SAP Transaction code page 24

SAP Transaction code

code academy
ECC 6.0 Transaction code lists
Transaction code Descriptions
MC26 Display Update
MC27 Create Evaluation Structure
MC28 Change Evaluation Structure
MC29 Display Evaluation Structure
MC30 Update Log
MC31 Create Planning
MC35 Create Rough-Cut Planning Profile
MC36 Change Rough-Cut Planning Profile
MC37 Display Rough-Cut Planning Profile
MC38 Number range maintenance: MC_ERKO
MC3V U3 update
MC40 INVCO: ABC Analysis of Usage Values
MC41 INVCO: ABC Analysis of Reqmt Values
MC42 INVCO: Range of Coverage by Usg.Val.
MC43 INVCO: Range Of Coverage By Reqmts
MC44 INVCO:Analysis of Inventory Turnover
MC45 INVCO: Analysis of Usage Values
MC46 INVCO: Analysis of Slow-Moving Items
MC47 INVCO: Analysis of Reqmt Values
MC48 INVCO: Anal. of Current Stock Values
MC49 INVCO: Mean Stock Values
MC50 INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock
MC59 Revise Planning Hierarchy
MC60 Maintain SOP Plant
MC61 Create Planning Hierarchy
MC62 Change Planning Hierarchy
MC63 Display Planning Hierarchy
MC64 Create Event
MC65 Change Event
MC66 Display Event
MC67 screen: genl.plg.hier.
MC6A Sales and Operations Planning
MC6B Sales and Operations Planning
MC70 Maintain Capacity Planning (SOP)
MC71 Evaluation: Product Group Hierarchy
MC72 Evaluation: Product Group Usage
MC73 Evaluation: Material Usage
MC74 Transfer Mat. to Demand Management
MC75 Transfer PG to Demand Management
MC76 Disaggregation: Planning
MC77 Disaggregation: Display Planning
MC78 Copy SOP Version
MC79 User Settings for SOP
MC7A Plant Distribution
MC7B Information Structure: Units
MC7C Key Figure Parameters: Info Struct.
MC7D Planning Parameters: LIS
MC7E ALE Configuration for Info Structure
MC7F Planning Parameters
MC7M Methods maintenance
MC7N Price Band Prices
MC7O Characteristic Fields for Info Str.
MC7P COPA Profile
MC7Q Characteristic Assignment
MC7R Key Figure(s) Assignment
MC80 Delete and activate versions
MC81 Sales and Operations Planning
MC82 Sales and Operations Planning
MC83 Sales and Operations Planning
MC84 Create Product Group
MC85 Display Product Group
MC86 Change Product Groups
MC87 Sales and Operations Planning
MC88 Sales and Operations Planning
MC89 Sales and Operations Planning
MC8A Create Planning Type
MC8B Change Planning Type
MC8C Display Planning Type
MC8D Mass Processing: Create Planning
MC8E Mass Processing: Change Planning
MC8F Delete Entry in Planning File
MC8G Schedule Mass Processing
MC8H Maintain User Methods
MC8I Mass Processing: Check Planning
MC8J Reprocess Mass Processing
MC8K Copy/Delete Planning Versions
MC8L Calculate Proportions: SOP
MC8M Read Opening Stocks
MC8N Delete forecast versions
MC8O Reset Generation Time Stamp
MC8P Standard SOP: Generate Master Data
MC8Q Aggregate Copy
MC8R RESET: Status for Planning Objects
MC8S Transfer Profiles
MC8T Activities
MC8U Calculate Proportional Factors
MC8V LIS Planning: Copy Versions
MC8W LIS Planning: Delete Versions
MC8X SOP: Distribution Scenario - Select
MC8Y SOP: Distribution Scenario - Display
MC8Z SOP => Key Figure Assignments
MC90 Dm.Mgmt.: Mat.from any IS
MC91 Initial Graphic: Product Groups
MC92 Initial: Product Groups
MC93 Create Flexible LIS Planning
MC94 Change Flexible LIS Planning
MC95 Display Flexible LIS Planning
MC96 Maintain Table 440P
MC97 Number Range Maintenance: MC_SAUF
MC98 Maintain Planning Objects
MC99 Display Planning Objects
MC9A Flexible Planning: Gen. Master Data
MC9B Calc. Proportions as in Pl.Hierarchy
MC9C Reports for Flexible Planning
MC9D Maintain Copy Profiles
MC9E Info Structure: Add to General Char.
MC9F Info Structure: Delete All Charact.
