SAP Transaction code page 9


code academy
ECC 6.0 Transaction code lists
Transaction code Descriptions
DEMO_REPORT_TRANSACT Report Transaction with SelScrn 500
DEMO_SCREEN_FLOW Demonstration for Screen Sequences
DEMO_SELSCREEN_DYNP Selection Screen as Initial Screen
DEMO_TCD DEMO of a TCD Recording
DEMO_TRANSACTION Demonstration Transaction
DEVBOOK Project management
DEVICE_CONFIG Device Configuration
DEXP Expediting
DGA1 DG: Activation DG Checks
DGA10 Assign DG check schema/SD documents
DGA2 DG-Check Schema-Determ. Routine
DGA3 DG - Check Methods
DGA4 Usage Profile DG Check Routines
DGA5 DG: Countries en Route
DGA6 DG: Alloctn Chk Schema/Chk Methods
DGA7 Usage Context DG Check Schema
DGA8 DG-CheckSchemaDetRoutineShipmentDoc
DGA9 Allocate DG-CheckSchema/ShipmentDoc
DGAA DG: Output Cond. for MatMast Fields
DGAB DG: Profile for DG Ind. in Del. Head
DGAC DG: Controlling EDI Processing
DGC2 DG: Specify Transport Type
DGC4 DG: Define DG Classes
DGC5 DG: Define Water Pollution Classes
DGC6 DG: Specify Danger Label
DGC8 Text IDs standard/user-defined texts
DGC9 DG: Dialog type for ident. no.
DGCA DG: Hazard Notes
DGCB DG: Labels for Printing
DGCC DG: Hazard Identification Numbers
DGCD DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances
DGCE DG: VbF Classes
DGCF DG: Storage Hazard Classes
DGCG DG: Processing Status
DGCH DG: Maintain indicator profile
DGCI DG: Date Determination
DGCK Txt names for DG MatMast ind. txts
DGCL DG: Primary and Secondary Languages
DGCM DG: Assign check list
DGCN DG: Assign check list (pack.)
DGCR DG: Regulations
DGCS Texts for mode of transport cats.
DGCV DG UN Number and Description
DGD1 Maint. and Assign Regulation Profile
DGD2 Assignmt Regul. Profile/Indic. Cat.
DGD3 Checkbox Struc. for T/O-T Materials
DGE4 First database via DGP1
DGE5 DG Filling from Spec. Management
DGE6 DG Simul. of Filling from Spec. Mgmt
DGP0 Basic Data: Environment
DGP1 Create Dangerous Goods Master
DGP10 Generate Phrase Sets
DGP2 Change Dangerous Goods Master
DGP3 Display Dangerous Goods Master
DGP5 Report for sending dangerous goods
DGP5S Report to Simulate Sending
DGP7 Display import logs
DGP8 Delete import logs
DGP9 Activate phrase library
DGPREL Dangerous Goods Product Release
DGR1 Displaying DG master data
DGR2 Dangerous goods: Change document
DGR3 Display DG Packaging Data
DGR4 Display DG Packaging Data
DGSD Display Report Logs
DGTD DG: Maintain mat-dependent texts
DGTU DG: Maintain mat-independent texts
DGU0 DG: Conversion of Customizing Tables
DGU1 DG: Conversion of DG Reg. tables
DGU2 DG: Conversion Texts/Descriptions
DGU3 DG: Converting the DG Descriptions
DGUC DG: Test refer. integrity regulation
DGUD DG: Test ref. integrity of C tables
DGUM DG: Convert field LWDG to MasterData
DIACLC1 Logbook: counter type definition
DIACLC2 Customizing for cntr upd in Logbook
DIACLC3 Logbook: Dig. signature customizing
DIACLC4 Log Entry Type customizing
DICTIONARY Terminology and Glossary Maintenance
DIOHFWC1 Application definition (cust.)
DIOHFWC2 Node type specification (Customizing
DIOHFWC3 Hierarchy definition (customizing)
DIOHFWC4 Fcode definitions (customizing)
DIS01 Collective Processing Distribution
DIS05 Cost Distribution: Overview
DIWPSC2 Custom. of Time Interval in MEB
DIWPSC3 Customizing of Fleet for the MEB
DIWPSC4 Customizing of Revision Type
DIWPS_REVNR Number range maintenance: WPS_REV
DIWPS_REVNRS Number Range Maintenance: WPS_REV
DI_0MVTPM Movement Types for PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS1 SN Criteria in Sales Documents
DI_0PCS2 Stock Determ. Rule PM/CS Orders
DI_0PCS3 Customizing Stock Determ. in PM/CS
DI_PCS1 Stock Det. Rules for Special Stock
DI_SCCOUNT Meas.Point for Subcontracting
DL10 Download
DL11 Create download profile
DL12 Change condition download profile
DL13 Display condition download profile
DLC2 Comparison of Delivery Confirmations
DLCN Delivery Confirmation Matching
DLOG BRE: Overview of Extract Generation
DMC Start DMC Interface
DMCAPP Maintain Applications in DMC Tool
DMCCONF DMC Configuration
DMCDIGEN Generate Runtime Objects for DI-2
DMCGEN1 Generate Runtime Object
DMCISB Maintain Direct Input 2
DMCRULE Maintain Global Transfer Rules
DMCWB Workbench for DMC Development
DMEE DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool
DMEE1 DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool
DMEE1_DEBUG DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode
DMEE_DEBUG DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode
DMLCUST Customizing for MDF Objects
DMLCUSTOBJTYPE Customizing for MDF Object Types
DMS_FOLDER1 Find favorites
DMWB Document Modeling Workbench
DNOTIF Basic Notification
DNOTIFREP Basis Notification Reporting
DNOTIFWL Basic Notifications Worklist
DNOTIFWL_EWT Basic Notifications Worklist
DNOTIF_EWT Basic Notification
DNOTIF_FCT Basic Notification
DNOTIF_FCT_EWT Basic Notification
DNO_CUST01 Settings for Notification Type
DNO_CUST02 Settings for Partner Types
DNO_CUST03 Settings for Note Types
DNO_CUST04 Basic Notification: User Settings
DNO_CUST05 Subscreen Control
DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance
DNO_UPDATE Manual Adjustment
DOKU_BARC Users Guide: Bar Chart Graphics
DOKU_CNET_CLUST Users Guide: Cluster Editor
DOKU_CNET_HIER Users Guide: Hierarchy Graphics
DOKU_CNET_NETZ Users Guide: Network Graphics
DP101 Reset Billing Plan Date
DP60 Change Accounting Indicator in LI
DP70 Conversion of Individual Orders
DP80 SM: Resource-Related Quotation
DP81 PS: Sales Pricing
DP82 PS: Sales Pricing Project
DP90 CS: Resource-Related Billing Doc.
