SAP Transaction code page 13

SAP Transaction code

code academy
ECC 6.0 Transaction code lists
Transaction code Descriptions

FMMD_SETGEN Generate Substring Groups
FMME1 Funded Program Control: Applications
FMME10 Funded Program Control: Search Help
FMME100 FPC: Field Group per Activitiy
FMME101 FPC: Field Group per Role
FMME102 FPC: Authorization Types
FMME103 FPC: Field Groups for Authorizations
FMME104 Funded Program Control: Screen confi
FMME105 FPC: Field Group for Ext.Application
FMME106 FPC: Note View for Role Category
FMME107 FPC: Where-Used View
FMME108 FPC: Client-Wide Field Grouping
FMME109 Field Group Criteria by FM Area
FMME11 FPC: Assign Screen Field to Database
FMME12 FPC: Field Group Criteria
FMME13 Funded Program Control:  BP Roles
FMME14 Funded Program Ctrl: BP Role Groupin
FMME15 FPC: Application Transaction
FMME16 Funded Program Control: Tables
FMME17 Funded Program Control: External App
FMME18 Funded Program Control: Activities
FMME19 FPC: Function Module Activities
FMME2 Funded Program Control: Field Groups
FMME20 Funded Program Ctrl:Differentiation
FMME200 Funded Progr. Contr: Change doc list
FMME21 Funded Program Ctrl: Activity type
FMME22 Funded Program Ctrl:  Cat. Fld Grp
FMME23 Funded Program Control: Data sets
FMME24 Funded Progr. Where used list define
FMME25 Where used list - process to view
FMME26 FPC: Assign BAPI Flds to Field Grps
FMME27 Funded Program DI to Table fields
FMME3 Funded Program Control: Views
FMME4 Funded Program Control: Views
FMME5 Funded Program Control: Views
FMME6 Funded Program: Screen Sequence
FMME7 Funded Program: Events
FMME8 Funded Program Ctrl: GUI Std Functio
FMME9 Funded Program Ctrl: GUI Addl Func.
FMMEASURE Funded Program: Maintain
FMMEASURED Funded Program: Display
FMME_SET_C Funded Program Groups Create
FMME_SET_CH Funded Program Groups Change
FMME_SET_D Funded Program Groups Display
FMMI Mass Maintenance of Open Intervals
FMMIGCE Migrate FBS cover pools and rules
FMMPCOVR Carry over residual budget
FMMPCOVR_BT Carry over residual budget
FMMPPCLO Pre-close: Transfer Residual Budget
FMMPRBB Increase Budget from Revenues
FMMPRELE Release data
FMMPROLLUP Rollup budget
FMMPSTAT Generate Statistical Budget Data
FMMPTRAN Transfer postings
FMMPTRAN_BT Transfer to consumable budget type
FMN0 Subsequent Posting of FI Documents
FMN0_PAY Reconstruction of Payment Docs
FMN3 Transfer Purchase Req. Documents
FMN3N Reconstruction of Purch. Requisition
FMN4 Transfer Purchase Order Documents
FMN4N Reconstruction of Purchase Orders
FMN5 Transfer Funds Reservation Documents
FMN5N Reconstruction of Earmarked Funds
FMN8 Simulation Lists Debit Position
FMN9 Posted Debit Position List
FMNA Display CBA Rules
FMNB CBA Budget Objects
FMND Actual Distribution in CBA
FMNG CE: Actual Distr. and Integration
FMNI Integration with the Budget
FMNK Copy Collective Expenditure
FMNL Delete Collective Expenditure Rules
FMNM Budget Transfer in CBA
FMNO Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELNR
FMNP Maintain CBA Rules
FMNR Assgt of SN-BUSTL to Coll. Expend.
FMNS Display CBA Rules
FMNSD Rebuild FM Open Item of SD Orders
FMNSDN Reconstruction of Sales Orders
FMNU Maintain CBA Rules
FMNV Fast Data Entry Distribution Basis
FMOD Override FM Update Date
FMOPER Open Budgeting Periods
FMP2 Delete Financial Budget Version
FMPAYCORR FM Payment lines correction program
FMPAYD Process Payment Distribution
FMPEP Multiple Budget Entry
FMPF Change Chart of Commitment Items
FMPG Change Chart of Cmmt Items Assgmt
FMPLADM FI-FM: Planner Profile Maintenance
FMPLCPD FI-FM: Change Plan Data
FMPLDPD FI-FM: Change Plan Data
FMPLLC FI-FM Change Planning Layout
FMPLLD FI-FM Display Planning Layout
FMPLLI FI-FM Create Planning Layout
FMPLSET FI-FM: Set a Planner Profile
FMPLUP FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data
FMPO Payment Directives: Create
FMPOPDERIVE Principle of Prudence - Customizing
FMPOPDERIVER Principle of Prudence - Maintenance
FMPSO001 Reverse Overdue Deferrals
FMPSO002 Funds Commits.from Standing Rqsts
FMPSO50 Check Mass Deferral Requests
FMPSOSA Process Petty Amounts
FMR0 Reconstruct Parked Documents
FMR1 Actual/Commitment Report
FMR2 Actual/Commitment per Company Code
FMR3 Plan/Actual/Commitment Report
FMR4 Plan/Commitment Report w.Hierarchy
FMR5A 12 Period Forecast: Actual and Plan
FMR6A Three Period Display: Plan/Actual
FMRA Access Report Tree
FMRB Access Report Tree
FMRBDEL Delete Master Data for RIB
FMRBDERIMD Assign Proposal for RIB Master Data
FMRBDERIRO Derive RIB Object From Budget Addr.