MC9K Maintain Available Capacity
MC9M Process IDOC Mapping
MC9V Define MRP Elements in Key Figure
MC:1 Create exception: EWS/RIS
MC:2 Maintain exception: EWS/RIS
MC:3 Display exception: EWS/RIS
MC:4 Create exception group: RIS
MC:5 Change groups exception: RIS
MC:6 Display exception: RIS
MC:7 Create job for exception: RIS
MC:8 Change jobs exceptions: RIS
MC:9 Display jobs exceptions: RIS
MC:B Schedule jobs exceptions: RIS
MC=1 Create exception: EWS/SFIS
MC=2 Maintain exception: EWS/SFIS
MC=3 Display exception: EWS/SFIS
MC=4 Create groups exception: SFIS
MC=5 Change groups exception: SFIS
MC=6 Display exception: SFIS
MC=7 Create job for exception: SFIS
MC=8 Change jobs exceptions: SFIS
MC=9 Display jobs exceptions: SFIS
MC=B Schedule jobs exceptions: SFIS
MC=E Create exception: EWS/PMIS
MC=F Maintain exception: EWS/PMIS
MC=G Display exception: EWS/PMIS
MC=H Create groups exception: PMIS
MC=I Change groups exception: PMIS
MC=J Display exception: PMIS
MC=K Create job for exception: PMIS
MC=L Change jobs exceptions: PMIS
MC=M Display jobs exceptions: PMIS
MC=N Schedule jobs exceptions: PMIS
MC=Q Display exception: EWS/QMIS
MC=R Maintain exception: EWS/QMIS
MC=S Display exception: EWS/QMIS
MC=T Display groups exception: QMIS
MC=U Change groups exception: QMIS
MC=V Display exception: QMIS
MC=W Create job for exception: QMIS
MC=X Change Jobs: Exceptions QMIS
MC=Y Display Jobs: Exceptions SIS
MC=Z Schedule Jobs: Exceptions QMIS
MC?0 WFIS: Schedule Jobs - Exceptions
MC?1 WFIS: Create Exception
MC?2 WFIS: Maintain Exception
MC?3 WFIS: Display Exception
MC?4 WFIS: Create Exception Group
MC?5 WFIS: Change Exception Group
MC?6 WFIS: Display Exception Group
MC?7 WFIS: Create Jobs - Exceptions
MC?8 WFIS: Change Jobs - Exceptions
MC?9 WFIS: Display Jobs - Exceptions
MCA7 INVCO: Execute Evaluation
MCAA WFIS: Maintain Requirements
MCAB WFIS: Display Requirements
MCAC WFIS: Maintain Formulas
MCAD WFIS: Display Formulas
MCAE WFIS: Activate Updating
MCAF WFIS: Standard Analyses
MCAG WFIS: Customizing
MCAH WFIS: Organization View - Selection
MCAI WFIS: Process View - Selection
MCAJ WFIS: Object View - Selection
MCAK WFIS: Group View - Selection
MCAL WFIS: Sample Scenario - Selection
MCAM WFIS: Append Structure
MCAN WFIS: Selection Program
MCAO WIS: Application PM/QM/SM Selection
MCAP WIS: Delete Data
MCAQ WIS: Correct Data
MCAR WIS: Transfer Data
MCAT WFIS: Display Evaluation Structure
MCAU WFIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCAV WFIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCAW WFIS: Display Evaluation
MCAX WFIS: Change Evaluation
MCAY WFIS: Create Evaluation
MCAZ WFIS: Execute Evaluation
MCB% INVCO: Set up stats. for parm. anal.
MCB& INVCO: Set up statis. for stck/reqt
MCB) INVCO: Long-Term Stock Selection
MCB0 Maintaining Transactn Key BW Transf.
MCB1 Inventory Controlling
MCB2 INVCO: Create Evaluation Structure
MCB3 INVCO: Change Evaluation Structure
MCB4 INVCO: Display Evaluation Structure
MCB5 INVCO: Create Evaluation
MCB6 INVCO: Change Evaluation
MCB7 INVCO: Display Evaluation
MCBA INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection
MCBC INVCO: Stor. Loc. Analysis Selection
MCBE INVCO: Material Analysis Selection
MCBG INVCO: MRP Cntrlr Analysis Selection
MCBI INVCO: Business Area Anal. Selection
MCBK INVCO: MatGrp Analysis Selection
MCBM INVCO: Division Analysis Selection
MCBO INVCO: Mat.Type Analysis Selection
MCBR INVCO: Batch Analysis Selection
MCBV INVCO: Parameter Analysis Selection
MCBZ INVCO: Stck/Reqt Analysis Selection
MCB_ Determine Industry Sector
MCC1 Inventory Controlling
MCC2 Inventory Information System
MCC3 Set Up INVCO Info Structs. from Docs
MCC4 Set Up INVCO Info Structs.from Stock
MCD MI:Process Mobile Component
MCD7 PURCHIS: Create Eval. Structure
MCD8 PURCHIS: Change Eval. Structure
MCD9 PURCHIS: Display Eval. Structure
MCDA PURCHIS: Create Evaluation
MCDB PURCHIS: Change Evaluation
MCDC PURCHIS: Display Evaluation
MCDG PURCHIS: Execute Evaluation
MCE+ PURCHIS: Reporting - Subseq. Settlmt
MCE0 Purchasing Information System
MCE1 PURCHIS: PurchGrp Analysis Selection
MCE2 PURCHIS: Update Diagnosis Purch.Doc.
