCM Maintain Message Segment
ONC4 IS-HCM: Delete Partner System
ONC5 IS-HCM Installation Check Subsystems
ONC6 IS-HCM: Maintain System Attributes
ONC7 IS-HCM Display Incorr. Incoming Msg.
ONC8 IS-HCM Maintain Message Fields
ONC9 IS-HCM Delete Incorr. Incoming Msg.
ONCA IS-HCM Maintain Cat.-Segment-Assgmnt
ONCA1 IS-HCM: Display Msg.Type-Sgmt Asgmt
ONCB IS-HCM Display Receipt Logs
ONCC IS-HCM Maintain Segment-Field-Assgmt
ONCC1 IS-H: Display MsgSegment-Field Asgmt
ONCD IS-HCM Delete Receipt Logs
ONCE IS-HCM List of partner system sett.
ONCEDI0 EDI Procedure Basic Customizing
ONCEDI1 IS-H EDI Institution Agreements
ONCEDI2 IS-H EDI Convert int.<->ext. Code
ONCEDI3 IS-H EDI Communication Status
ONCEDI4 IS-H EDI Application status
ONCEDI5 IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Provider Asgmt
ONCEDI6 IS-H EDI DCP-to-Ins. Prov. Coll.Asgt
ONCEDI7 IS-H EDI Display DCP-Ins.Prov. Asgmt
ONCEDI8 IS-H EDI: Message Structure Tree
ONCEDI9 IS-H Build EDI File Names
ONCEDIC0 IS-H: Control/Options for EDI
ONCEDIDE0 IS-H ァ301 DCP File Compare
ONCEDIDE1 IS-H P301/P302 HI Fund File Compare
ONCEDIUA IS-H EDI: Deposit Old EDI Records
ONCEDIUA2C IS-H Display EDI Temp.Storag
ONCEDIZ IS-H EDI Service <-> Room Type Asgmt
ONCF IS-HCM: EDI Transfer System
ONCG IS-HCM Generate SAP Structures
ONCH IS-HCM Generate Customer Structures
ONCI IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Options
ONCJ IS-H: Synchronous dispatch options
ONCK IS-HCM: Display Receipt Options
ONCL IS-HCM: EDI - Excluded cases
ONCM IS-HCM: Activate EDI Comm. Procedure
ONCN IS-HCM: Number Ranges
ONCO Customizing
ONCP IS-HCM: Maint. Dispatch w/o Refer.
ONCQ IS-H: Monitoring check programs
ONCR IS-HCM Maintain Disp. w. OU Refer.
ONCS IS-H: Synchronous dispatch
ONCSTAT IS-HCM Table Entry Evaluations
ONCT IS-HCM Maintain Convert. HL7 Values
ONCU IS-HCM: EDI - Exclude Msg to InsProv
ONCV IS-HCM Maintain Recpt. w/o Reference
ONCW IS-HCM: DC Point Transaction Data
ONCX IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Logs
ONCY IS-HCM: Delete Dispatch Logs
ONCZ IS-HCM: Maintain data coll. point
OND1 IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Versions
OND2 IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Fields
OND3 IS-H: Maintain BDT Format Rules
OND4 IS-H: Maintain BDT Fixed Vals.OU-rel
ONDT IS-H: Planning type
ONE1 IS-H: IMG CP/EP Discount
ONE2 IS-H: Set up Direct Patient Billing
ONE3 IS-H: HCO documentation
ONE4 IS-H: HCO documentation
ONE5 IS-H: HCO documentation
ONEIS IS-H: Determine chars.
ONFCL IS-H: Case Categorization
ONG0 IS-HCM: Maintain Message Standards
ONG1 IS-H: Maintain EDI Procedures
ONG2 IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced.
ONG3 IS-H: Maintain EDI Proc. Funct. Call
ONG4 IS-H EDI Procedure-to-Standard Asgmt
ONG5 IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced.
ONG6 IS-H: Assign Events to EDI Proced.