FMRBGENMD Generate Master Data for RIB
FMRBIDXREC Reconstruct Index for RIB
FMRBMON01 Overview of RIB Values
FMRBREINIT Re-Initialize RIB Ledgers
FMRBRULE Edit Single Rule for RIB
FMRC Reason codes for penalties (report)
FMRC21 Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds
FMRC22 Reconciliation of Purchase Orders
FMRC23 Reconciliation of Purch. Requisition
FMREW Earmarked Funds: Enhancement Wizard
FMRE_ARCH Archive Earmarked Funds
FMRE_EWU01 Earmarked Funds: Euro Preprocessing
FMRE_EWU02 Earmarked Funds: Euro Postprocessing
FMRE_KERLK Close Earmarked Funds
FMRE_SERLK Close Earmarked Funds
FMROD Recurring Obligations Overdue Check
FMROP Post Recurring Obligations
FMRP18 Clear Subsequent Postings
FMRPKFCHECK Comparison of Key Figures(Reporting)
FMRP_2FMB4001 Commitments/Actuals
FMRP_2FMB4002 Assigned Funds
FMRP_3FMB4001 Annual Budget
FMRP_3FMB4002 Overall Budget
FMRP_3FMB4003 Budget: Period Display
FMRP_3FMB4004 Assigned Funds (Annual Budget)
FMRP_3FMB4005 Assigned Funds (Overall Budget)
FMRP_3FMB4006 Assigned Fds (Releases
FMRP_3FMB4007 Assigned Fds (Releases
FMRP_CI_SET_HIER Create CI Set Hier. from Master Data
FMRP_FC_SET_HIER Create FC Set Hier. from Master Data
FMRP_RFFMAV01X Annual Budget
FMRP_RFFMAV02X Overall Budget
FMRP_RFFMAV03X Budget Deficits with Expenditures
FMRP_RFFMAV04X Budget Deficits for Revenues
FMRP_RFFMAV05X Cross Assignments and Outside Usages
FMRP_RFFMCE01 Monitor for Cover Eligibility
FMRP_RFFMCE11 Overview of Cover Pools with FMAA
FMRP_RFFMCE12 Overview of Cover Pools
FMRP_RFFMCE13 Overview Revenue Cover Pool
FMRP_RFFMCE21 FMAA Subj. to Cvr to FMAA Cvr
FMRP_RFFMCE22 Ent. to Cvr to Subj. to Cvr FMAA
FMRP_RFFMCE23 Subj. to cover to Expend. Cover Pool
FMRP_RFFMCE31 Rules f. Revenues Increasing Budget
FMRP_RFFMCE32 Rules for Revenues Cover Pools
FMRP_RFFMCE41 Collective Expenditure FM Acct Asgts
FMRP_RFFMEP1BX Annual Budget
FMRP_RFFMEP1GX Yr End Closing: Cmmts/Bdgt Carrd Fwd
FMRP_RFFMEP1OX Commitments and Funds Transfers
FMRP_RFFMEP2AX PBOF - Commts/Actuals Line Items
FMRP_RFFMEP2BX Overall Budget
FMRP_RFFMEP30X PBOF - Annual Bdgt vs Cmmts/Acts LIs
FMRP_RFFMEP31X PBOF - Overall Bgt vs Cmmts/Acts LIs
FMRP_RFFMEP3GX Year-End Clsg: Preselected Budget
FMRP_RFFMEP4BX Periodical Display
FMRP_RFFMTO10X Commitment/Actual Totals Records
FMRP_RFFMTO20X Additional Revenues
FMRP_RFFMTO30X PBOF - Ann.Bdgt vs Cmmts/Acts Totals
FMRP_RFFMTO31X PBOF - Ovrl Bgt vs Cmmts/Acts Totals
FMRP_RFFMTO50 Annual Budget: List
FMRP_RW_BUDCON Budget Consumption Report
FMRP_RW_BUDGET Budget Report
FMRP_RW_BUDVER Budget Version Comparison
FMRP_RW_COVRGRP Budget Consumption in Cover Groups
FMRP_RW_EFFYEAR Budget Overview by Year of Cash Eff.
FMRULES FM Objects: Predefined Rules
FMRW Budget Entry Documents
FMRY Annual budget
FMRZ Overall Budget
FMSA Create Funds Center in FM Area
FMSB Change Funds Center in FM Area
FMSC Display Funds Center in FM Area
FMSD Change Funds Ctr/Hierarchy Variant
FMSE Display Hierarchy Variant/Funds Ctr
FMSF Change Funds Ctr Hierarchy Variant
FMSG Change Assignment Fnds Ctr Hier.Var.