MCE3 PURCHIS: Vendor Analysis Selection
MCE5 PURCHIS: MatGrp Analysis Selection
MCE7 PURCHIS: Material Analysis Selection
MCE8 PURCHIS: Service Analysis Selection
MCE9 Purchasing Information System
MCEA PURCHIS:Long-Term Plg Vend.Analysis
MCEB PURCHIS:Lng-Term Plg Mat.Gr.Analysis
MCEC PURCHIS:Long-Term Plg Mat. Analysis
MCER PURCHIS: Service Purch.Qty-Selection
MCES PURCHIS: Service Purch.Val-Selection
MCF9 PURCHIS: Quantity Grid - Maintain
MCFA PURCHIS: Grid for Dates - Maintain
MCFB PURCHIS:  Display Pattern
MCFC PURCHIS: Display Pattern On Schedule
MCG1 Rough-Cut Planning Profiles
MCG2 Var. standard anal. def. sett. IS-R
MCG3 Call Self-Defined Analyses: Retail
MCGC RIS: Season: Mvmts + Stk - Selection
MCGD RIS: POS: Sales - Selection
MCGE RIS: POS: Matl Aggr. POS - Selection
MCGF RIS: POS: Cashier - Selection
MCGG RIS: Cust./Material Grp - Selection
MCGH RIS: Customer/Material - Selection
MCGJ RIS: POS: POS Balancing - Selection
MCGK RIS: Matls w/ additionals- Selection
MCGL RIS: Sales data: Customers- Sel.
MCH+ RIS: Display Evaluation Structure
MCH0 Retail Information System
MCH01 Mass Maintenance of Maint. Plans
MCH02 Log of Mass Changes
MCH03 Delete Variant
MCH1 RIS: Execute Evaluation
MCH2 RIS: Create Evaluation
MCH3 RIS: Change Evaluation
MCH4 RIS: Display Evaluation
MCH6 Update Maintenance: RIS
MCH7 RIS: Update Diagnosis
MCH8 RIS: Perishables - Selection
MCH9 RIS: Inventory Controlling - Stores
MCH: RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selection
MCHA RIS: Till Receipt/Matl - Selection
MCHB RIS: Till Receipt - Selection
MCHC Companion sales
MCHD Maintain Dynamic IS Read Rules
MCHG RIS: Purchasing: Mvmt+Stck-Selection
MCHP RIS: Material: Mvmt+Stck - Selection
MCHS RIS: Promotion - Selection
MCHV RIS: Material/Add-On - Selection
MCHY RIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCHZ RIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCH_ Activate IS-R Enhancement for RIS
MCI0 Plant Maintenance Information System
MCI1 PMIS: Object Class Analysis
MCI2 PMIS: Manufacturer Analysis
MCI3 PMIS: Location Analysis
MCI4 PMIS: Planner Group Analysis
MCI5 PMIS: Object Damage Analysis
MCI6 PMIS: Obj.Statistic.Analysis
MCI7 PMIS: Breakdown Analysis
MCI8 PMIS: Cost Evaluation
MCIA PMIS: Customer Notification Analysis
MCIS Call Up PM Standard Analyses
MCIZ PMIS: Vehicle Consumption Analysis
MCJ1 PMIS: Create Evaluation
MCJ2 PMIS: Change Evaluation
MCJ3 PMIS: Display Evaluation
MCJ4 PMIS: Execute Evaluation
MCJ5 PMIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCJ6 PMIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCJ7 PMIS: Display Evaluation Structure
MCJB MTTR/MTBR for Equipment
MCJC FunctLoc: Mean Time Between Repair
MCJE PMIS: Info System
MCK0 Plant Maintenance Information System
MCK1 Create Hierarchy
MCK2 Change hierarchy
MCK3 Display hierarchy
MCK4 Change SAP OIW Hierarchy
MCK5 Display SAP OIW Hierarchy
MCK6 Create Customer OIW Hierarchy
MCK7 Change Customer OIW Hierarchy
MCK8 Display Customer OIW Hierarchy
MCK9 Maintain Customer OIW Info Catalog
MCKA OIW Metadata
MCKB TIS selection version tree
MCKC User-spec. TIS select. version tree
MCKH Selection version tree: Sales
MCKI Selection version tree: Purchasing
MCKJ Selection version tree: Stock
MCKK Selection version tree: Production
MCKL Selection version tree: Quality
MCKM Selection version tree: Plant Maint.
MCKN Selection version tree: Retail
MCKO Selection version tree: General
MCKP User-spec. selec. vers. tree: Sales
MCKQ User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Purchase
MCKR User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Stock
MCKS User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Product.