DP91 SD: Resource-Related Billing Doc.
DP93 Res.-Rel. Billing Btwn Comp. Codes
DP95 Resource-Rel. Billing
DP96 Res-Rel.Billing Collect.Proc - Sales
DP97 Res-Rel. Billing Collect. Proc.-Srvc
DP98 Resource for Billing Request
DP99A Doc.Flow Reporting - Res.-Rel. Bill.
DP99B Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill. - SD
DP99C Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill.-Service
DPRL Change Material When Profile Deleted
DPRV Change Material When Profile Changed
DRAIRPORT Display Airport Data
DRAW_RES Display Reserve Fields
DRBBOOK Display Company Booking
DRBOOK Display Booking
DRB_SHOW_CALL_DUMMY DRB Call for Layout Maintenance
DRC1 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient
DRC2 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient
DRC3 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient
DRC4 Conditions: V_T681F for R DR
DRC5 Access Sequences: Deriv. Recipient
DRC6 Strategy Types: Derivation Recipient
DRC7 Search Proc.: Derivation Recipient
DRCARR Display Carrier
DRCONN Display Connection
DRCOUNTRY Display Country
DRCUSTOM Booked Flights
DRE Delivery-Related Analyses
DRFLIGHT Display Flight Data
DRP0 Network Graphic
DRP4 Network Graphic/Quotas View
DRP8 Maintain Materials Deployment
DRP9 Maintain Plant Categories
DRPA Definition of DRP Planning Run
DRPB Deployment: Background Processing
DRPBOOK Display Private Booking
DRPLANETYPE Display Aircraft Type
DRPM Deployment for Material
DRPO Deployment for Material
DRPS Calculate Safety Stock
DRPW Deployment for Plant
DSA Service Session Workbench
DSADEV_OLD Service Development Workbench
DSAL Digital Signature Logs
DSA_ITS DSVAS: ITS start transaction
DSA_SESSION_OPEN Open the Service Assistant session
DSC1 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender
DSC2 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender
DSC3 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender
DSC4 Conditions: V_T681F for R DS
DSC5 Access Sequences: Derivation Sender
DSC6 Strategy Types: Derivation Sender
DSC7 Search Procedures: Derivation Sender
DSETGEN BRE: Create Error Extract from Log
DSINA Display Backlog Entry in Extract
DTR0 Enter Downtimes
DUMMY_MASS_EINE Dummy transaction for mail execution
DUMMY_MASS_EKKO Dummy transaction for mail execution
DUMMY_MASS_MARC Dummy transaction for mail execution
DUMMY_MASS_VENDOR Load programs global data
DVC1 Derivation: No. Range f. Deriv. No.
DVC2 Derivation: No. Range f. Cond. Recds
DVC8 Assignmt of Search Procedure to Evnt
DVCO Condition Records Via Bill of Mat.