FMSGDERIVE Fund message: customizing
FMSGDERIVER Fund message: customizing
FMSGLCLASS SGL Account classification
FMSHERLOCK Processing Clarification Cases
FMSHERLOCK_ADD_D Clarification WL: Add Documents
FMSK Commitment Item Check
FMSL Change Cmmt Item: Mass Processing
FMSPDERIVE Account Distributions derive: steps
FMSPDERIVER Account Distributions derive: values
FMSPLITMAINT Maintain Acct Asst Distribtn Rules
FMSRCICHNG Reassign Standing Request
FMSS Display Status Assignment
FMST Statistical report for PPA
FMSU Change Status Assignment
FMSX Output of Funds Center to UNIX file
FMSY Create Funds Center Using UNIX
FMTB Transfer Commitment/Actuals to FI-BL
FMTEXT Budget Text Organizer
FMTFDERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing
FMTFDERIVER G/L Acct Deriv. Rules - Maintenance
FMTFR HHM Object Assignment - Maintenance
FMTR FM budgetary ledger trace
FMU0 Display Funds Reservation Doc.Types
FMU1 Maintain Funds Reservation Doc.Types
FMU2 Display Funds Reservtn Fld Variants
FMU3 Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Variants
FMU4 Display Funds Reservation Fld Groups
FMU5 Maintain Funds Reservatn Fld Groups
FMU6 Display Funds Reservtn Field Selctn
FMU7 Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Selctn
FMU8 Display Template Type for Fds Resvtn
FMU9 Maintain Template Type for Fds Resvn
FMUA Dispay Fds Res.Template Type Fields
FMUB Maintain Fds Res.Template Type Flds
FMUC Display Funds Res. Reference Type
FMUD Maintain Funds Res.Reference Type
FMUE Display Funds Res.Ref.Type Fields
FMUF Maintaine Fds Rsvtn Ref.Type Fields
FMUG Display Reasons for Decision
FMUH Maintain Reasons for Decisions
FMUI Display Groups for Workflow Fields
FMUJ Maintain Groups for Workflow Fields
FMUK Display Fields in Groups for WF
FMUL Maintain Fields in Groups for WF
FMUM Display Field Selctn ->Variant/Group
FMUN Display Field Seln->Variant/Group
FMUSFG1 USFG Derivation - Customize
FMUSFG2 USFG Derivation - Maintain
FMUV Funds Resvtn Field Status Var.Asst
FMV1 Create Forecast of Revenue
FMV2 Change Forecast of Revenue
FMV3 Display Forecast of Revenue
FMV4 Approve Forecast of Revenue
FMV5 Change FM Acct Asst in Fcst of Rev.
FMV6 Reduce Forecast of Revenue Manually
FMVA01 Collective Prcssng Value Adjustments
FMVABD Define Funds Management Validation
FMVPM1 Create Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt.
FMVPM2 Change Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt.
FMVPM3 Display Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt
FMVPM4 Approve forecast of rev. value adjmt
FMVT Fund Balance Carryforward
FMW1 Create Funds Block
FMW2 Change Funds Block
FMW3 Display Funds Block
FMW4 Approve Funds Blocking
FMW5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Blkg
FMWA Create Funds Transfer
FMWB Change Funds Transfer
FMWC Display Funds Transfer
FMWD Approve Funds Transfer
FMWE Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Trsfr
FMWHEREUSED Where-Used FM Assignments
FMWPM1 Create Fund Block for Value Adjustmt
FMWPM2 Change Fund Block for Value Adjustmt
FMWPM3 Display Funds Block for Value Adjst.
FMWPM4 Approve Fund Block for Value Adjust.
FMX1 Create Funds Reservation
FMX2 Change Funds Reservation
FMX3 Display Funds Reservation
FMX4 Approve Funds Reservation
FMX5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Resvn
FMX6 Funds Reservation: Manual Reduction
FMXPM1 Funds Reservation: Create Value Adj.
FMXPM2 Funds Reservation: Change Value Adj.
FMXPM3 Funds Reservation: Displ. Value Adj.
FMXPM4 Funds Reserv.: Approve Value Adjust.
FMY1 Create Funds Commitment
FMY2 Change Funds Commitment
FMY3 Display Funds Precommitment
FMY4 Approve Funds Precommitment
FMY5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Prcmmt
FMY6 Reduce Funds Precommitment Manually
FMYC Funds Management Control
FMYC02 Reassignment for canceling Funds
FMYC03DERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing
FMYCDERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing
FMYCR HHM Object Assignment - Maintenance
FMYC_ASSIGN Assign Derivation Strategy
FMYC_CFBCOM Closing Operations: Cmmt Budget (CB)
FMYC_CFBPAY Clsg Operations: Bdgt for Cmmt (PB)
FMYC_CFCCOM FM Closing Operations: Cmmt (CB)
FMYC_CFCPAY FM Closing Operations: Cmmt (PB)
FMYC_CFPARAM Closing Ops: Carryforward Parameters
FMYC_CFPCOM Closing Ops: Residual Commt Budget
FMYC_CFPPAY Closing Ops: Residual Payment Budget
FMYC_CFRULES Closing Commt: Assign Carryfwd Par.
FMYC_DEFAULT FM Closing Operations: Default
FMYC_DELWF Reset Workflow (Earmarked Funds)
FMYC_VA Amount Adjustment of Document Chains
FMYC_VA_REV Undo Value Adjustment for Chains
FMYPM1 Funds Precmmt: Create Value Adjust.
FMYPM2 Funds Precmmt: Change Value Adjust.
FMYPM3 Funds precmmt: Display value adjust.
FMYPM4 Funds Precmmt: Approve Value Adjust.
FMZ1 Create Funds Commitment
FMZ2 Change Funds Commitment
FMZ3 Display Funds Commitment
FMZ4 Approve Funds Commitment
FMZ5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Commt
FMZ6 Reduce Funds Commitment Manually
FMZBVT Carry Forward Balance
FMZK Day-End Closing Correction User
FMZPM1 Funds commit.: Create value adjust.
FMZPM2 Funds commit.: Change value adjust.
FMZPM3 Funds Cmmt: Display Value Adjustment
FMZPM4 Funds commit: Approve value adjust.