MCKT User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Quality
MCKU User-spec. sel. vers. tree: PM
MCKV User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Retail
MCKW User-spec. sel. vers. tree: General
MCKY WFIS: Selection Versions (User-Spec)
MCKZ WFIS: Selection Versions (General)
MCL1 WMS: Stck Placemt.+Remov. Selection
MCL5 WMS: Flow of Quantities Selection
MCL9 WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selection
MCLD WM: Material Flow - Selection
MCLH WM: Movement Types - Selection
MCLIMAN MultiClient Manager
MCM% RIS: Create Selection Version
MCM+ WFIS: Create Selection Version
MCM- WFIS: Change Selection Version
MCM/ WFIS: Display Selection Version
MCM0 INVCO: Change selection version
MCM1 SIS: Create selection version
MCM10 TIS: Create selection version
MCM11 TIS: Change selection version
MCM12 TIS: Display selection version
MCM13 TIS: Selection Version: Schedule Job
MCM2 SIS: Change selection version
MCM3 SIS: Display selection version
MCM4 SIS: Selec. version: Schedule job
MCM5 PURCHIS: Create selection version
MCM6 PURCHIS: Change selection version
MCM7 PURCHIS: Display selection version
MCM8 PURCHIS: SelectVers: Schedule job
MCM9 INVCO: Create selection version
MCM? RIS: Schedule Selection Version
MCMA INVCO: Display selection version
MCMB INVCO: SelecVers: Schedule job
MCMC PPIS: Create selection version
MCMD PPIS: Change selection version
MCME PPIS: Display selection version
MCMF PPIS: SelectVers: Schedule job
MCMG QMIS: Create selection version
MCMH QMIS: Change selection version
MCMI QMIS: Display selection version
MCMJ QMIS: Selection Version:Schedule Job
MCMK PMIS: Create selection version
MCML PMIS: Change selection version
MCMM PMIS: Display selection verison
MCMN PMIS: SelectVers: Schedule job
MCMO Create selection version
MCMP Change selection version
MCMQ Display selection version
MCMR Selection Version: Create Variant
MCMS Selection Version: Change Variant
MCMT Selection Version: Display Variant
MCMV Selection version: Schedule job
MCMX RIS: Change Selection Version
MCMY RIS: Display Selection Version
MCMZ RIS: Selection Version: Schedule Job
MCNB BW: Initialize Stock Balances
MCNR Number Range Maintenance: MCLIS
MCO1 RIS: OTB - Selection
MCO2 OTB: Copy Planning Type
MCO4 Create OTB Planning
MCO5 Change OTB Planning
MCO6 Display OTB Planning
MCO7 Create OTB Planning
MCO8 Change OTB Planning
MCO9 Display OTB Planning
MCOA QMIS: Cust. analysis
MCOB QMIS: General Results for Customer
MCOC QMIS: Cust. Analysis Quant. Overview
MCOD QMIS: Quantitative Results for Cust.
MCOE QMIS: Customer Analysis Q Score
MCOG QMIS: Customer Analysis Lot Counter
MCOI QMIS: Customer Analysis Quantities
MCOK QMIS: Customer Analysis Expense
MCOM QMIS: Customer Analysis Level/Disp.
MCOO QMIS: Customer analysis - insp. lots
MCOP QMIS: Cust. Analysis Item Q Not.
MCOV QMIS: Cust. Anal. Overview Q Not.
MCOX QMIS: Customer Analysis Defects
MCP0 Shop Floor Information System
MCP1 SFIS: Operation Analysis Selection
MCP3 SFIS: Material Analysis Selection
MCP5 SFIS: Material Analysis Selection
MCP6 Goods rcpt analysis: repetitive mfg
MCP7 SFIS: Work Center Analysis Selection
MCP8 Goods rcpt analysis: repetitive mfg
MCP9 SFIS: Select Run Schedule
MCPB Operation analysis: Dates
MCPD Production order analysis: Dates
MCPF Material analysis: Dates
MCPH Work center analysis: Dates
MCPI Menu: Production Info System
MCPK Operation analysis: Quantities
MCPM Production order anal.: Quantities
MCPO Material analysis: Quantities
MCPQ Work center analysis: Quantities
MCPS Operation analysis: Lead time
MCPU Production Order Analysis: Lead Time
MCPW Material analysis: Lead time
MCPY Work center analysis: Lead time
MCQ. SFIS: Kanban analysis selection
MCQA Call Up QM Standard Analyses
MCR1 SFIS: Create Evaluation
MCR2 SFIS: Change Evaluation
MCR3 SFIS: Display Evaluation
MCR4 SFIS: Execute Evaluation
MCR7 SFIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCR8 SFIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCR9 SFIS: Display Evaluation Structure
MCR: Std Analyses: User Settings
MCRA LIS Layout Reports
MCRB LIS: Generate Evaluations
MCRC Charact. Texts for Eval. Structures
MCRE Material Usage Analysis: Selection
MCRG Change Settings: PPIS
MCRH Display Settings: PPIS
MCRI Product Cost Analysis: Selection
MCRJ Prod. Cost Analysis: Repetitive Mfg
MCRK Prod. Cost Analysis: Repetitive Mfg
MCRM Reporting Point Stats.: Selection
MCRO Matl consumptn anal.: repetitive mfg
MCRP Matl consumptn anal.: repetitive mfg
MCRQ Call Standard Analyses: PP-IS
MCRT LIS Readings for Internal Numbers
MCRU PP-PI: Operation Analysis Selection
MCRV PP-PI: Process Order Analysis
MCRW PP-PI: Resources Selection
MCRX PP-PI: Material Usage Analysis
MCRY PP-PI: Product Cost Analysis
MCS$ Info Structure Data: Process Archive
MCS% Info Structure Data: Manage Archive
MCS& Info Structure Data: Reload Archive
MCS/ Mass Generation: Info Struct./Update
MCS1 Standard Analyses; General Logistics
MCS2 Routine LIS Settings
MCS3 Routine SIS Settings
MCS4 Routine INVCO Settings
MCS5 Routine PURCHIS Settings
MCS6 Routine PPIS Settings
MCS7 SIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCS8 SIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCS9 SIS: Display Evalaution Structure
MCS= Info Structure Data: Create Archive
MCSA SIS: Create Evaluation
MCSB SIS: Change Evaluation
MCSC SIS: Display Evaluation
MCSCHECK Check Utility - Logistic Infosystem
MCSD Routine PMIS Settings
MCSE Routine QMIS Settings
MCSF Routine RIS Settings
MCSG SIS: Execute Evaluation
MCSH Call Std. Analyses of Customer Appl.