DVDC Delete Extended Batch Where-Used Lst
DVDL Delete Derivation Log
DVMAN Perform Manual Derivation
DVMO Monitor
DVR1 Create Derivation Recipient Record
DVR2 Change Derivation Recipient Record
DVR3 Display Derivation Recipient Record
DVS1 Create Derivation Sender Record
DVS2 Change Derivation Sender Record
DVS3 Display Derivation Sender Record
DVSA Shipping Approval
DVSP Set Up Derivation
DWDM Development Workbench Demos
DXCF DARTX Field Catalog
DXCS DARTX Segment Catalog
DXEV DARTX Extract Administration
DXVW DARTX Data View Administration
DXX01 DARTX Maintain Authorization Groups
DXX02 DARTX Segment Maintenance
DXX03 DARTX Maintain SAP Segment Control
DXX04 DARTX Maintain MasterData Indicators
DXX05 DARTX Application Maintenance
DXX06 DARTX Reference Table Maintenance
DXX07 DARTX Data Set/Segment Assignments
DXX08 DARTX Data Set Maintenance
DXX09 DARTX Global Settings Maintenance
DXX10 DARTX Maintain Segment Relationships
DXX11 DARTX Maintain Sel.Parameter Display
DXX12 DARTX Directory Group Maintenance
DXX13 DARTX Maintain Customer Seg. Control
DXX14 DARTX Maintain Reference Crcy/Qty
DXXV DARTX Define Data Extract Views
DXXVW Execute Data View
DZ00 Introduction to
E1DY Create/Rep. Dynamic Schedule Records
E25M Extend Budget Billing Plan
E25T Select BillOrder/Uninvoiced BillDocs
E2DY Change/Display Dyn. Schedule Records
E309 Define Air Pressure Areas
E3DY Delete Dynamic Schedule Records
E40A Display Sched. Recs
E40B Change Sched. Recs
E41A Display Portion
E41B Create Portion
E41C Change Portion
E41D List of Sched. Master Recs
E41E Delete Portion
E41F Display MR Units
E41G Change MR Unit
E41H Create Meter Reading Unit
E41I Delete MR Unit
E41J Maint. Portion
E41L List of MRUs Alloc. to Main MRU
E42A Display Parameter Recs
E42B Create Parameter Recs
E42C Change Parameter Recs
E42D List of Parameter Recs
E42F Delete Parameter Rec
E43A Generate Sched. Recs for Rec Types
E43B Generate SRs of all MRUs of Portion
E43C List of Sched. Recs
E43D List of all MRUs of a Portion
E43E Activate Meter Reading Units
E4DY Delete Dynamic Schedule Records
E61CD Delete Correspondence Data
E61D Delete Budget Billing Plan
E61K Maintain Defaults for BB Procedure
E61L Charges Plan Active for Div. Cat. 06
E61M Adjust BB Plans Automatically
E61PSD Stop Payment Scheme
EA00 Test Billing of a Contract
EA04 Maintain Specifs for PayMeth.Determ.
EA05 Display and Release Outsortings
EA10 Document Invoicing
EA10_AGGRBILL Create Aggregated Bill
EA10_COLL Create collective bill
EA11 Budget Billing Invoicing
EA12 Request Budget Billing Amounts
EA12IC Request Budget Billing Amounts
EA13 Print/Billing Document Reversal
EA14 Print/Billing Document Reversal
EA15 Reversal of Invoicing Documents
EA16 Create Manual Backbilling
EA17 Change Manual Backbilling
EA18 Display Manual Backbilling
EA19 Create Bill (Individual Creation)
EA20 Reverse Billing Document
EA21 Adjustment Reversal Billing Docs
EA22 Display Billing Document
EA22_TOOL Billing Tool
EA24 Delete Adj. Reversal frm Bill.Order
EA25 Create Partial Bill (Individual)
EA26 Mass Processing: Create Bill
EA27 Mass Processing: Create Partial Bill
EA28 Mass Process.: Request BB Amounts
EA29 Mass Processing: Bill Printout
EA29_AGGRBILL Print Aggregated Bill
EA30 Create Rate
EA31 Change Rate
EA32 Display Rate
EA33 Mass Processing: Bill Reversal
EA34 Mass Processing: Full Reversal
EA35 Create Schema
EA36 Change Schema
EA37 Display Schema
EA38 Mass Activity: Billing
EA39 Mass Activity: Billing Simulation
EA40 Display Print Document
EA43 Generate SRs of a Record Type
EA44 Delete Sched. Recs
EA44M Mass Deletion of Schedule Records
EA45 Create Consumption and Partial Bill
EA46 Create Consumption and Partial Bill
EA47 Crt. Discount/Surcharge
EA48 Chg.Discount/Surcharge
EA49 Displ.Discount/Surcharge
EA50 Create Operand
EA51 Change Operand
EA52 Display Operand
EA53 Create Rate Cat.
EA54 Chg. Rate Cat.
EA55 Display Rate Cat.
EA56 Maint. Rate Type
EA57 Create Budget Billing Change Doc.
EA58 Mass Activity: Coll. Bill Printout
EA59 Print Collective Bill (Old)
EA60 Print Invoicing Document
EA61 Create BB Plan
EA61EX Budget Billing Change
EA61IC Create Down Payment Request
EA61PS Create Payment Scheme
EA62 Change BB Plan
EA62IC Change Down Payment Request
EA62PS Change Payment Scheme
EA63 Display BB Plan
EA63IC Display Down Payment Request
EA63PS Display Payment Scheme
EA64 Print collective bill
EA65 Portion Change
EA65PS Create Payment Scheme Requests
EA66PS Mass Run: Create PS Requests
EA67 Settings for BB Plan
EA68 Maint. Specifs in Posting Area R007
EA70 Create Billing Cal. Value
EA71 Change Billing Cal. Value
EA72 Display Billing Cal. Value
EA73 Create Gas Procedure
EA74 Change Gas Proced.
EA75 Display Gas Procedure
EA76 Create Cal. Value Proced.
EA77 Change Calorific Value Procedure
EA78 Display Cal. Value Proced.
EA79 Create Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.
EA80 Change Vol. Corr. Fact.Proc.
EA81 Display Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.