FMZT Assigning Clsng Op. Grp - FM Areas
FMZZ Revalue Earmarked Funds
FM_CHECK_VERRECHNUNG Check Customizing Clearing Control
FM_CISUB_SET1 Create Cmmt Item Substrings Group
FM_CISUB_SET2 Change Cmmt Item Substrings Group
FM_CISUB_SET3 Display Cmmt Item Substrings Group
FM_CLEAR_ACC Clarification Worklist - FM AcctAsgt
FM_DLFI Deletes FI Documnts Transferred from
FM_DLFM Deletes all FM Data (fast)
FM_DLOI Deletes Cmmts Transferred from FM
FM_DLPF Reconstruct Document Bundle
FM_EURO Reconciliation After Euro Conversion
FM_EURO_M Parameter Maintenance for Euro Conv.
FM_FCSUB_SET1 Create Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group
FM_FCSUB_SET2 Change Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group
FM_FCSUB_SET3 Display Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group
FM_FDSUB_SET1 Create Fund Substrings Group
FM_FDSUB_SET2 Change Fund Substrings Group
FM_FDSUB_SET3 Display Fund Substrings Group
FM_FNSUB_SET1 Create Func. Area Substrings Group
FM_FNSUB_SET2 Change Func. Area Substrings Group
FM_FNSUB_SET3 Display Func. Area Substrings Group
FM_FUNCTION FM: Functional Area
FM_FUNCTION1 FM: Functional Area
FM_FUNCTION2 FM: Functional Area
FM_HHM_ACTIVATE Activate/Deactivate Funds Management
FM_LGD_H_BSU Search Help for Bank Turnover
FM_LGD_H_EST Posting Statistic for Acct Statement
FM_LGD_H_MCE Multi-Cash Editor
FM_MRP_PR Update MRP PRs to FM
FM_RC07 Reconcile FI Paymts-> FM Line Items
FM_SD07 Display Worklist
FM_SETS_FICTR1 Create Funds Center
FM_SETS_FICTR2 Change Funds Center Group
FM_SETS_FICTR3 Display Funds Center Group
FM_SETS_FIPEX1 Create Commitment Item Group
FM_SETS_FIPEX2 Change Commitment Item Group
FM_SETS_FIPEX3 Display Commitment Item Group
FM_SETS_FUNCTION1 Create Functional Area Group
FM_SETS_FUNCTION2 Change Functional Area Group
FM_SETS_FUNCTION3 Display Functional Area Group
FM_SETS_FUND1 Create Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUND2 Change Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUND3 Display Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG1 Create Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG2 Change Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG3 Display Fund Group
FN-1 No.range: FVVD_RANL (Loan number)
FN-4 Number range maintenance: FVVD_PNNR
FN-5 Number range maintenance: FVVD_SNBNR
FN-6 Number range maintenance: FVVD_RPNR
FN09 Create Borrowers Note Order
FN11 Change borrowers note order
FN12 Display borrowers note order
FN13 Delete borrowers note order
FN15 Create borrowers note contract
FN16 Change borrowers note contract
FN17 Display borrowers note contract
FN18 Payoff borrowers note contract
FN19 Wthdrw/Red. Borrowers Note Contract
FN1A Create other loan contract
FN1V Create other loan contract
FN20 Create borrowers note offer
FN21 Change borrowers note offer
FN22 Display borrowers note offer
FN23 Delete borrowers note offer
FN24 Activate borrowers note offer
FN2A Change other loan application
FN2V Change other loan contract
FN30 Create policy interested party
FN31 Change policy interested party
FN32 Display policy interested party
FN33 Delete policy interested party
FN34 Policy interested party in applic.
FN35 Policy interested party in contract
FN3A Display other loan application
FN3V Display other loan contract
FN40 Create other loan interested party
FN41 Change other loan interested party
FN42 Display other loan interested party
FN43 Delete other loan interested party
FN44 Other loan in applic.
FN45 Other loan interested prty in cntrct
FN4A Wthdrw/Reduce Other Loan Application
FN4V Withdraw/Reduce Other Loan Contract
FN5A Other loan application in contract
FN5V Payoff other loan contract
FN61 Create collateral value
FN62 Change collateral value
FN63 Display collateral value
FN80 Enter manual debit position
FN81 Change manual debit position
FN82 Display manual debit position
FN84 Change waiver
FN85 Display Waiver
FN87 Change Write-Off Debit Position
FN88 Display Write-Off Debit Position
FN8A Manual Entry: Unscheduled Repayment
FN8B Manual Entry: Other Bus. Operations
FN8C Enter Single Postings
FN8D Post Planned Records
FN8X Business Operations: Workplace
FNA0 Policy application in contract
FNA1 Create Mortgage Offer
FNA2 Change Mortgage Offer
FNA3 Display Mortgage Loan Offer
FNA4 Mortgage Offer Withdrawal
FNA5 Mortgage Offer in Contract
FNA6 Create Policy Offer
FNA7 Change Policy Offer
FNA8 Display Policy Offer
FNA9 Policy Offer Withdrawal
FNAA Reactivation of Deleted Mort. Offer
FNAB Reactivation of Deleted Mort.Applic.
FNAC Reactivate deleted mortgage contract
FNAD Reactivation of Deleted Policy Offer
FNAE Reactivation of Deleted Policy Appl.