MCSI Call Standard Analyses of Sales
MCSJ Call Standard Analyses of Purchasing
MCSK Call Standard Analyses of Stocks
MCSL Call Shop Floor Standard Analyses
MCSM1 TIS: Create evaluation
MCSM2 TIS: Change evaluation
MCSM3 TIS: Display evaluation
MCSM4 TIS: Execute evaluation
MCSM5 TIS: Create evaluation structure
MCSM6 TIS: Change evaluation structure
MCSM7 TIS: Display evaluation structure
MCSO Current Settings: TIS
MCSR Standard Analyses External Data
MCSS Display Log: Gen. Info Structure
MCST Display Log: Gen. Updating
MCSV Call View V_TMC6P_D
MCSW Archiving of Selection Versions
MCSX Archive Statistical Data
MCSY Reset Time Stamp: LIS Generation
MCSZ Convert LIS Statistical Data
MCT0 Initial SIS Screen
MCT1 Standard SDIS Analyses
MCT2 Initial SIS Screen
MCTA SIS: Customer Analysis - Selection
MCTC SIS: Material Analysis - Selection
MCTE SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selection
MCTG SIS: Sales Office Analysis Selection
MCTI SIS: Sales Empl. Analysis Selection
MCTK SIS: Shipping Pt. Analysis Selection
MCTV01 SIS: Sales Activity - Selection
MCTV02 SIS: Sales Promotions - Selection
MCTV03 SIS: Address List - Selection
MCTV04 SIS: Address Counter - Selection
MCTV05 SIS: Customer Potential Analysis
MCU0 Transportation Info System (TIS)
MCU1 Create LIS Unit
MCU2 Delete LIS Unit
MCU3 Call Standard Analyses: Transportatn
MCUA TIS: Shpt analysis
MCUB TIS: Shipment Analysis: Routes
MCUC TIS: ShipmentAnaly: MeansOfTransport
MCUD TIS: Shipment Analysis: Shipping
MCUE TIS: Shipment Analysis: Stages
MCUF TIS: Shipment Analysis: Material
MCV0 Purchasing Information System
MCV1 QMIS: Vendor analysis - insp. lot
MCV3 QMIS: Material analysis - insp. lot
MCV5 Call Up Price List w.Stepped Display
MCV6 Call Up Indiv. Customer Prices List
MCV7 Call Up List of Price Groups
MCV8 Call Up Material/MatPrcGroup List
MCV9 Call Up List of Incomplete Documents
MCVA QMIS: Vendor Analysis Lot Overview
MCVB QMIS: General Results for Vendor
MCVC QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Qty Overview
MCVCHECK01 SIS: Update Group Check
MCVD QMIS: Quant. Results for Vendor
MCVE QMIS: Vendor Analysis Quality Score
MCVG QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Lot Numbers
MCVI QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Quantities
MCVK QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Effort
MCVM QMIS: Vendor Analyis - Level & Disp.
MCVO Vendor Analysis - Lots Overview
MCVP QMIS: vendor analysis items Q notif.
MCVQ Quality Management Info System QMIS
MCVR SIS: update diagnosis - order
MCVS TIS: Update Diagnosis: Transportatn
MCVT SIS: update diagnosis - delivery
MCVV SIS: update diagnosis - billing doc.
MCVVK SIS: Updating - Sales Activities
MCVW INVCO: Update Diagnosis MatDoc
MCVX QMIS: Vendor analysis defects
MCVY INVCO: Update Diagnosis AcctngDoc
MCVZ QMIS: Ven. Analysis- Q Not. Overview
MCW1 PURCHIS: Evaluate Payment Header
MCW2 PURCHIS: Evaluate Payment Item
MCW3 PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Header
MCW4 PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Item
MCW5 Payment: Simulate Updating
MCW6 LIS Setup for Agency Documents
MCWIS FK Simulation Inventory Document
MCWRP FK Simulation Invoice Document
MCW_AA_APP Maintain Analytical Applications
MCW_AA_METH Maint. Methods for Analytical Apps
MCW_AA_QUERY Maint. Queries for Analytical Apps
MCW_AA_TEST Test Remote Execution of Queries
MCX1 QMIS: Create Evaluation
MCX2 QMIS: Change Evaluation
MCX3 QMIS: Display Evaluation
MCX4 QMIS: Execute Evaluation
MCX7 QIS: Create Evaluation Structure
MCX8 QIS: Change Evaluation Structure
MCX9 QIS: display evaluation structure
MCXA QMIS: Material Analysis-Lot Overview
MCXB QMIS: General Results for Material
MCXC QMIS: Matl Analysis - Qty Overview
MCXD QMIS: Quant. Results for Material
MCXE QMIS: Matl Analysis - Quality Score
MCXG QMIS: Matl Analysis - Lot Numbers
MCXI QMIS: Material Analysis - Quantities
MCXK QMIS: Material Analysis - Effort
MCXM QMIS: Matl Analysis - Level & Disp.