EA85 Maintain Burning Hour Calendar
EA86 Copy Burng Hr Calendar for One Year
EA87 Rate Determination
EA88 Maintain Variant
EA89 Create Price
EA90 Change Price
EA91 Display Price
EA92 Maintain Price Adjustment Clause
EA97 Evaluation 1: Variants R/2 <-> ERP
EA98 Evaluation 2: Variants R/2 <-> ERP
EA99 Eval. of Variants
EABBP Archive Budget Billing Plans
EABI Billing/Invoicing log display
EABICO Bill Correction
EABIH Archive Billing Document Headers
EABIL Archive Billing Document Line Items
EABR IS-U Billing
EACCBAL Acct Balnce Display for Deregulation
EACOLLREV Select Reversed Documents (SR)
EADYN Define Dynamic Period Control
EAFACTS Archive Installation Facts
EAIN Billing/Invoicing log display
EALOGBI_1 Detail display: MiniApp EMAP_LOGBI
EALOGIN_1 Detail display  MiniApp EMAP_LOGIN
EALZ Logical Register Numbers
EAMABI Mass Billing
EAMACB Consumption History from Inv. Line
EAMACF Consumption History from Inst. Facts
EAMACH Mass Overall Check
EAMASI Mass Billing Simulation
EAMS00 Mass Billing of Simulation Indexes
EAMS01 Mass Act.: Billing of Sim. Indexes
EAMS10 Create Simulation Indexes
EAMS11 Monitoring of Mass Simulation
EAMS12 Statisics for Simulation Indices
EAMS13 Delete Simulation Indexes
EAMS20 Define Simulation Periods
EAMS21 UIS Version: Create for Mass Simul.
EAMS22 Statistics for Billing-Rel. Proc.
EAOUT Display Outsourcing for Bill/Inv.
EAOUTL Cross-Contract Billing
EAOUT_1 Detail display  MiniApp EMAP_OUTBIIN
EAPDH Archive Print Document Headers
EAPDL Archive Print Document Line Items
EARDISP01 Display Archive: Print Doc. Header
EARDISP02 Display Archive: Print Document Itms
EARDISP03 Display Archive: Billing Document
EARDISP04 Display Archive: Budget Billng Plans
EARDISP05 Display Archive: Billing Doc. Lines
EARDISP06 Display Archive: MR Results
EARDISP07 Display Archive: Inspection List
EARDISP08 Display Archive: EDM Profile Values
EARELINVOICE Release Billing in Background
EARETPER Define retention period
EAROUND Accts for Rounding Amnt Gross Price
EAR_CHECKER Verify legal rep. cust. consistency
EASIBI Create Individual Bill
EASICH Individual Overall Check
EASIM Simulation Scenarios
EASIM01 Simulation f. Backbill. and PE Bill.
EASISI Create Individ. Simulation
EASY Tool:Search For/Call-Up Transactions
EASYDMS_CUS Customizing Easy Document Management
EATAXROUND_JP Amount Rounding for Jap. Tax Calcul.
EATR Mass Activity: Create Bill/Part.Bill
EAXX IS-U Billing
EA_DOWNLOAD Download Billing Master Data
EA_TRANSPORT Complete Transport of Master Data
EA_UPLOAD Upload Billing Master Data
EBAA Connection object overview
EBO1 Create boleto for bills
EBPP_APAR_SUPPORT Support Transaction for Bill. Direct
EBPP_AR_MATCH EBPP: Assignmt of User to Accounts
EBPP_AR_T042ICC Account Determination Payment Cards
EBPP_AR_T042ZEBPP EBPP: Maintain EBPP Payment Methods
EBPP_CREATE_USER Create a new user
EBPP_CUST_CHNG Change Notification Data
EBPP_CUST_DISP Display Notification Data
EBPP_LOG_CUST Customizing for Log Categories
EBPP_LOG_DISP Display of Log Categories
EBPP_LOG_ORGA Reorganize Log Entries
EBPP_RI Biller Direct Bill Receipt
EBPP_RIC Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Settings
EBPP_RICONN Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Links
EBR_CATCFOP CFOP Category Determination -ISU
EBR_COMPROVRET Yearly discounted IRPJ by customer
EBR_LIVICMS Update EBRLIVICMS table for Brazil
EBR_MATCATCFOP Mat Categ Determination  CFOP - ISU
EBR_TE011BR Quantity dependent tax determination
EBR_VALRETIR Monthly discounted IRPJ - Customers
EBW_DQ_CS Marketing: Consumpt. -> Delta Queue
EBW_DQ_SS Sales Statistics -> BW Delta Queue
EC01 Org.Object Copier: Company Code
EC02 Org.Object Copier: Plant
EC03 Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area
EC04 Org.Object Copier: Sales Organizatn
EC05 Org.Object Copier: Distribution Chnl
EC06 Org.Object Copier: Division
EC07 Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point
EC08 Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point
EC09 Org.Object Copier: Warehouse Number
EC10 Org.Object Copier: Personnel Area
EC11 Org.Object Copier: Personnel Subarea
EC12 Org.Object Copier: Employee Subgroup
EC13 Org.Object Copier: Purchasing Org.
EC14 Org.Object Copier: Storage Location
EC15 Org.Object Copier: Material Type
EC16 Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area
EC20 IS-U Front Office
EC25 IS-U navigator
EC30 Maintain rate data
EC31 Display Rate Data
EC50 Create Move-In Doc.
EC50E Create Move-In Document
EC51 Change Move-In Document
EC51E Change Move-In Document
EC52 Display Move-In Doc.
EC52E Display Move-In Document
EC53 Reverse Move-In Documnt
EC53E Reverse Move-In Document
EC55 Create Move-Out Doc.
