SAP Transaction code page 12


code academy
ECC 6.0 Transaction code lists
Transaction code Descriptions

FF.9 Post Payment Orders
FF.D Generate payt req. from advices
FF/1 Compare Bank Terms
FF/2 Compare value date
FF/3 Archive advices from bank statements
FF/4 Import Electronic Check Deposit List
FF/5 Post electronic check deposit list
FF/6 Deposit/loan mgmt analysis/posting
FF/7 Deposit/loan management int accruals
FF/8 Import Bank Statement into Cash Mgmt
FF/9 Compare Advices with Bank Statement
FF63 Create Planning Memo Record
FF65 List of Cash Management Memo Records
FF67 Manual Account Statement
FF68 Manual Check Deposit Transaction
FF69 Cash Mgmt: Totals Record Correction
FF6A Edit Cash Mgmt Pos Payment Advices
FF6B Edit liquidity forecast planned item
FF70 Cash Mgmt Posit./Liquidity Forecast
FF71 Cash Position
FF72 Liquidity forecast
FF73 Cash Concentration
FF74 Use Program to Access Cash Concntn
FF7A Cash Position
FF7B Liquidity forecast
FF:1 Maintain exchange rates
FFA1 Compare Advices with Bk.Stmt Advices
FFB4 Import Electronic Check Deposit List
FFB5 Post electronic check deposit list
FFCD Cash deconcentration
FFL_OLD Display Transmission Information
FFS_OLD Display Transmission Information
FFTL Telephone list
FFW1 Wire Authorization
FFWR Post Payment Requests from Advice
FFWR_REQUESTS Create Payment Requests from Advice
FFZK C FI Maintainence Table T018Z
FF_1 Standard G/L Account Interest Scale
FF_3 G/L Account Cashed Checks
FF_4 Vendor Cashed Checks
FF_5 Import Electronic Bank Statement
FF_6 Display Electronic Bank Statement
FG99 Flexible G/L: Report Selection
FGI0 Execute Report
FGI1 Create Report
FGI2 Change Report
FGI3 Display Report
FGI4 Create Form
FGI5 Change Form
FGI6 Display Form
FGIB Background Processing
FGIC Maintain Currency Translation Type
FGIK Maintain Key Figures
FGIM Report Monitor
FGIO Transport Reports
FGIP Transport Forms
FGIQ Import Reports from Client 000
FGIR Import Forms from Client 000
FGIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
FGIV Maintain Global Variable
FGIX Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FGIY Reorganize Report Data
FGIZ Reorganize Forms
FGL6 IRE: One Time Posting - Gen. Contr
FGM0 Special Purpose Ledger Menu
FGRP Report Painter
FGRW Report Writer Menu
FGSODN_IT1 Number range maintenance: FIN2_IT
FI01 Create Bank
FI02 Change Bank
FI03 Display Bank
FI04 Display Bank Changes
FI06 Set Flag to Delete Bank
FI07 Change Current Number Range Number
FI08 Distribution of the Bank Master Data
FI09 Distribution of IBANs
FI12 Change House Banks/Bank Accounts
FI12CORE Change House Banks/Bank Accounts
FI12_OLD Change House Banks/Bank Accounts
FI13 Display House Banks/Bank Accounts
FI13_OLD Display House Banks/Bank Accounts
FIAAHELP FI-AA Utility Programs
FIAAHELP_DARK FI-AA Utility Programs Dispatcher
FIBB Bank chain determination
FIBC Scenarios for Bank Chain Determin.
FIBD Allocation client
FIBF Maintenance transaction BTE
FIBHS Display bank chains for house banks
FIBHU Maintain bank chains for house banks
FIBL0 Origin Indicator Definition
FIBL1 Control Origin Indicator
FIBL2 Assign Origin
FIBL3 Group of House Bank Accounts
FIBL4 Bank Clearing Account for HR Payment
FIBLAPOP Vendors - Payment Request
FIBLAROP Customers - Payment Request
FIBLFFP Free Form Payment
FIBPS Display bank chians for partners
FIBPU Maintain bank chains for partner
FIBS Input House Bank in Payment Request
FIBTS Dis. bank chains for acct carry fwds
FIBTU Main. bank chains for acctCarry over
FICAAOLA Master Data Tab
FICAARCHBDT BDT Contract Account Archiving
FICADELE Contract Account Deletion
FICADELEBDT BDT Contract Account Deletion
FICD Cash deconcentration
FICOBDT Financial Conditions
FICOBDT01 FICO Config. - BDT - Applications
FICOBDT0104 FICO Config - BDT - Screen Config.
FICOBDT013 FICO Config. - BDT - Roles
FICOBDT014 FICO Config. - Role Category Groups
FICOBDT02 FICO Config. - BDT - Field Groups
FICOBDT03 FICO Config. - BDT - Views
FICOBDT04 FICO Config. - BDT - Section
FICOBDT05 FICO Config. - BDT - Screens
FICOBDT06 FICO Config. - BDT - Screen Sequence
FICOBDT07 FICO Config. - BDT - Event
FICOBDT08 FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Std Funct.