ONK1 ISH: Assign Application to System
ONK2 ISH: Assgn Event to Application
ONK3 IS-H: Events
ONK4 IS-H: Event/configuration assignment
ONK5 IS-H: Application Parameters
ONK6 IS-HCM: Maintain System Attributes
ONK7 IS-H: Check Configuration
ONL0 IS-H: Maintain Service Rule Types
ONL1 IS-H: Maintain Service Exclusions
ONL2 IS-H: Maintain Service Combinations
ONL3 IS-H: Maintain Service Max. Values
ONL4 IS-H: Assign rule types to events
ONL5 IS-H: Check procedure
ONL6 IS-H: Maintain compensation proposal
ONL7 IS-H: Control parameters FR/PS
ONLA IS-H: Check Procedure - Overview
ONM1 IS-H: Borrowing reason
ONM2 IS-H: Borrower categories
ONM3 IS-H: Borrowing authorizations
ONM4 IS-H: Admin.of med.records paramet.
ONM9 IS-H: Assign Material Catalog to OU
ONMA Define Material Catalogs
ONMB Define Material Sets
ONMC IS-H: Assign Material Sets to OU
ONMD Generate Material Catalogs
ONME Define Material Sets
ONMF IS-H: Maintain Material Proposal
ONMG Generate Material Catalogs
ONMH Define Cabinets
ONMHC Copy Closets
ONMHD Closet List
ONN1 IS-H: Number Ranges for Org. Units
ONN2 IS-H: Number Ranges for Build. Units
ONN3 IS-H: Number Ranges Pers. Structure
ONN4 IS-H: Number Ranges Patients
ONN5 IS-H: Case Number Ranges
ONN6 IS-H: Number Ranges Business Partner
ONN7 IS-H: Number Ranges Ins.Verif./Cert.
ONN8 IS-H: Number Ranges Billing
ONN9 IS-H: Technical Number Range
ONNKTR_KV IS-H: Create External Ins. Prov.
ONO1 Maintain flat rate type (AT)
ONO2 Determine flat rate type (AT)
ONO3 Maintain flat rate rules (AT)
ONO4 Flat rate scales (AT)
ONO5 Flat rate exclusions (AT)
ONO6 IS-H: Outpt. ind. services/ins.prov.
ONOA IS-H: VAT assessment (Austria)
ONOC IS-H*MED: Assign Physician - OU
ONOT Maintain Quotation Types
ONP1 IS-H: Periods
ONP4 Create Ntwk Pl.Layout Statistical KF
ONP5 Change Ntwk Pl.Layout Statistical KF
ONP6 Display Nwk Pl.Layout Statistical KF
ONR0 IS-H: Applications report control
ONR1 IS-H: Report Control Groups
ONR2 IS-H: Report Ctrl Assgmt. User-Group
ONR3 IS-H: Report Ctrl. Assgmt. Grp.-Rep.
ONRA IS-H: Maintain Record Types
ONRB IS-H: Maintain Record Structure
ONRC IS-H: Statistics: Srv valuat. factor
ONRD IS-H: Stat. - Case class. val. form.
ONRE IS-H: Statistics: Svce Remapping
ONRF IS-H: Statistics - Geogr.area totals
ONRK IS-H: Age groups for statistics
ONRL ISH: Maintenance Statistics for NLSU
ONS1 IS-H: Maintain selection proc. (AT)
ONTNPC1 IS-H: Maintain Occup.Characteristics
ONTNREL IS-H: Start View Maintenance TNREL
ONU0 IS-H: Client reset control
ONU1 IS-H: Import Postal Code Directory
ONU2 IS-H: Import Postal Code Directory
ONU3 IS-H: Import Postal Code Directory
ONV0 IS-H: Change CP/EP Discount
ONV1 IS-H: Maintain Treatment Category
ONV2 IS-H: Display Treatment Category
ONV3 IS-H: Maintain Case Class/Treat.Cat.
ONV4 IS-H: Display Case Class./Treat.Cat.
ONV5 IS-H: Services for Treatmnt Category
ONV6 IS-H: Display Service per
ONV7 IS-H: Maintain Ins. Prov. Types
ONV8 IS-H: Display Guarantor Types
ONV9 IS-H: Create CP/EP Discount
ONVA ISH: View Maintenance Institutions
ONVB ISH: View maint. classification cat.
ONVC ISH: View maint. classification type

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