MCXP QMIS: Matl. Analysis - Q Notif. Item
MCXV QMIS: mat. analysis overview Q not.
MCXX QMIS: Material analysis defects
MCY1 Create Exception EWS/LIS
MCY2 Maintain Exception EWS/LIS
MCY3 Display Exception (EWS/LIS)
MCY4 Create Group Exception
MCY5 Change Group Exception
MCY6 Display Exception
MCY7 Create Job For Exception
MCY8 Change Jobs: Exceptions
MCY9 Display Jobs: Exceptions
MCYA Delete Jobs: Exceptions
MCYB Plan Jobs: Exceptions
MCYG Exception Analysis INVCO
MCYH Exception Analysis: PURCHIS
MCYI Exception Analysis: SIS
MCYJ Exception Analysis: PP-IS
MCYK Exception Analysis: PM-IS
MCYL Exception Analysis: QM-IS
MCYM Exception Analysis: Retail IS
MCYN Exception Analysis: LIS-General
MCYO Exception analysis: TIS
MCYO0 Schedule Jobs: Exceptions: TIS
MCYO1 Create Exception: EWS/TIS
MCYO2 Maintain Exception: EWS/TIS
MCYO3 Display Exception: EWS/TIS
MCYO4 Create Exception Group: TIS
MCYO5 Change Exception Group: TIS
MCYO6 Display Exception: TIS
MCYO7 Create Job for Exception: TIS
MCYO8 Change Jobs: Exceptions: TIS
MCYO9 Display jobs: Exceptions SIS
MCYY WFIS: Exception Analysis
MCZ1 Create LIS Inbound Interface
MCZ2 Change LIS Inbound Interface
MCZ3 Display LIS Inbound Interface
MD00 MRP : external procurement
MD01 MRP Run
MD02 MRP - Single-item
MD03 MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level
MD04 Display Stock/Requirements Situation
MD05 Individual Display Of MRP List
MD06 Collective Display Of MRP List
MD07 Current Material Overview
MD08 Reorg. MRP Lists
MD09 Pegging
MD11 Create Planned Order
MD12 Change Planned Order
MD13 Display Planned Order
MD14 Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord.
MD15 Collective Conversion Of Plnd Ordrs.
MD16 Collective Display of Planned Orders
MD17 Collective Requirements Display
MD19 Firm Planned Orders
MD20 Create Planning File Entry
MD21 Display Planning File Entry
MD25 Create Planning Calendar
MD26 Change Planning Calendar
MD27 Display Planning Calendar
MD41 MPS - Single-item
MD42 MPS - Single-item
MD43 MPS - Single-item
MD44 MPS Evaluation
MD45 MRP List Evaluation
MD46 Eval. MRP lists of MRP controller
MD47 Product Group Planning Evaluation
MD48 Cross-Plant Evaluation
MD4C Multilevel Order Report
MD50 Sales order planning
MD51 Individual project planning
MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements
MD62 Change Planned Indep. Requirements
MD63 Display Planned Indep. Requirements
MD64 Create Planned Indep.Requirements
MD65 Change Standard Indep.Requirements
MD66 Display Standard Indep.Requirements
MD67 Staggered Split
MD70 Copy Total Forecast
MD71 Copy Reference Changes
MD72 Evaluation; Charac.Plnng Techniques
MD73 Display Total Indep. Requirements
MD74 Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts
MD75 Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts
MD76 Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History
MD79 PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer
MD81 Create Customer Indep. Requirements
MD82 Change customer indep. requirement
MD83 Display Customer Indep. Requirements
MD85 List Customer Indep. Requirements
MD90 Maintain Number Range for MRP
MD91 Maintain No. Range for Planned Order
MD92 Maint.No.Range for Reserv/Dep.Reqmt
MD93 Maintain Number Range: MDSM
MD94 Number range maint.: Total reqs
MDAB Planning File - Set Up BATCH
MDAC Execute Action for Planned Order
MDBA BAPI planned order processing
MDBS MPS - total planning run
MDBT MRP Run In Batch
MDC7 Start MD07 by using report
MDDISPONENT MRP Controller Workflow
MDF_ATTRSET Maintain Set Types and Attributes
MDHI Master Data and Hierarchy
MDL1 Create Production Lot
MDL2 Change Production Lot
MDL3 Display Production Lot
MDLD Print MRP List
MDM1 Mail To Vendor
MDM2 Mail to Vendor
MDM3 Mail to Customer
MDM4 Mail to MRP Controller
MDM5 Workflow: Mail to MRP Controller
MDMC Send Customers (MDM)
MDMGX MDM Generic Extraction Framework
MDMGXC0 Transaction for MDMGXC0
MDMGXC1 Transaction for MDMGXC1
MDMGXC2 Transaction for MDMGXC2
MDMGXMOBJ Maintain Object Types
MDMV Send Vendors (MDM)
MDM_CLNT_EXTR Local Extraction
MDM_FSBP_TEST Tests MDM Scenarios for FSBP
MDP0 Independent Requirements
MDP1 Create combination structure
MDP2 Change combination structure
MDP3 Display combination structure
MDP4 Maintain combinations
MDP6 Modeling
MDPH Planning Profile
MDPP Demand Management
MDPV Planning variant: Initial screen
MDRD1 Determine Delivery Relationship
MDRD2 Change Delivery Relationship
MDRD3 Display Delivery Relationship
MDRD4 Delete Delivery Relationship
MDRE Checking Plnng File In BCKGRND Mode
MDRP Distribution Resource Planning
MDSA Display Serial Numbers
MDSP Change BOM Explosion Numbers
MDS_LINKS Get the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP
MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT Synchronization Cockpit
MDS_PPO2 MiniPlatform: Edit PPO Orders
MDUM Convert Planned Orders into PReqs
MDUP Maintain Project New Key Assignment
MDUS Assign New Key to WBS Elements
MDVP Collective Availability Check PAUF
MDW1 Access MRP control program
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME03 Display Source List
ME04 Changes to Source List
ME05 Generate Source List
ME06 Analyze Source List