FICOBDT09 FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Add. Funct.
FICOBDT10 FICO Config.- BDT - Matchcodes
FICOBDT100 FICO Config - BDT - Fmod per Acct
FICOBDT102 FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. type
FICOBDT103 FICO Config - BDT - Fld Grp Authoriz
FICOBDT105 FICO Config. BDT -Fmod Ext. Applic.
FICOBDT11 FICO Config - BDT - ScrnFld ->DB Fld
FICOBDT12 FICO Config. - BDT - Fmod. Criteria
FICOBDT15 FICO Config. - BDT - Appl. Transact.
FICOBDT16 FICO Configuration - BDT - Tables
FICOBDT17 FICO Config.- BDT -Ext. Applications
FICOBDT18 FICO Config. - BDT - Activities
FICOBDT19 FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. Type
FICOBDT20 FICO Config. - BDT - Auth Fld Grps
FICOBDT_31 Define Condition Type
FICOMAIN Menu for New Conditions Log
FICO_123 Create Basic Setting - Conditions
FICO_124 Create Basic Setting - Conditions
FICO_CG Define Condition Group Type
FICO_CUS_LIST_BCA Customizing for Condition Group Type
FICO_FOBU_OPERATOR Define Formula Operators
FIEH01 Process Contracts with Errors
FIHB In-house bank
FIHB0 Number Range Maintenance
FIHB1 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB
FIHB4 Assignment of IHB to Bookkeeping
FIHB5 Data for Automatic Payments
FIHB6 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB
FIHB7 Reversal of IHC Payment Requests
FIHB8 Transfer Recipient Items
FIHBC Settings for In-House Bank
FIHC Create In-House Cash Center
FILAACETRANS Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting
FILAADJ Manual Changes to Value ID Contents
FILAADJREV Reverse Value ID Change
FILAADMN Process Processing Initial Screen
FILACHECK List Available Help Programs
FILACUS List Available Help Programs
FILAEXAM Lease: Process Analysis
FILAEXAMX Processing of Process (Enhanced)
FILAEXPL Display Lease
FILAFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation
FILAHELP List Available Help Programs
FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM Validation Parameter
FILASYST Jump to IMG for System Customizing
FILATEST Process Processing Initial Screen
FILAUF_WF_CUST Store Order: Workflow Customizing
FILAVSRDEF Substitution/Validation Determinat.
FILAVSRDEF_CLASS Check Sequences f. Financ. Classif.
FILAVSRDEF_CRMC Check Sequences f. Pricing Classif.
FILAVSRDEF_VALID Validation Determination
FILAVSRDEF_VALUE Determ. f. Val.Determ. Substitution
FILA_LC_TEST Lease Classification
FILA_RE_C_CAT Define Refinancing Categories
FILA_RE_C_CAT_C Assign Tax ID and Clearing Accounts
FILA_RE_C_CHGPR Assign Change Processes to Clusters
FILA_RE_C_EVENT Assign Processes
FILA_RE_C_RFF Generate Forfaiting Payment Schedule
FILA_RE_C_VAL Assign Value Identifier to Ref. Cat.
FILA_RE_DOC_FLOW Display DocFlow for Refinancing
FILA_RE_MASTER Edit Refinancing Program
FILA_RE_NR1 Number Range Maint: Refinancing
FILA_RE_RETURN Create Return Transaction Tranche
FILA_RE_SELECT Create Refinancing Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANCHE Edit Refinancing Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PO Post Refinancing Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PR Post Return Transaction Tranche
FILA_RE_TRANS_POST Repost Customer/Vendor G/L Accounts
FILE Cross-Client File Names/Paths
FILEEDIT File Editor
FILINV_WF_CUST Store Inventory:Workflow Customizing
FIMA Financial Calculations
FIMA_TEST_DI FiMa Test for Daily Interest
FIMA_TRACE User Dialog for FIMA Trace
FINA Branch to Financial Accounting
FINB_ACCO Activation of All Configuration
FINB_ACINST_CHANGE Change/Set Accounting Instance
FINB_CCD_ADD Classes for Customizing Dispatcher
FINB_CONF_AFTER_NOTE Rework after SAP Note Implementation
FINB_CONF_START_IMG Define Configuration (SAP)
FINB_CONF_WB Maintain Configuration Aspect
FINB_GN_TRACE Activate Generator Trace
FINB_MSG_LG1 Analyze Application Log
FINB_PR_SHOW Display Persistence Objects
FINB_TR_CAT Catalog of Transport Objects
FINB_TR_CATA Attributes of Transport Objects
FINB_TR_CATAL Local Attributes
FINB_TR_CCM Client Copy - Protection
FINB_TR_CCM1 Client Copy - Administration
FINB_TR_CCO Client Copy - Object Status
FINB_TR_CC_CD Copy Transaction Data
FINB_TR_CC_LOG Client Copy-Postprocessing Log
FINB_TR_CUST FINB Transport Tool: Customizing
FINB_TR_DEST Destination for Transport Methods
FINB_TR_DISPLAY Transport Container Display
FINB_TR_EXEC_AI Postprocessing of Client Copy
FINB_TR_IMG Transport Tool - Development
FINB_TR_REORG Transport Container Reorganization
FINB_TR_TCATO Obsolete Transport Objects
FINB_TR_U1 Copy a Transport Request
FINB_TR_U2 Prepare Delivery
FINB_TR_WZ RFC Connection Wizard
FINB_VIEW_TO_CONFIG Connection to Configuration
FINDR0 ParameterTransaction Derivation Tool
FINF Info System Events
FINL_9000_SHOW Display
FINP Info System Processes
FINR3_CPROJECTS_CUST cProjects IMG in Plug-In for ERP
FINT Item Interest Calculation
FINTAP Item Interest Calculation Vendors
FINTSHOW Overview of Int. Runs for Item. Int.