FNAG Reactvtn of Deleted Other Loan Offer
FNAH Reactivate del. other loan
FNAI Reactivate deleted other loan cntrct
FNAK Select File Number
FNAL Reactivate deleted BNL contract
FNAM Reactivate deleted policy contract
FNARCADMIN Archiving Administration
FNARCANALYZE Check Whether Docs Can Be Archived
FNARCEXCL Set /Delete Archiving Lock
FNARCHIVING Loan Document Archiving
FNARCSTATUS Display Archiving Status
FNASL Loans: Account Analysis
FNASSIGN_COND_X Workplace: Condition Assignment
FNASSIGN_INL_COND_X Workplace Cond. Assgnmnt Inst. Loan
FNASSIGN_LOC_COND_X Workplace Condition Assignment (LoC)
FNB1 Transfer to a Loan
FNB2 Transfer from a Loan
FNB3 Document Reversal - Loans
FNB8 BAV Information
FNB9 BAV transfer
FNBD Loans-Automatic bal.sheet transfer
FNBG Guarantee charges list
FNBT Balance Sheet Transfer
FNBU DARWIN- Loans accounting menu
FNCD Transfer Customizing for Dunning
FNCL Consumer Loan
FNCL_ADMIN Consumer Loan Administration
FNCL_DISPLAY Display Consumer Loan
FNCL_EDIT Change Consumer Loan
FNCNCL Delete Rescission Indicator
FNCOT_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCOT_INL_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_INL_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_INL_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCOT_LOC_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_LOC_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_LOC_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCOT_LOS_CHNG Change Condition Table
FNCOT_LOS_CREA Create Condition Table
FNCOT_LOS_DISP Display Condition Table
FNCP1 Generate Change Pointers Manually
FNCP3 Display change pointers
FNCP4 Reorganize change pointers
FNCW1 Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment
FNCW2 Administrative Responsibility
FNCW3 Assign Agents to Tasks
FNCW4 Activate/Deactivate Workflow
FNDD Convert Dunning Data in Dunn.History
FNDEF_PAST_DUE Display Open Items After Due Date
FNDOCSSHOW Display Individual Documents
FNEN Create Loan
FNENALG Create General Loan
FNENHYP Create Mortgage Loan
FNENPOL Create Policy Loan
FNENSSD Create Borrowers Note Loan
FNETSCA2 Customer: Change Address
FNETSCB1 Customer: Create Bank Details
FNETSCB2 Customer: Change Bank Details
FNETSCB6 Customer: Delete Bank Details
FNETSVA2 Vendor: Change Address
FNETSVB1 Vendor: Create Bank Details
FNETSVB2 Vendor: Change Bank Details
FNETSVB6 Vendor: Delete Bank Details
FNEXP Export Interface Loans
FNF1 Rollover: Create file
FNF2 Rollover: Change file
FNF3 Rollover: Display file
FNF4 Rollover: Fill file
FNF9 Rollover: Evaluations
FNFO ISIS: Create file
FNFP ISIS: Change file
FNFQ ISIS: Display file
FNFR ISIS: Fill file
FNFT Rollover: File evaluation
FNFU Rollover: Update file
FNG2 Total Loan Commitment
FNG3 Loan Commitment
FNGEN_PRODUCT_ATTR Processing Attrib. for Loans General
FNGEN_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Loans General
FNGEN_PRODUCT_CREA Creating Products for Loans in Genrl
FNI1 Create mortgage application
FNI2 Change mortgage application
FNI3 Display Mortgage Loan Application
FNI4 Mortgage Application Withdrawal
FNI5 Mortgage application to offer
FNI6 Mortgage application in contract
FNIA Create inquiry
FNIB Change inquiry
FNIC Display Inquiry
FNID Deactivate Interested Party
FNIE Reactivate Interested Party
FNIH Decision-making
FNIJ Create credit standing
FNIK Change Credit Standing
FNIL Display Credit Standing
FNIN Create collateral value
FNINL Edit Installment Loan
FNINL_DISPLAY Display Installment Loan
FNINL_EDIT Change Installment Loan
FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attribs for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for Inst. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Instllmt Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp. Products Instlmt Loans by Clnt
FNINL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Install. Loans
FNINL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Installment Loan Products
FNINL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Install. Loans
FNINV_ACC_DISP Display Investor Contract
FNIO Change collateral value
FNIP Display collateral value
FNK0 Multimillion Loan Display (GBA14)
FNK1 Loans to Managers (GBA15)
FNKO Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation
FNKWGFLAG Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator
FNL1 Rollover: Create Main File
FNL2 Rollover: Change Main File
FNL3 Rollover: Displ. Main File Structure
FNL4 New business
FNL5 New business
FNL6 New business
FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes for LoC
FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for LoC
FNLOC_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Products - LoC Using Client
FNLOC_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Lines of Credit
FNLOC_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Lines of Credit
FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR Proc. of Attrs for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR_D No. of Attrib. for Aquisition System
FNLOS_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Aquisition Syst
FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Prod. for Aqu. Using Client
FNLOS_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLOS_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products in Aquisition System
FNLOS_PRODUCT_DISP No. of Products for Aquisition Syst.