EC55C Tabstrip- ISU - Move-Out
EC55E Move-Out
EC56 Chg. Move-Out Doc.
EC56E Change Move-Out
EC57 Display Move-Out Doc.
EC57E Display Move-Out
EC58 Reverse Move-Out Doc.
EC58E Reverse Move-Out
EC60 Initial Processing: Move-In/Out
EC6F Initial Processing: Move-In/Out
EC70 Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out
EC85 Create Disc. Doc.
EC86 Change Disc. Doc.
EC87 Display Disc. Doc.
ECBWPP Prepare Extrapolation Indexes
ECENV_BP Data environ. for business partner
ECENV_CO Data environ. for connection object
ECENV_DV Data environment for device
ECHE Assignment of Visible Components
ECICACC Konfiguration Autocall & Config
ECLP1 Create Loyalty Account
ECLP2 Change Loyalty Account
ECLP3 Display Loyalty Account
ECMCUST Customizing for ECM
ECMO Overview of ECOs
ECMR Overview of ECRs
ECNC IS-U Navigator: Customizing
ECON1 Maintain Concession Eligibility
ECON2 Display Concession Eligibility
ECOP Main Program for Entity Copier
ECP_CT04 Change Characteristics
ECP_CT05 Create Characteristics
ECP_FUNCT_TYPE Maintain iView function types
ECRD1 Create Redemption
ECRD2 Change Redemption
ECRD3 Display Redemption
ECRD4 Mass Printout of Redemption Vouchers
ECRMREPL Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U
ECRMREPLM Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U
ECRM_OBJ_TEMPL Master Data Templates for CRM TO
ECRM_PROD_TEMPL MD Templates for CRM Products
ECVBP02 Customer Data Overview
ECVCO00 Connection object overview
ECVE Export Resources from Web Repository
ECVM Generate Language Version Cust. Info
EC_TUTORIAL_TESTDATA eCATT: Demo for Test Data Management
EDATEXAGGR Export Aggregated Messages
EDATEXAGGRMON Monitor Aggregated Messages
EDATEXDELETE Delete Data Exchange Task
EDATEXEVENTDUE Monitoring of Due Date of Task
EDATEXEXECUTE Execute Data Exchange Tasks
EDATEXGEN Generate Data Exchange Tasks
EDATEXMON01 Monitoring of Data Exchange Tasks
EDATEXREVGEN Generation Reversal of D.Exch. Tasks
EDATEXSEND Send Data for Due Tasks
EDEREG_ANALYSE Analyses for POD/Service Provider
EDEREG_PODGROUP_GEN Generate Point of Delivery Groups
EDIT Juergens Editor
EDM1 Monitor Profile Import
EE25 Budget Billing Amounts
EE52 IS-U: Change Notification
EE53 IS-U: Display Notification
EE72 IS-U: Change Work Order
EE73 IS-U: Display Work Order
EE73_WM_NOTIF_1 Detail Display for MiniApp WM_NOTIF
EE73_WM_ORDER_1 Detail display for MiniApp WM_ORDER
EEAK Employment equity - Canada
EEDM00 EDM Frame
EEDM01 Maintain Profile
EEDM02 Display Profile
EEDM04 Maintain Profile Allocation
EEDM05 Display Profile Allocation
EEDM06 Create Profile Header
EEDM07 Change Profile Header
EEDM08 Display Profile Header
EEDM09 Create Point of Delivery
EEDM10 Change Point of Delivery
EEDM11 Display Point of Delivery
EEDM12 Operand - Profile Role Allocation
EEDMCALCWB EDM Calculation Workbench
EEDMCOPY01 Copy a file with profile values
EEDMCOPY02 Copy File with Internal Data
EEDMEXP01 Download profile values via PoD
EEDMEXP02 Download Profile Values by Prof. No.
EEDMFACTORCALC Calculate Dynamic Modif. Factor
EEDMFICALC01 Start Formula Instance Calculation
EEDMFICALC02 Monitor Formula Instance Calculation
EEDMFICALC03 Compress Temporary Trigger
EEDMFICALC04 Analyze/Delete Calculation Run Info.
EEDMIDESERVPROV01 Create Service Provider
EEDMIDESERVPROV02 Change Service Provider
EEDMIDESERVPROV03 Display Service Provider
EEDMIDE_GRID01 Create Grid
EEDMIDE_GRID02 Change Grid
EEDMIDE_GRID03 Display Grid
EEDMIMP01 Upload Profile Values via PoD
EEDMIMP02 Upload Profile Values by Profile No.