FIN_ACCDOCNO_MAINT Number Ranges for Document Numbers
FIN_GLACCT Maintain G/L Accounts
FIN_GLTRATYPE Maintain Transaction Type
FIN_PRCVARIANT Maintain Price Variant
FIOA Interest on Arrears - Consumer Loans
FIOR Create Orbian Bank
FIOTPKOFIMAINTAIN Maintain Derivation Rule Entries
FIOTP_NRIV One-Time PostingsNumber Range Maint.
FIPAY_BDGTS01 Subsequent SPL Screening
FIPAY_CUST01 Maintenance View V_FIPAY_T042_GTS
FIPOS Create Commitment Items
FIPRB01 FIPR Control: Applications
FIPRB02 FIPR Control: Field Groups
FIPRB03 FIPR Control: Views
FIPRB04 FIPR Control: Sections
FIPRB05 FIPR Control: Screens
FIPRB06 FIPR Control: Screen Sequences
FIPRB07 FIPR Control: Business Trans. Events
FIPRB08 FIPR Control: CUA Standard Function
FIPRB09 FIPR Control: CUA Addit. Functions
FIPRB100 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB101 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB102 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB103 FIPR Control: Matchcode
FIPRB11 FIPR Control: Assgt Scrn->DB Field
FIPRB12 FIPR Control: Field Modif. Criteria
FIPRB13 FIPR Control: Products
FIPRB14 FIPR Control: Product Group
FIPRB15 FIPR Control: Applic. Transactions
FIPRB16 FIPR Control: Tables
FIPRB18 FIPR Control: Activities
FIPRB19 FIPR Control: FB per Activity
FIPRC1 Maintain Attribute Type
FIPRC10 Fields Maintenance
FIPRC11 Feature Maintenance
FIPRC12 Field Values Maintenance
FIPRC13 Two Dimensional Field Value Mainten.
FIPRC2 Product Category Maintenance
FIPRC3 Maintain Attributes
FIPRC4 Maintain Key Prefix
FIPRC5 Field Grouping Activity
FIPRD1 Create Product
FIPRD2 Change Product
FIPRD3 Display Product
FIPRD4 Copy Product
FIRPGR Repetitive Code Groups Maintenance
FISPLOGCUST Customizing for Log Categories
FISPLOGDISP Display of Log Entries
FISPLOGORGA Reorganize Log Entries
FITP_RESPO Contact Partner Responsibilities
FITP_SETTINGS Settings for Travel Planning
FITP_SETTINGS_TREE Tree Maintenance Current Settings
FI_DRILLDOWN GT Documents for FI Document
FJA1 Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts
FJA2 Change Last Adjustment Dates
FJA3 Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation
FJA4 Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC)
FJA5 Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC)
FJA6 Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC)
FK01 Create Vendor (Accounting)
FK02 Change Vendor (Accounting)
FK02CORE Maintain vendor
FK03 Display Vendor (Accounting)
FK04 Vendor Changes (Accounting)
FK05 Block Vendor (Accounting)
FK06 Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng)
FK08 Confirm Vendor Individually (Acctng)
FK09 Confirm Vendor List (Accounting)
FK10 Vendor Account Balance
FK10N Vendor Balance Display
FK10NA Vendor Balance Display
FK10NET Vendor Balance Display
FK15 Transfer vendor changes: receive
FK16 Transfer vendor changes: receive
FK59 C FI-CA Table maintenance TFK044A
FKCB FI-CA Dunning - Customizing
FKCJ BP Control: Activities
FKCUMTAX Summarize Tax Lines UK
FKEXMA Monitor Tax Exemptions
FKI0 Execute Report
FKI1 Create Report
FKI2 Change Report
FKI3 Display Report
FKI4 Create Form
FKI5 Formular 舅dern
FKI6 Display Form
FKIB Background Processing
FKIC Maintain Currency Translation Type
FKIK Maintain Key Figures
FKIM Report Monitor
FKIO Transport Reports
FKIP Transport Forms
FKIQ Import Reports from Client 000
FKIR Import Forms from Client 000
FKIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
FKIV Maintain Global Variable
FKIX Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FKIY Reorganize Report Data
FKIZ Reorganize Forms
FKJOCMDR Job Commander Standalone
FKJOCMDR1 Job Commander from FuMo (List)
FKJOCNT Job Container
FKJOXTR Job Container
FKKCRM_AUTH_CHECK Dummy: FCC Authorization Check
FKKINVBILL_DISP Display Billing Document