FNLS_ACTM Set Status Actual Completed
FNLS_CONTS Reset Planned Completed to Contract
FNLS_PLANM Set Status Planned Completed
FNLS_PLANS Set Status Planned Completed
FNM1 Automatic Posting
FNM1S Automatic Posting - Single
FNM2 Balance sheet transfer
FNM3 Loans reversal module
FNM4 Undisclosed assignment
FNM5 Automatic debit position simulation
FNM6 Post Interest on Arrears
FNMA Partner data: Settings menu
FNMD Submenu General Loans
FNME Loans management menu
FNMEC Loans Management Menu
FNMH Loans management menu
FNMI Loans information system
FNMO Loans Menu Policy Loans
FNMP Rollover
FNMS Loans Menu Borrowers Notes
FNMULTIARC Archive Document Data
FNN4 Display General File
FNN5 Edit general file
FNN6 Display general main file
FNN7 Edit general main file
FNN8 Display general main file
FNN9 Edit general overall file
FNO1 Create Object
FNO2 Change Object
FNO3 Display Object
FNO5 Create collateral
FNO6 Change collateral
FNO7 Display collateral
FNO8 Create Objects from File
FNO9 Create Collateral from File
FNP0 Edit rollover manually
FNP4 Rollover: Display file
FNP5 Rollover: Edit File
FNP6 Rollover: Display main file
FNP7 Rollover: Edit main file
FNP8 Rollover: Display overall file
FNP9 Rollover: Edit overall file
FNQ2 New Business Statistics
FNQ5 Transact.type - Acct determinat.adj.
FNQ6 Compare Flow Type/Account Determin.
FNQ7 Generate flow type
FNQ8 Automatic Clearing for Overpayments
FNQ9 Int. adjustment run
FNQF Swiss interest adjustment run
FNQG Swiss special interest run
FNR0 Loans: Posting Journal
FNR6 Insur.prtfolio trends - NEW
FNR7 Totals and Balance List
FNR8 Account Statement
FNR9 Planning List
FNRA Other accruals/deferrals
FNRB Planned Record Update
FNRB_WORKLIST Update Planned Records from Worklist
FNRC Accruals/deferrals reset
FNRD Display incoming payments
FNRE DO NOT USE:Reverse Incoming Payments
FNRELOADING Reload Archived Documents
FNRI Portfolio Analysis Discount/Premium
FNRLZ Statement of Remaining Terms
FNRS Reversal Accrual/Deferral
FNS1 Collateral number range
FNSA Foreign currency valuation
FNSARACUST Customizing Loan Archiving CML
FNSB Master data summary
FNSFP Contracts for the Finance Project
FNSIM_CORR Simulate Backdated Condition Change
FNSL Balance reconciliation list
FNSTA Processing Characteristics
FNT0 Loan correspondence (Switzerland)
FNT1 Automatic Deadline Monitoring
FNT2 Copy text modules to client
FNTDPRODPROFILE Assign Profiles to Products
FNUB Treasury transfer
FNV0 Payoff policy contract
FNV1 Create mortgage contract
FNV2 Change mortgage contract
FNV3 Display mortgage contract
FNV4 Contract Full / Partial Recission
FNV5 Disburse Contract
FNV6 Create policy contract
FNV7 Change policy contract
FNV8 Display policy contract
FNV9 Policy Contract WIthdrawal
FNVA Create paid off contracts
FNVCOMPRESSION Loans: Document Data Summarization
FNVCOMPREXCL Set /Delete Archiving Lock
FNVD Disburse Contract
FNVD_REPAY Loan Payoff
FNVI Loans: General Overview
FNVM Change Contract
FNVR Reactivate Contract
FNVS Display Contract
FNVW Withdraw or Reduce Contract
FNWF WF Loans Release: List of Work Items
FNWF_REP Release Workflow: Synchronization
FNWO Loans: Fast Processing
FNWS Housing statistics
FNX1 Rollover: Create Table
FNX2 Rollover: Change Table
FNX3 Rollover: Display Table
FNX6 Rollover: Delete Table
FNX7 Rollover: Deactivate Table
FNX8 Rollover: Print Table
FNXD TR-EDT: Documentation
FNXG List of Bus. Partners Transferred
FNXU List of Imported Loans
FNY1 New Business: Create Table
FNY2 New Business: Change Table
FNY3 New Business: Display Table
FNY6 New Business: Delete Table
FNY7 New Business: Deactivate Table
FNY8 New Business: Print Table
FNZA Account Determination Customizing
FN_1 Table maint. transferred loans
FN_2 Table maintenance transf. partner
FN_AUTODRAFT_PROCESS Create Auto Debit Files
FN_BILLNUM Number Range Maintenance Bill Number
FN_BILL_NUM Number Range Maintenance: FVVD_BILL
FN_CBR_INFO Display Files for Credit Bureau
FN_CBR_PROCESS Create Files for Credit Bureau
FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp.Prods.- Cons.Loans Using Client
FN_CL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products: Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Consumer Loans
FN_CL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products: Consumer Loans
FN_CORR_MASS Create Annual Interest Statement
FN_DAILY_ACCRUAL Daily Interest Accrual Display
FN_DERI_COMPANY_CODE Derivation Rules for Company Code
FN_DERI_CONDITION Derivation Rules for Condition Table
FN_DERI_ORIGINATOR Derivation Rules for Originator
FN_DERI_PRODUCT Derivation Rules for Product
FN_DERI_SALES_ORG Derivation Rules for Org. Unit
FN_LOANUNITA_ARC_ADM Archiving Administration LOANREF_A
FN_LOANUNITV_ARC_ADM Archiving Administration LOANREF_V
FN_LOANUNIT_ARC Archive Loan Reference Units
FN_LOANUNIT_RELOAD Reload Loan Reference Units
FN_MIG_CMS Deletion of Data After Migration CMS
FN_PAY_PROCESS_SUSP Generate PPO Error Messages
FN_PAY_PROC_PAYOFF Create Payoff from Overpayment
FN_PAY_STOP Create Lockbox Stop File
FN_POST_INL Post Planned Records from Worklist
FN_PPO2 Edit Postprocessing Order
FN_PPO3 Display Postprocessing Order
FN_PPO_VIEWCALL PPO Customizing with Component
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_ATTYP Assign Attribute Types
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_CUSAT Table/Struct.Name f.Cust. Attributes
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_PTYP Options for Supported Product Cats.