ME07 Reorganize Source List
ME08 Send Source List
ME0M Source List for Material
ME11 Create Purchasing Info Record
ME12 Change Purchasing Info Record
ME13 Display Purchasing Info Record
ME14 Changes to Purchasing Info Record
ME15 Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion
ME16 Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion
ME17 Archive Info Records
ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record
ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records
ME1B Redetermine Info Record Price
ME1E Quotation Price History
ME1L Info Records per Vendor
ME1M Info Records per Material
ME1P Purchase Order Price History
ME1W Info Records per Material Group
ME1X Buyers Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
ME1Y Buyers Negotiat. Sheet for Material
ME21 Create Purchase Order
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22 Change Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23 Display Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME24 Maintain Purchase Order Supplement
ME25 Create PO with Source Determination
ME26 Display PO Supplement (IR)
ME27 Create Stock Transport Order
ME28 Release Purchase Order
ME29N Release purchase order
ME2A Monitor Confirmations
ME2B POs by Requirement Tracking Number
ME2C Purchase Orders by Material Group
ME2J Purchase Orders for Project
ME2K Purch. Orders by Account Assignment
ME2L Purchase Orders by Vendor
ME2M Purchase Orders by Material
ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number
ME2O SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)
ME2S Services per Purchase Order
ME2V Goods Receipt Forecast
ME2W Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant
ME308 Send Contracts with Conditions
ME31 Create Outline Agreement
ME31K Create Contract
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32 Change Outline Agreement
ME32K Change Contract
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME33 Display Outline Agreement
ME33K Display Contract
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
ME34 Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement
ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement
ME34L Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement
ME35 Release Outline Agreement
ME35K Release Contract
ME35L Release Scheduling Agreement
ME36 Display Agreement Supplement (IR)
ME37 Create Transport Scheduling Agmt.
ME38 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule
ME39 Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST)
ME3A Transm. Release Documentation Record
ME3B Outl. Agreements per Requirement No.
ME3C Outline Agreements by Material Group
ME3J Outline Agreements per Project
ME3K Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment
ME3L Outline Agreements per Vendor
ME3M Outline Agreements by Material
ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No.
ME3P Recalculate Contract Price
ME3R Recalculate Sched. Agreement Price
ME3S Service List for Contract
ME41 Create Request For Quotation
ME42 Change Request For Quotation
ME43 Display Request For Quotation
ME44 Maintain RFQ Supplement
ME45 Release RFQ
ME47 Create Quotation
ME48 Display Quotation
ME49 Price Comparison List
ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number
ME4C RFQs by Material Group
ME4L RFQs by Vendor
ME4M RFQs by Material
ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number
ME4S RFQs by Collective Number
ME51 Create Purchase Requisition
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
ME52 Change Purchase Requisition
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
ME52NB Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisition
ME53 Display Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME54 Release Purchase Requisition
ME54N Release Purchase Requisition
ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.
ME56 Assign Source to Purch. Requisition
ME57 Assign and Process Requisitions
ME58 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions
ME59 Automatic Generation of POs
ME59N Automatic generation of POs
ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display
ME5F Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition
ME5J Purchase Requisitions for Project
ME5K Requisitions by Account Assignment
ME5R Archived Purchase Requisitions
ME5W Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions
ME60 Screenpainter Test
ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME62 Display Vendor Evaluation
ME63 Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria
ME64 Evaluation Comparison
ME65 Evaluation Lists
ME69 List non confirmed WEB releases
ME6A Changes to Vendor Evaluation
ME6B Display Vendor Evaln. for Material
ME6C Vendors Without Evaluation
ME6D Vendors Not Evaluated Since...
ME6E Evaluation Records Without Weighting
ME6F Print
ME6G Vendor Evaluation in the Background
ME6H Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluation
ME6Z Transport Vendor Evaluation Tables
ME80 Purchasing Reporting
ME80A Purchasing Reporting: RFQs
ME80AN General Analyses (A)
ME80F Purchasing Reporting: POs
ME80FN General Analyses (F)
ME80R Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts.