FKKINVBILL_NUM Number Range for Billing Documents
FKKINVDOC_DISP Display Invoicing Document
FKKINVDOC_NUM Number Range for Invoicing Documents
FKKINV_BW_MA BW Extraction of Invoicing Documents
FKKINV_BW_MON Analysis of BW Extraction Orders
FKKINV_BW_SIM Simulation of BW Extraction
FKKINV_COL_M Create Mass Collective Invoicing
FKKINV_M Mass Invoicing
FKKINV_MA Invoicing
FKKINV_MON Analysis of Invoicing Orders
FKKINV_REV_M Mass Reversal
FKKINV_REV_MA Invoicing Reversal
FKKINV_REV_S Ind. Reversal
FKKINV_S Individual Invoicing
FKKORD1 Edit Requests
FKKORD1_APPR Check Requests
FKKORD1_EXT Display Requests
FKKORD2 Edit Standing Requests
FKKORD2_APPR Approve Standing Requests
FKKORD2_EXT Display Standing Requests
FKKORD3 Edit General Requests
FKKORD3_APPR Check General Requests
FKKORD3_EXT Display General Requests
FKKORD4 Edit Request Templates
FKKORDA Approve Request
FKKORDM Create Documents from Requests
FKKORDNR Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ORD
FKKRCD1 Display Change Documents Requests
FKKS Contract A/R + A/P
FKKSNEW Contract A/R + A/P
FKK_CORRSPND_DELETE Correspondence: Delete Requests
FKK_CORRSPND_PROF Correspondence: Package Prof. Creatn
FKK_CORRSPND_SARA Archive Administration for CORRSPND
FKK_CORR_ARCHIVEINFO Activate Archive IS for Corr. Arch.
FKK_CORR_HISTORY Display Correspondence History
FKK_EBS_ARC Link Documents with External Bills
FKK_EBS_ARC_E Postprocessing Run: Link Bills
FKK_EBS_MRD Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys.
FKK_EBS_MRD_E Postprocessing Run: External Reversa
FKK_EBS_POI Create Additional Information
FKK_EBS_POI_E Postprocessing Run: Additional Info.
FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics
FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs
FKK_PAYMENTRELEASE Install Payment Release Workflow
FKLOCK01 Check Conditional Locks
FKLOCK2 Set Processing Locks
FKMT FI Acct Assignment Model Management
FKPC Payment card processing
FKR8 Report: Stock Transfer Tax
FKR9 Initializing STT Position
FLB1 Postprocessing Lockbox Data
FLB2 Import Lockbox File
FLBFILE Generate a Test Lockbox File
FLBP Post Lockbox Data
FLBPC1 Create BP from Vendor
FLBPC2 Link BP to Vendor
FLBPD1 Create BP from Customer
FLBPD2 Link BP to Customer
FLCC1 Create Customer
FLCC2 Change Customer
FLCC3 Display Customer
FLCU1 Create Customer
FLCU2 Change Customer
FLCU3 Display Customer
FLEXBRE BRE: Parallel Execution of BRE
FLEXFIN Update Obselete Backlog Entries
FLEXLOG Total Log of Parallel BRE Run
FLOREO Customizing of Logical Doc. Reorg.
FLQAB Assignment from Bank Statement Info.
FLQAC Assignment from FI Information
FLQAD Assignment from Invoices
FLQAM Manual Assignment
FLQC1 Liquidity Items
FLQC10 Regenerate Flow Data
FLQC11 Query Sequences (Invoice)
FLQC12 Settings for Invoice Exit
FLQC13 Settings for FI Mechanisms
FLQC14 FI Assignment Analysis
FLQC15 Query Sequences
FLQC16 Tables for Conditions in Queries
FLQC2 Global Data
FLQC3 Company Code Data
FLQC4 Other Actual Accounts
FLQC5 Query Sequences (Bank Statement)
FLQC6 Assignment: Sequences - Bank Accts
FLQC7 G/L Accounts Relevant for Query
FLQC8 Query Sequences (FI Information)
FLQC9 Delete Flow Data
FLQCUST Menu for Liquidity Calc. Settings
FLQHIST Line Item History
FLQINFACC G/L Accounts w/ Liquidity Item Info
FLQLACC G/L Accounts List
FLQLGRP List of Query Sequences
FLQLI Line Item List
FLQLQR List of Queries
FLQLS Totals List
FLQMAIN Liquidity Calculation
FLQQA1 Edit Query (General)
FLQQA3 Display Query (General)
FLQQA5 Queries for Sequences
FLQQB1 Edit Query (Bank Statement)
FLQQB3 Display Query (Bank Statement)
FLQQB5 Queries for Seq. (Bank Statement)
FLQQB7 Test Request (Bank Statement)
FLQQC1 Edit Query (FI Information)
FLQQC3 Display Query (FI Information)
FLQQC5 Queries for Sequences (FI Info.)