EEDMPODCONSGEN Generation of Consumption History
EEDMRTPCODE Generate Codes for RTP Components
EEDMSENDPRO01 Send Profiles
EEDMSENDPRO02 List of Sent Profiles
EEDMSETTLANALYSE Display Settled PoDs for Document
EEDMSETTLCHANGE Change Settlement Document
EEDMSETTLCREATE Create Settlement Document
EEDMSETTLDISP Display Settlement Document
EEDMSETTLPARA_WZ Wizard: Check and Create Parameters
EEDMSETTLST Start/Stop Settlement Run
EEDMSETTLUNIT01 Create Settlement Unit
EEDMSETTLUNIT02 Change Settlement Unit
EEDMSETTLUNIT03 Display Settlement Unit
EEDMSETTLVAR01 Create Selection Variant
EEDMSETTLVAR02 Change Selection Variant
EEDMSETTLVAR03 Display Selection Variant
EEDM_CMP01 Create RTP Component
EEDM_CMP02 Change RTP Component
EEDM_CMP03 Display RTP Component
EEDM_FRM01 Create RTP Formula
EEDM_FRM02 Change RTP Formula
EEDM_FRM03 Display RTP Formula
EEDM_RTP01 Create RTP Interface
EEDM_RTP02 Change RTP Interface
EEDM_RTP03 Display RTP Interface
EEDM_SETTLPROFILE Profile Template for Settlmnt Params
EEDM_SETTLUNIT_GEN Generation of Settlement Units
EEFO_CREDIT_CREATE Front Office: Create Credit Memo
EEFO_INSTMNTPLN_CREA Front Office: Create Installmt Plan
EEIS1 Output Unbilled Contracts
EEIS2 Ouput Contr.Accts w/o BB Amounts
EEIS3 Output Portion w/o BB Amount
EERCH_DEL Only Relevant for DE
EERCH_EXP Billing Document Extraction - Export
EERCH_IMP Only relevant for Germany
EERD_DATA_DEL Delete Print Document Extracts
EERD_DEL Only Relevant for DE
EERD_EXP Print Document Extracts - Export
EERD_EXTR Extracts: Export Print Documents
EERD_IMP Only relevant for Germany
EEWB Easy Enhancement Workbench
EEWC System Data Maintenance
EEWM_CU_ANALYSIS Analyze Operations in Task Lists
EEWM_ILCH Change Inspection List
EEWM_ILCR Create/Extend Inspection List
EEWM_ILDI Display Inspection List
EEWM_INOC Create Insp. Orders/Notifications
EEWM_SHIFTLOG shift management
EEWZ1 Maintain Application Group Data
EEWZ2 Use for Extension Fields
EEWZ3 Additional Extension Definition
EE_CRM_CLASS_GENER Generate class for set type
EFAK IS-U Invoicing
EFAKTOR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_FAKTOR
EFCC Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFCM Print Workbench Form Class Processg
EFCS Print Workbench: Form Class
EFGM Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFGN Print Workbench: Mass Activation
EFRM Print Workbench: Application Form
EFTP Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFTR Print Workbench: Generate Trans.List
EFTRADM Adminstration of Print WB Translatn
EFTRADMLANGUS Print Workbench Mass Processing
EFTRLANGVEC Language Transport Form Objects
EFTRSL Print Wbench Trans. for Translation
EFTT Print Workbench: Transl. Worklist
EFUD Print Workbench: Application Form
EG01 Create Device Category
EG02 Change Device Category
EG03 Display Device Category
EG04 Create Register Group
EG05 Change Register Group
EG06 Display Register Group
EG07 Create Input/Output Group
EG08 Change Input/Output Group
EG09 Display Input/Output Group
EG14 Create Command
EG15 Change Command
EG16 Display Command
EG17 Create Command Group
EG18 Change Command Group
EG19 Display Command Group
EG27 Create Device Group
EG28 Change Device Group
EG29 Display Device Group
EG30 Full Replacement
EG31 Full Installation
EG32 Full Removal
EG33 Technical Installation
EG34 Billing-Related Installation
EG35 Billing-Related Removal
EG36 Technical Removal
EG41 Change device info record
EG42 Device modification
EG43 Display device info record
EG44 Create device info record
EG50 Inst./Removal/Repl.: Reversal
EG51 Installation Reversal
EG52 Reverse Technical Replacement
EG53 Reverse Technical Removal
EG60 Maintain Logical Register
EG61 Display Logical Register
EG70 Maintain Rate Data
EG71 Display Rate Data
EG72 Maintain Device Allocation
EG73 Display Device Allocation
EG75 Create Register Relationships
EG76 Change Register Relationships
EG77 Display Register Relationships
EG7A Maint. Basic Cat. Desc. and SortSeq.
EG7B Maintain Inspection Points
EG80 Create Sample Lot
EG81 Change Sample Lot
EG82 Display Sample Lot
EG83 Compile Sample Lot
EG84 Determine Lot Devices
EG85 Draw Sample Devices from Lot
EG88 Create Periodic Replacement List
EG89 Display Periodic Replacement List
EG8A Compile Sample Lot: Report
EG8B Sampling procedure B/NL
EG8C Combine Sample Lots
EG8D Draw Sample Devices from Lot
EG90 Create repl. orders/notifications
EG97 Perform Certification
EGCONTRACT Number Range Maintenance: ISU_GCONTR
EGMN IS-U Device Management
EGPB Assign Breakpoint to User
EGR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DGEN
EGW1 Create Winding Group
EGW2 Change Winding Group
EGW3 Display Winding Group
EHQL EH&S-QM: Display Logs
EHQMC1 EH&S-QM: Maintain Types of Chars.
EHSAMBTAET Medical Services
EHSAMED Occupational Health
EHSASSIGN Assignment Protocol to Person
EHSASSLTA Assignment LTA Rating from Work Area
EHSASSPERS Person list for protocol assignment
EHSBC02 Edit Brief Consultation
EHSBP11 Create physician
EHSBP12 Change physician
EHSBP13 Display physician
EHSBP31 Create Health Center
EHSBP32 Change Health Center
EHSBP33 Display Health Center
EHSBP41 Create Laboratory
EHSBP42 Change Laboratory
EHSBP43 Display Laboratory
EHSBP51 Create External Company
EHSBP52 Change External Company
EHSBP53 Display External Company
EHSCALPROX Enter Substitutes for Calender
EHSCBER Customizing Consultations
EHSCDCT Customize Diagnosis Types
EHSCMAS Customizing Measures
EHSDATIMP Import Medical Data
EHSDIAGSL EH&S: Diagnosis Key
EHSEVAL00 Occupational Health Report Tree
EHSEXIST0 Existing objects
EHSH_C_NR_EXA_CO Number Ranges Examination ID
EHSH_C_NR_NEWPER Number Ranges Internal Personnel No.