ME80RN General Analyses (L
ME81 Analysis of Order Values
ME81N Analysis of Order Values
ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents
ME84 Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases
ME84A Individual Display of SA Release
ME85 Renumber Schedule Lines
ME86 Aggregate Schedule Lines
ME87 Summarize PO History
ME88 Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. Date
ME89 Release of Stopped SA Releases
ME91 Purchasing Docs.: Urging/Reminding
ME91A Urge Submission of Quotations
ME91E Sch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Remind.
ME91F Purchase Orders: Urging/Reminders
ME92 Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME92F Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME92K Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME92L Monitor Order Acknowledgment
ME97 Archive Purchase Requisitions
ME98 Archive Purchasing Documents
ME99 Messages from Purchase Orders
ME9A Message Output: RFQs
ME9E Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Schedules
ME9F Message Output: Purchase Orders
ME9K Message Output: Contracts
ME9L Message Output: Sched. Agreements
MEAN Delivery Addresses
MEB0 Reversal of Settlement Runs
MEB1 Create Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)
MEB2 Change Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)
MEB3 Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)
MEB4 Settlement re Vendor Rebate Arrs.
MEB5 List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements
MEB6 Busn. Vol. Data
MEB7 Extend Vendor Rebate Arrangements
MEB8 Det. Statement
MEB9 Stat. Statement
MEBA Comp. Suppl. BV
MEBB Check Open Docs.
MEBC Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett.
MEBE Workflow Sett. re Vendor Reb. Arrs.
MEBF Updating of External Busn. Volumes
MEBG Chg. Curr. (Euro)
MEBH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)
MEBI Message
MEBJ Recompile Income
MEBK Message.
MEBM List of settlement runs for arrngmts
MEBOR Work Center Conversion
MEBR Archive Rebate Arrangements
MEBS Stmnt. Sett. Docs.
MEBT Test Data: External Business Volumes
MEBV Extend Rebate Arrangements (Dialog)
MECCM Send Purchasing Data to Catalog
MECCP_ME2K For Requisition Account Assignment
MEDL Price Change: Contract
MEER Mass Act: Create Electronic Bill
MEI1 Automatic Purchasing Document Change
MEI2 Automatic Document Change
MEI3 Recompilation of Document Index
MEI4 Compile Worklist for Document Index
MEI5 Delete Worklist for Document Index
MEI6 Delete purchasing document index
MEI7 Change sales prices in purch. orders
MEI8 Recomp. doc. index settlement req.
MEI9 Recomp. doc. index vendor bill. doc.
MEIA New Structure Doc.Ind. Cust. Sett.
MEIS Data Selection: Arrivals
MEK1 Create Conditions (Purchasing)
MEK2 Change Conditions (Purchasing)
MEK3 Display Conditions (Purchasing)
MEK31 Condition Maintenance: Change
MEK32 Condition Maintenance: Change
MEK33 Condition Maintenance: Change
MEK4 Create Conditions (Purchasing)
MEKA Conditions: General Overview
MEKB Conditions by Contract
MEKC Conditions by Info Record
MEKD Conditions for Material Group
MEKE Conditions for Vendor
MEKF Conditions for Material Type
MEKG Conditions for Condition Group
MEKH Market Price
MEKI Conditions for Incoterms
MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party
MEKK Conditions for Vendor Sub-Range
MEKL Price Change: Scheduling Agreements
MEKLE Currency Change: Sched. Agreements
MEKP Price Change: Info Records
MEKPE Currency Change: Info Records
MEKR Price Change: Contracts
MEKRE Currency Change: Contracts
MEKX Transport Condition Types Purchasing
MEKY Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur.)
MEKZ Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.)
MEL0 Service Entry Sheet
MELB Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.
MEM1 Replacement for Purchase Order Item
MEMASSCONTRACT Mass Changing of Contracts
MEMASSIN Mass-Changing of Purch. Info Records
MEMASSPO Mass Change of Purchase Orders
MEMASSRQ Mass-Changing of Purch. Requisitions
MEMASSSA Mass Changing of Sched. Agreements
MEMON_CUST Activating monitoring for RC-monitor
MEMPADELIM Maintain Delimiters for Message
MENU_MIGRATION Menu Migration into New Hierarchy
MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Info
MEPB Price Info/Vendor Negotiations
MEPO Purchase Order
MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
MEQ4 Changes to Quota Arrangement
MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement
MEQ7 Reorganize Quota Arrangement
MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangements
MEQB Revise Quota Arrangement
MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material
MER4 Settlement re Customer Rebate Arrs.
MER5 List of Customer Rebate Arrangements
MER6 Busn. Vols.
MER7 Extension of Cust. Reb. Arrangements
MER8 Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs.
MER9 Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats.
MERA Comp. Suppl. BV
MERB Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr.
MERE Workflow: Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs.
MEREP_BWAFDEL delivery of BWAFMAPP entries
MEREP_DISP_DQ display  download data
MEREP_DISP_UQ display  upload data
MEREP_EX_REPLIC Execute Replicator
MEREP_GEN_ALL Transaction to generate all

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