FLQQC7 Test Query (FI Payment Document)
FLQQD1 Edit Query (Invoice Information)
FLQQD3 Display Query (Invoice Information)
FLQQD5 Query Sequences (Invoices)
FLQQD7 Test Query (Other FI Document)
FLQREP Payment Report
FLQT1 Create Transfer Posting
FLQT1B Create Transfer with Batch Input
FLQT2 Change Transfer Posting
FLQT3 Display Transfer
FLQTRCBPOS Commitment Item Derivation
FLQTRFIPOS Liquidity Items for Commitment Item
FLQUPGRP Upload Query Sequence (Assignment)
FLQUPINFAC Upload Info Accounts (Application)
FLQUPQR Upload Queries
FLT02 Flight Scheduling: Generate Details
FLVN1 Create Vendor
FLVN2 Change Vendor
FLVN3 Display Vendor
FM+0 Display FM Main Role Definition
FM+1 Maintain FM Main Role Definition
FM+2 Display FM Amount Groups
FM+3 Maintain FM Amount Groups
FM+4 Display FM Budget Line Groups
FM+5 Maintain FM Budget Line Groups
FM+6 Display FM Document Classes
FM+7 Maintain FM Document Classes
FM+8 Display FM Activity Categories
FM+9 Maintain FM Activity Categories
FM+A Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt
FM+B Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt
FM03 Display FM Document
FM03A Display FM Document with Archive
FM2BL_DERIVE Derive FM totals transfer to BL
FM2BL_DERIVE1 Derive FM totals transfer to FI
FM2BL_DERIVER CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to BL
FM2BL_DERIVER1 CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to FI
FM2E FM: Change Budget Document
FM2F FM: Display Budget Document
FM2G Field Contents in Funds Centers
FM2M Index of Funds Centers
FM3G Commitment Item Hierarchy
FM3M Index of Commitment Items
FM3N Commitment Items for G/L Accounts
FM48 Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn
FM48_1 PS-CM: Create Planning Layout
FM48_2 PS-CM: Change Planning Layout
FM48_3 PS-CM: Display Planning Layout
FM49 Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn
FM4G Budget Structure Element Hierarchy
FM4M Directory of Functional Areas
FM5I FIFM: Create Fund
FM5M Index of Funds
FM5S FIFM: Display Fund
FM5U FIFM: Change Fund
FM6I FIFM: Create Application of Funds
FM6M Index of Application of Funds
FM6S FIFM: Display Application of Funds
FM6U FIFM: Change Application of Funds
FM71 Maintain Cover Pool
FM72 Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool
FM73 Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp.
FM78 Charact.Groups for Cover Pools
FM79 Grouping Chars for Cover Pool
FM7A Indiv. Processing of CE Rules
FM7B Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover
FM7C Generate Cover Pools from Rules
FM7G Edit rules
FM7K Copy Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7K_N Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers
FM7L Delete Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7M Directory of Funded Programs
FM7P Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E.
FM7S MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty
FM7U Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE
FM80 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display
FM81 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update
FM9B FM: Copy Budget Version
FM9C Plan Data Transfer from CO
FM9D FM: Block Budget Version
FM9E FM: Unblock Budget Version
FM9K FIFM: Change Budget Structure
FM9L FM: Display Budget Structure
FM9M FM: Delete Budget Structure
FM9N FM: Generate Budget Object
FM9O Copy Supplement Budget
FM9P Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values
FM9Q FM: Total Up Budget
FM9QBTP Reconstruct Budget per Budget Type
FM9QBUD FM: Reconstruct Budget
FM9QRIB FM: Reconstr. of Additional Revenues
FM9R Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure
FM9S HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects
FM9T Check Assignment Object
FM9TBUD Check budget objects
FM9U FM: Checking Budget Consistency
FM9W Adjust Funds Management Budget
FM9X FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item
FM9Y FM: Copy BS - Year-Dependent StD.
FM9Z FM: Transfer Budget Structure
FM9ZA10 Budget Structure Mass Processing
FMA1 Matching: Totals and Balances (CBM)
FMA2 Matching: CBM Line Items and Totals
FMA3 Matching: FI Line Items (CBM)
FMA4 Matching: FI Bank Line Items (CBM)
FMAA Matching: Line Items and Totals (FM)
FMAB Matching: FI FM Line Items
FMABPDERIVE Auto. Budget Postings - Customizing
FMABPDERIVER Auto. Budget Postings - Customizing
FMAD Leveling: FI-FM Totals Records
FMAF Level Line Items and Totals Items
FMAO Requests Journal
FMARC Initial Archiving Run
FMARC_BATCH Initial Archiving Run
FMAR_AT Archive Totals Records f. Cmmt/Act.