EHSH_C_NR_RECN Number Ranges Occup. Health Rec. No.
EHSH_C_NR_VAC_ID Number Ranges Vaccination ID
EHSH_D_PCP Planning Cockpit
EHSMQUEST Completing Questionnaires
EHSMQUEST01 Number Range Maint. Questionnaire
EHSPERSHC1 Assign Persons to Health Center
EHSPP01 Exposure Groups
EHSPRANZ Display Med. D. Import Logs
EHSPRLOE Delete Med. D. Import Logs
EHSQCATOH Question catalog
EHSQEVAL01 Evaluate Completed Questionnaires
EHSQUESTOH General questionnaire
EHSSCAN Scan Questionnaire
EHSSERV Medical Service Results / Sign-Off
EHSSERV01 Open Medical Service
EHSSERV11 Number Range Maint. Medical Service
EHSSERV30 Display Appointment List
EHSSERV50 Logical Database Selection Screen
EHSSTRU00 Existing objects
EHSSUGGP Proposal list person<->prot.
EHSTERM01 Scheduling medical service
EHSVA02 Edit Vaccinations
EHSVU01 Edit Health Surveillance Protocol
EHSVU11 Edit Examination
EHSVU21 Edit Physical Tests
EHSVU31 Edit lab. tests
EHVD HTML Customer Overview: Select Data
EI01 UIS: Activate Update
EI03 UIS: Change Communication Structure
EI10 UIS: Execute Evaluation
EI11 UIS: Create Evaluation
EI12 UIS: Change Evaluation
EI13 UIS: Display Evaluation
EI14 UIS: Settings for Standard Analysis
EI18 UIS: Create Field Catalog
EI19 UIS: Change Field Catalog
EI1B UIS: Maintain Requirements
EI1F UIS: Maintain Formulas
EI20 UIS: Display Field Catalog
EI21 UIS: Create Info Structure
EI22 UIS: Change Info Structure
EI23 UIS: Display Info Structure
EI24 UIS: Create Update
EI25 UIS: Change Update
EI26 UIS: Display Update
EI27 UIS: Create Evaluation Structure
EI28 UIS: Change Evaluation Structure
EI29 UIS: Display Evaluation Structure
EI30 UIS: Simulate Document Update
EI31 UIS: Statistics Update
EI32 UIS: Setup of Statistical Data
EI35 Set up stock statistics
EI44 UIS: Rate Statistics Selection
EI45 UIS: Rate Statistics Selection
EI72 CO-PA: Statistical Update
EI80 Check Document transfer COPA/BW/UIS
EIDECOM1 Communication on Basis of Serv.Prov.
EIDECOM2 Communication on Basis of Serv. Type
EIDESERV1 Define Service Types
EIDESERV2 Define Process Control
EIDESERV3 Define Own Billable Services
EIDESERV4 Define Third Party Billable Services
EIDESERV5 Define Non-Billable Services
EIDESP1 Allocate Operational Area
EIDESP2 Allocate Rate Categories
EIDESP3 Allocate Certification Status
EINF IS-U Information System
EIS1 UIS: Current Settings
EK01 Acct Determ.: IS-U Receiv. Accounts
EK02 Acct Determ.: IS-U Rev. Accts
EK03 IS-U Argentinian Tax Determination
EK04 Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina
EK05 Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina
EK06 Defaults for Acct Display BB Amounts
EK07 Defaults for Acct Disp BB Amnts CIC
EK08 IS-U Account Display: Specifications
EK09 Define Specifications for Loans
EK11 Specifs: Source Item Charges in IP
EK12 Down Payment Specifications
EK13 Down Paym./Rec. Clearing Information
EK14 C FI Maintain Table TFK022A/B
EK15 Dunning Charge Invoicing
EK16 Document Type: GI and VAT Perception
EK17 Specif. for Migration of Payments
EK20 Activate 2-Level Tax Determ. Code
EK21 Maintain 2-Step Tax Determ. Ident.
EK22 Payment Migration: Specifications
EK23 Down Payment Request Payment Proc.
EK25 Create Loan
EK26 Change Loan
EK27 Display Loan
EK70 Cust. Item Ind. -> Payment Block
EK71 Cstmzng: Aggr. Posting of Inbnd Bill
EK72 Transactions for Aggregated Posting
EK73 Aggr. Bill: Trans. -> Offsetting Tr.
EK74 Dereg. - Maintain Factory Calendar
EK75 Conversion Int./Ext. Transaction
EK78 FI-CA: Interest on Cash Sec. Deposit
EK79 Default values for cash deposit int.