FN_PRODUCT_BAS_TAPT Assign Prod.Cat.& Cond.Type
FN_PRODUCT_KEYP_WORK Change Key Prefix for Product Key
FN_RULE_COMPANY_CODE Rule Entries for Company Code
FN_RULE_CONDITION Rule Entries for Condition Table
FN_RULE_ORIGINATOR Rule Entries for Loan Originator
FN_RULE_PRODUCT Rule Entries for Product
FN_RULE_SALES_ORG Rule Entries for Org. Unit
FN_STOP_ADMIN Manage Stops
FN_TRLE_CHECK_CUST Check Cust. for Parallel Posit. Mgmt
FN_TRLE_CML_TRL Comp. CML-BO and Parallel Pos. Mgmt
FN_TRLE_INIT_VCLASS Initialization of General Valn Class
FN_TRLE_TEST_INIT REP: rfvd_test_distributor_init
FN_UPD_FELDAUSW Update Program for Field Selection
FO/E Create exception real estate
FO/F Maintain exception real estate
FO/G Display exception real estate
FO/H Create groups except. real estate
FO/I Change groups except. real estate
FO/J Display groups except. real estate
FO01 Real estate management leasing
FO08 Reversal input tax distribution
FO10 Reserved for real estate
FO11 Number range maintenance: Land reg.
FO12 Field status: Management contract
FO13 Activate Settlement Unit
FO13U Activate Settlement Unit
FO14 Land register: Display
FO15 Land register: Change
FO16 Land register: Create
FO18 Land register: Parameters via MEM ID
FO19 Land register: Parameter trnsfr test
FO1B Create expert report
FO1C Change expert report
FO1D Display expert report
FO1E Owner Settlement
FO1F Owner Account Settlement Reversal
FO1G Correction Items Retirement
FO1I Post-generate settlement particip.
FO1I_MV Post-Generate Settlement Particip.
FO1J Corr.item transfer within asset
FO1K Reverse CI transfer within asset
FO1L Repost Input Tax Adjustments
FO20 Reserved for real estate
FO21 Create business entity
FO22 Change business entity
FO23 Display business entity
FO24 Follow-up post. inc.pmnt rejections
FO25 Number Range for Business Entity
FO27 Number Range for Property
FO28 Number Range for Building
FO29 Reset transaction block
FO30 Maintain lease-out
FO31 Create property
FO32 Change property
FO33 Display property
FO35 Create building
FO36 Change building
FO37 Display building
FO38 Change RA: Conds of Active Contracts
FO3B Selection real.est.obj. for CO sett.
FO3C Real estate CO settlement
FO3K Maintain automatic postings accounts
FO3L Read lease-out flow archive
FO40 Reserved for real estate
FO49 Check index for real estate
FO4B Stand.settings rental agreemnt analy
FO4C Stand.settings rental agreemnt analy
FO4D Stand.Settings Bus.Entity Analysis
FO4E Standard settings property analysis
FO4F Standard settings building analysis
FO4G Reporting tree VI12
FO4H Reporting tree VI13
FO4I Reporting tree VI14
FO4J Reporting tree VI15
FO4K VI16 report tree
FO4L Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR
FO4M Translation Tool - Drilldown Report
FO4N Number range maint.: RE_INVOICE
FO4O Stand.settings partner analysis
FO4P Partner analysis-new selection
FO4Q Std settings land register analysis
FO4W Test monitor - Real Estate reports
FO4Y Read lease-out archive
FO5G Real Estate report list
FO5O Import reports
FO5P Generate reports
FO5Q Rental Units Standard Analysis
FO5R Real Estate report layouts
FO5T Lease-Out Analysis: New Selection
FO5V Print New LO Number Correspondence
FO60 Reserved for real estate
FO61 Create settlement unit
FO61U Create Master Settlement Unit
FO62 Change settlement unit
FO62U Change Master Settlement Unit
FO63 Display settlement unit
FO63U Display Master Settlement Unit
FO65 Overview of Settlement Units
FO66 Overview cost collectors for SU
FO67 SU Overview for Rental Unit
FO6A Real estate field status application
FO6B Display real est. applic.fld select.
FO6C Rental request field status
FO6D Set delete flag for CU
FO6E Change co-applicant field selection
FO6F Display co-applicant field selection
FO6G No.range maintenance: FVVI_VWVTR
FO6H Field Status: Rental Request
FO6I Reporting tree VI11
FO6J Maintain Real Estate Report Tree
FO70 Reserved for real estate
FO77 Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_NKSET
FO79 Maintain Rent Adjustm.History
FO7P Property Standard Analysis
FO7Q Buildings Standard Analysis
FO7R Reporting tree VI10
FO7S Maintain Batch Variants
FO7T Rental unit analysis user settings
FO7U Rntl agrmnt analysis user settings
FO7V Standard analysis land register
FO7W Reorganize Report Data
FO7Y Tenant acct evaluation
FO80 RA debit positions - Log
FO81 Display Rent Adjustm.History
FO82 Create Management Contract
FO83 Change Management Contract
FO84 Display management contract
FO85 Simulate debit position/man.contract
FO86 Change active admin.contract fees
FO87 Change cond.act.cntrcts for bckgrnd
FO88 Management contract debit position
FO8A Real est. trans.records accr./defer.