FMAR_BCS_ED Archive Budget Entry Documents (BCS)
FMAR_BCS_LI Archive Budget Line Item (BCS)
FMAR_BCS_TT Archive Budget Totals Records (BCS)
FMAR_BE Archive Budget Entry Documents
FMAR_BH Archive Budget Hierarchy Documents
FMAR_BT Archive Budget Totals Records
FMAR_CO Archive CO Line Items
FMAR_FI Archive FI Line Items
FMAR_OI Archive Commitment Line Items
FMAVC1 Prepare Cross Assignments Clearing
FMAVCCUST01 Display Control Ledger Customizing
FMAVCCUSTDEF Check AVC Customizing (FM)
FMAVCDERIACTG Derivation of Activity Groups
FMAVCDERIAO Derivation of control object (ACO)
FMAVCDERIAOCPY Copy strategy for derivation of ACO
FMAVCDERIAODEL Delete strategy for deriving ACO
FMAVCDERIAOPREDEF Add predefined steps (AFMA)
FMAVCDERIAOR Derivation of control object (ACO)
FMAVCDERICH Derivation of checking horizon
FMAVCDERITPROF Derivation of tolerance profile
FMAVCDERITPROFCPY Copy strategy for derivation of TolP
FMAVCDERITPROFDEL Delete strategy for deriving TolProf
FMAVCDERITPROFR Derivation of tolerance profile
FMAVCR01 Display Annual Data of Control Obj.
FMAVCR02 Display Overall Data of Control Obj.
FMAVCREINIT Re-Initialize AVC Ledger
FMB0 CO Document Transfer
FMBB Budgeting Workbench
FMBBC Create Entry Document
FMBELI Processing list
FMBG1 Input tax adjustmnt(monthly) for PCO
FMBG2 Input tax adjustmnt (yearly) for PCO
FMBG3 Display input tax adjustments
FMBGCP Copy acc. assignment allocations
FMBGD Cash Dis. and Backdated Tax Calculn
FMBGJ Execute Annual Adjustments
FMBGKONT Assign FM Account Assgnts to PCOs
FMBGM Execute Monthly Adjustments
FMBGU Reset Input Tax Adjustment
FMBGUL Sales Tax List PCOs
FMBGV Calculate Input Tax Deduction Rate
FMBI Posting Line-Based Budget Increase
FMBLBASIC BL Account classification
FMBLCLASS BL Account classification
FMBLCOAD Colombia budgetary ledger derivation
FMBLCOADR Colombia budgetary ledger derivation
FMBLCORR Budgetary Ledger Correction
FMBLEXCLWASHOUT BL Account classification
FMBLEXT BL Accounts for Extensions
FMBLEXT0 Set account balance to zero
FMBLEXTR CO-PA BL Account Rule for Extensions
FMBLYRCL1 Year End Acc. Ass. derivation
FMBLYRCL2 US BL federal government derivation
FMBOSTAT Maintain budget object & status
FMBPLOGSHOW Display Retraction Log
FMBPLOGSHOW_BCS Display Retraction Log
FMBPNO Number Range Maintenance: FM_BPREPBW
FMBPQV Create Query Variant
FMBPQV_BCS Create Query Variant
FMBPRET Budget data transfer
FMBPRET_BCS Budget data transfer
FMBPREVERSE Cancel Retractor Run
FMBPREVERSE_BCS Cancel Retractor Run
FMBPRRC Change Derivation Strategy
FMBPRRC_BCS Maintain Derivation Rules BCS
FMBPRRC_COMMON Change Derivation Strategy
FMBPRRI Create Derivation Strategy
FMBPRRI_BCS Create Derivation Strategy BCS
FMBPRRI_COMMON Create Derivation Strategy
FMBPRRS Display Derivation Strategy
FMBPRRS_BCS Display Derivation Strategy
FMBPRRS_COMMON Display Derivation Strategy
FMBSBO Change Budget Addresses
FMBSBOHIS Change History of Budget Addresses
FMBSBOHISDEL Delete Change History of Budg. Addr.
FMBSBOS Dispay Budget Addresses
FMBSBO_DATA Budget data on invalid objects
FMBSBO_DEL Delete budget objects
FMBSBO_GEN Generate budget objects from budget
FMBSBO_MULT Maintain budget objects
FMBSCPY Copy budget structure objects
FMBSDERIBO Derivation of budget object
FMBSDERIBOCPY Copy strategy for deriving bud. addr
FMBSDERIBODEL Delete strategy for budget addresses
FMBSDERIBOPREDEF Add predefined steps (BSAC)
FMBSIDX_INCON Display index inconsistencies
FMBSIDX_RECON Reconstruct budget structure index
FMBSPO Change Posting Addresses
FMBSPOHIS Change History of Posting Addresses
FMBSPOHISDEL Delete Change History of Post. Addr.