EK81 Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts
EK82 Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts
EK92 Create Payment Plan
EK93 Change Payment Plan
EK93C Combined Change of Payment Plans
EK93M Adjust Payment Plans Automatically
EK94 Display Payment Plan
EK94C Combined Display of Payment Plans
EK95 Manual History for Payment Schedule
EK96 Adjust Balance-Forward Amount
EK96_DEFAULT Default Adjustm. of Difference Amnt
EKND IS-U Customer Service
EKS1 PURCHIS: Statistics Update: Item Lvl
EKSR Remove BBP from Collective Bill
EK_M100 Defaults for Payment Medium ID
EK_R017 Doc. Type for Stat. Fee in Argentina
EK_R100 Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID
EK_R200 Def. Info. for Security Dep. Transf.
EK_R201 Def. Info for Sec.Dep.Trans. Revers.
EK_R202 Bollo Specifications (Italian Tax)
EK_SURS Charge Request for Mass Activity
EL01 Execute Order Creation
EL06 Execute Mass Order Creation
EL09 Execute Order Creation
EL16 Execute Order Output
EL18 Execute Estimation
EL20 Fast Entry
EL22 Fast Entry With Correction
EL27 Correction of Implausible Results
EL27_MRUNIT Correct Implausible MRs for MR Unit
EL28 Single Entry
EL29 Correction of Plausible Results
EL30 Estimate Meter Reading Results
EL31 Manual Monitoring
EL32 Automatic Monitoring
EL35 Meter Reading Order Output
EL37 Reverse Meter Reading Order Creation
EL37_WO_MRUNIT Reverse MRRs w/o Order Creation
EL40 Maintain Street Route
EL41 Display Street Route
EL42 Display Meter Reading Units
EL43 Device Overview
EL50 Create Meter Reading Group
EL51 Change Meter Reading Group
EL52 Display Meter Reading Group
EL56 Change Periodic Consumption
EL57 Display period consumption
EL59 Mass Change Meter Reading Units
EL59P Define Parameter Group
EL60 Activation EB for Individ. Install.
EL61 Activation EB for Amount of Install.
EL62 Deactivation of EB for Ind. Install.
EL70 List of Implausible MR Results
ELDM Monitoring of IDocs Processed
ELEU Upload of Meter Reading Results
ELMU Upload
ELOC Manage Container Location
ELSIG00 Signature Strategy
ELSIG01 Authorization Grp Digital Signatures
ELSIG02 Digital Signature
ELSIG03 Signature Method for Signat. Object
ELSIG03N Signature Method for Signat. Object
EL_MA_MRIDOC Process IDocs with errors
EM10 Goods Movement via Serial Numbers
EMAIL SAPconnect Easy EMail
EMASN IDoc Monitor for Inb. Ship. Notific.
EMFOR Monitor for Forecast/JIT Del.Sched.
EMIGALL IS-U Migration
EMIGCMP IS-U Migration Company Maintenance
EMIGCNV IS-U Mig: Maintain Conversion Obj.
EMIGCOM Compare with migration Customizing
EMIGFLD IS-U Migration: Maintain Fields
EMIGFVA Fixed Value Maintenance
EMIGIMP IS-U Migration: Data Import
EMIGJOB IS-U Migration: Job Scheduler
EMIGKSV IS-U Migration: Maintain KSM
EMIGMASSRUN Mass Import Monitor: IS Migration
EMIGMASSRUNGROUP Group Import IS Migration
EMIGOBJ Maintain migration object
EMIGPROJECT IS-U Migration: Maintain Project
EMIGSTAT Display Stats Record: IS-U Migration
EMIGSTR Maintenance of autom. data structure
EMIGUSR IS-U migration user maintenance
EMJIT IDoc Monitor for JIT Calls
EMMA Log Analysis and Case Creation
EMMAC1 Create Case
EMMAC2 Change Case
EMMAC3 Display Case
EMMACAP Run Automatic Processes for Cases
EMMACC Cust. Tab. Add. Data in Transaction
EMMACCAT1 Create Case Category
EMMACCAT2 Change Case Category
EMMACCAT3 Display Case Category
EMMACCAT4 Delete Case Category
EMMACCAT5 Transport Case Category
EMMACL Clarification List
EMMACLGEN Generate Case List Program
EMMACLS Case List with Shortcut Keys
EMMALOG Display Application Log
EMMA_NR_CASE Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_CASE
EMMA_NR_JOB Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_RUNID
EMMA_OLD Monitor mass activity
EMORD IDoc Monitor for SD Orders
EMSG Maintenance of Message Groups
EMU1 Convert Loans to EURO
EMU2 Reset Conversion to EURO
EN00 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ERDK
EN01 Subscreens for Simple Notification
EN03 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EHAU
EN04 Number Range Maint.: ISU_EVBS
EN05 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EDCN
EN06 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EANL
EN07 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ETRF
EN08 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAOBJ
EN09 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDOC
EN10 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAORD
EN11 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EZWG
EN12 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EKOG
EN13 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEAG
EN15 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABL
EN17 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EVER
EN18 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_CREFNO
EN19 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDEPRO
EN20 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDETRA
EN22 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EDSC
EN23 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EPREI
EN25 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABP
EN27 No. Range Maint.: ISU_DEVGRP
EN40 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDCDOC
EN41 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDCDCI
EN43 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EKON
EN50 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEIN
EN55 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EAUS
EN70 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PRDOC
EN80 No. Range Maint.: ISU_TE271
EN99 General Foreign Trade Processing
ENBI Number Range Maintenance: ISU_BIRUN
ENCLEAN Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ECLEAN
ENCO Printing / Communication
ENDELIVER Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_DELI
ENEDMCR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_CR
ENEDMFI Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_FI

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