FO8B RealEstate accr./defer.- Reversal
FO8C Real Estate CO Indiv. Settlement
FO8D Report: distributions
FO8DA Input Tax Distribution
FO8DB Input Tax Distribution Posting
FO8DM Input Tax Distribution Reversal
FO8DN Input Tax Distribution Log
FO8E Create admin.contract event
FO8F Change admin.contract event
FO8G Display admin.contract event
FO8H Admin.costs acct sttlmnt simulation
FO8I Management Costs Settlement
FO8J No.range maintenance:FVVI_VWEVT
FO8K Carry out real estate accr./defer.
FO8L Changed Option Rate Ratios
FO8N OptRte-Relevant Changes RU / LO
FO8P Reset D tape data
FO8Q Incoming payments by posting date
FO8R Reset delete flag for SU
FO8S Create measurement doc.
FO8T Change Measurement Document
FO8U Display Measurement Document
FO8V Collective Entry of MeasDocuments
FO8W Change Measurement Documents
FO8X Display Measurement Documents
FO8Y Collective Entry of MeasDocuments
FO8Z Change Measurement Documents
FO91 VICP report tree
FO94 Number range maintenance:FVVI_BEBE
FO95 Create correction items
FO96 Change correction items
FO97 Display correction items
FO98 Delete correction items
FO9A Display Measurement Documents
FO9B Create measurement doc.
FO9C Change Measurement Document
FO9D Display Measurement Document
FO9E Collective Entry of MeasDocuments
FO9F Call reporting tree VI01
FO9G Call reporting tree VI02
FO9H Call reporting tree VI03
FO9I Call reporting tree VI04
FO9J Call reporting tree VI05
FO9K Import Reports from Client
FO9L Import Forms from Client 000
FO9M Transport reports
FO9N Transport Forms
FO9O Overview of Reports
FO9P Real estate: Create select.version
FO9Q Real estate: Change select. version
FO9R Real estate: Display select.version
FO9S Real estate: Schedule select.version
FO9T Selection Version Tree Real Estate
FO9U User-Spec. Sel.Vers.Tree Real Estate
FO9V Reporting tree VI06
FO9W Reporting tree VI07
FO9X Maintain report selection
FO9Y Business Entities Standard Analysis
FO9Z Reporting tree VI09
FOA0 Simulate Index Rent Adjustment
FOA1 Calculate rent adjustment: Index
FOA2 Rent adjustemnt: Display logs
FOA3 Calculate rent adjustment: CH
FOA4 Rent Adjustment - Reserved
FOA5 Activate rent adjustment: Index
FOA6 Rent adjustment letter: Index
FOA7 Rent adjustment logs: Index
FOA8 Dispay rent adjustments: Index
FOAA Calculate rent adj.: Comp.apartment
FOAB Assign RU to comparative group
FOABG General contract accrual/deferral
FOAC Activate rent adjustment: Comp.aprt.
FOAD Display rent adjustment: Comp.apart.
FOAE Simulate rent adjust.: Comp.apartmnt
FOAF Comparative rnt rnt. adj. coll.print
FOAG Rent adj. logs: Comparative apart.
FOAH Calculate rent adj.: Free adj.
FOAI Activate rent adj.: Free adjustment
FOAIMMO Maintain AIMMO Indicator
FOAJ Display rent adj.: Free adjustment
FOAK Rent adjustment letter: Free adj.
FOAL Display rent adjustment: Free adj.
FOAM Simulate rent adjustment: Free adj.
FOAN Activate rent adjustment: All methds
FOAO Reverse rent adjustment: All methods
FOAP Display rent adjustment logs
FOAPCUST00 Activation of Application FI-CDA
FOAPLOG01 Analyze Application Log
FOAPLOG02 Analyze Application Log
FOAPPROC01 Transfer Credits and Payments
FOAPPROC02 Clear Invoices
FOAQ Calculate rent adj.: Rep. rent list
FOAR Simulate rent adj.: Rep. rent list
FOAR00 Business Partner Configuration Menu
FOAR01 REAR: Applications
FOAR02 REAR: Field Groups
FOAR03 REAR: Views
FOAR04 REAR: Sections
FOAR05 REAR: Pictures
FOAR06 REAR: Screen Sequences
FOAR07 REAR: Events
FOAR08 REAR: GUI Standard Functions
FOAR09 REAR: GUI Additional Functions
FOAR0A Create Rental Request
FOAR0B Change Rental Request
FOAR0C Display Rental Request
FOAR10 Application archiving
FOAR100 Management contract archiving
FOAR101 Management of mgt contract archives
FOAR103 Mngt contract archiving prep.prog.
FOAR11 Management of application archives
FOAR12 REAR: Field Modification Criteria
FOAR13 REAR: Activities
FOAR14 REAR: Field Assignment Screen->DB
FOAR15 REAR: Application Transactions
FOAR16 REAR: Tables
FOAR18 REAR: Activity Field Modification
FOAR1A Transfer Rental Units into Offers
FOAR1B Offer Overview
FOAR1C Overview of Requests
FOAR20 Offer archiving
FOAR21 Management of offer archives
FOAR25 REAR: Authorization Types
FOAR26 REAR: Field Groups for Authorization
FOAR27 REAR: Search
FOAR2A Rental Request -> Find Offer Object

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