FMBSPOS Display Posting Addresses
FMBSPO_DATA Actual/Commitment on invalid objects
FMBSPO_DEL Delete posting objects
FMBSPO_GEN Generate posting objects from data
FMBSPO_MULT Maintain posting objects
FMBS_STAT Budget Structure Settings
FMBTB Transfer Budget Totals to FI-BL
FMBUD001 Export ISPS Budget Data
FMBUD002 Import ISPS Budget Data
FMBUD003 Export from Local Auth. Budget Data
FMBUD004 Import from Local. Auth. Budget Data
FMBUD007 Export of Financial Results
FMBUD008 Import Financial Results
FMBUDACT Budget/Actuals allowed for BL
FMBV FM: Activate Availability Control
FMB_A01 Budget Consumption View
FMB_B01 Budget View by Document Type
FMB_B02 Budget View by Process
FMB_PL01 Budget Lines Vs. Commt./Actual Line
FMB_PT01 Budget Totals Vs. Commt./Actual Tot.
FMC2 Customizing in Day-to-Day Business
FMCAALOT Approval Write-Off
FMCABILL Public Sector Billing
FMCABP B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search
FMCABP1 B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search
FMCAC1 Create Contract Partner & Customer
FMCAC2 Change Contract Partner & Customer
FMCAC3 Display Contract Partner & Customer
FMCACOLLAG Derivation Cllction Agncy - Custom.
FMCACOLLAGE Derivation Cllction Agncy - Mainte.
FMCACOV Business Partner Overview
FMCACOVP Business Partner Overview
FMCADERIVE FM Deriv. Transactions - Customizing
FMCADERIVE2 FM Derivation Trans. - Distributor
FMCADERIVER FM Deriv. Transactions - Maintenance
FMCADLOT Resubmission Write-Off
FMCAILOT Approval Installment Plan
FMCAINCOC Generate Inbound Correspondences
FMCAINCOH Process Inbound Correspondence
FMCAINVH Invoice History
FMCAM1 Generate Inbound Correspondences
FMCAM2 Generate Invoices
FMCAOGRM Generate Docs from General Requests
FMCAORDNR2 Number Range Maintenance: FMCA_ORD
FMCASKV Differences in Cash Discount Clearng
FMCAV1 Create Contract Partner & Vendor
FMCAV2 Change Contract Partner & Vendor
FMCAV3 Display Contract Partner & Vendor
FMCA_AIH IS-PS-CA Archiving Invoice History
FMCA_EHVD Customer Overview - Data Selection
FMCB Reassignment: Document Selection
FMCC Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment
FMCCA Def. of FM CC - Address based
FMCCD Def. of FM CC - Document based
FMCCOVR FM Obligation Closeout
FMCCR01 Consistency Check Report
FMCD Reassignment: Delete Work List
FMCECVGPNR Maintain No.Range Intvl for Cvr Grps
FMCEGENCG Generate CE Rules
FMCEHISCG Change History of CE Rules
FMCEHISDEL Delete Change History Records for CE
FMCEMON01 Overview of Automatic Cover Groups
FMCERG Strategy for Generating CE Rules
FMCERGR Derivation Rules in CE Rule Strategy
FMCERULE Process Single CE Rule
FMCG Reassignment: Overall Assignment
FMCIA Edit Commitment Item
FMCIC Display commitment item
FMCID Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy
FMCIE Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy
FMCIH Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy
FMCI_COPY_NEXT_YEAR Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year
FMCI_FYC Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year
FMCI_REPLACE_HIVARNT Replace Hierarchy Variant Assignment
FMCJ Maintain cash journal
FMCL FM Closeout of Obligations
FMCN Reassignment: Supplement.Acct Assgt
FMCP_EF_CLOSE Close Earmarked Funds for Contracts
FMCP_EF_CREATE Create Earmarked Funds for Contracts
FMCR Reassignment: Display Work List
FMCT Reassignment: Transfer
FMCUDERIVAL Derivation strategy to create line
FMCUDERIVDALE Derivation strategy for ALE distribu
FMCUDERIVMIG Derivation strategy for migration
FMCUDERIVMIGED Derivation strategy for migration
FMCUDERIVSUB Derivation strategy for substitution
FMCYCOPI_BW Transfer of SAP BW PlanData to BCS
FMCYCOPI_CO Transfer of CO Planning Data to BCS
FMCYFREEZE Copy budget data (freeze)
FMCYLOAD Copy budget data (load)
FMCYPREP Copy budget data (preparation)
FMCYRESET Reset budget data (preparation)
FMCYTEXT Copy Budget Text
FMD1 FM: Change Carryforward Rules
FMD2 FM: Display Carryforward Rules
FMD7 FM: Change Supplement Budget Plan
FMD8 FM: Display Supplement Budget Plan
FMD9 FM: Change Suppl. Coll. Expend. Plan
FMDA FM: Change Budget Plan
FMDAOPA Clear Down Payments
FMDB FM: Display Budget Plan
FMDC FM: Change Collect. Expend. Planning
FMDD FM: Display Collect. Expnd. planning
FMDE FM: Loc. Auth.: Change Fin. Result
FMDERIVATIONANALYSIS Analysis Report on FM  Derivations
FMDERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing
FMDERIVER FM Object Assignment  - Maintenance
FMDF FM: Loc. Auth.: Display Fin. Result
FMDG FM: Loc. Auth.: Change FR in CE
FMDH FM: Loc. Auth.: Display FR in CE
FMDI FM Loc. Auth.: Copy Budget Version
FMDI01 Data Transfer in Direct Input
FMDJ FM: Transfer Financial Result
FMDK FM Loc. Auth.: Change Net Voting
FMDL FM Loc. Auth.: Display Net Voting
FMDM Monitor Closing Operations
FMDMR1 Display Assignment Rules for Process
FMDMR2 Display Assignmt. Rules for Val.Type
FMDN FM: Integration in Balance Hierarchy
FMDO FM: Loc. Auth.: Transfer Bdgt Values
FMDO1 FM: Revaluate Original Budget
FMDO2 FM: Revaluation of Supplement
FMDOCREV Mass reversal of  FM documents
FMDS Copy Carryforward Rules
FMDT Display Carryforward Rules
FMDV FM: Residual Budget Data Transfer
FMDW FM: Financ. Result CE Data Transfer
FMDX FM: Coll. Expend. Plan Data Transfer
FMDY FM: Financial Result Data Transfer
FMDZ FM: Budget Planning Data Transfer
FME1 Import Forms from Client 000
FME2 Import Reports from Client 000
FME3 Transport Forms
FME4 Transport Reports
FME5 Reorganize Forms
FME6 Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FME7 Reorganize Report Data
FME8 Maintain Batch Variants
FME9 Translation Tool - Drilldown
FMEB Structure Report Backgrnd Processing
FMEDD Display Entry Document
FMEDDW Drilldown for Budget Entry Documents
FMEDFAMNR FM document family number ranges
FMEDNR FM entry document number ranges
FMEH SAP-EIS: Hierarchy maintenance
FMEK FMCA: Create Drilldown Report
FMEL FMCA: Change Drilldown Report
FMEM FMCA: Display Drilldown Report
FMEN FMCA: Create Form
FMEO FMCA: Change Form
FMEP FMCA: Display Form
FMEQ FMCA: Run Drilldown Report
FMER FMCA: Drilldown Tool Test Monitor
FMEUF_CUST Expenditure Certification Custom.
FMEURO05 Delete Euro FM Area
FMEURO1 Create Euro FM Area
FMEURO2 Refresh Euro Master Data
FMEURO3 Display Euro FM Areas
FMEURO4 Deactivate Euro FM Area
FMEV Maintain Global Variable
FMF0 Payment Selection
FMF1 Revenue Transfer
FMFA_0001 FMFA: Applications
FMFA_0002 FMFA: Field Groups
FMFA_0003 FMFA: Views
FMFA_0004 FMFA: Sections
FMFA_0005 FMFA: Screens
FMFA_0006 FMFA: Screen Sequences
FMFA_0007 FMFA: Events
FMFA_0008 FMFA: GUI Standard Functions
FMFA_0009 FMFA: GUI Additional Functions
FMFA_0011 FMFA: Assign Screen Field->DB Field
FMFA_0012 FMFA: Field Grouping Criteria
FMFA_0013 FMFA: Role Categories
FMFA_0015 FMFA: Application Transactions
FMFA_0016 FMFA: Tables
FMFA_0018 FMFA: Activities
FMFA_0104 FMFA: Applications
FMFA_0106 FMFA: Assign Object Part --> Note ID
FMFA_0108 Edit Funct. Area Field Sel. String
FMFGAPAAC Acc. Property account assignment cat
FMFGAPCON Acc. Property Main Settings
FMFGAPCR Accountable Property program
FMFGAPMT Accountable Property Movement Types
FMFGAPTR Acc. Property Transaction Types
FMFGBUTYPE Budget Type attributes
FMFGCCRUPDATE Update CCR data using data file
FMFGCCRUPLOAD Upload Initial CCR Data File
FMFGCCRVENDORCREATE Create Vendor Master from CCR Data
FMFGCCRVENDORUPDATE Update Vendor Master from CCR Data
FMFGDRVCOCKPIT Federal Extension Derivation Data
FMFGDRVCOCKPIT_IMG Federal Extension Derivation Access
FMFGDRVTRACE Display US Federal derivation trace
FMFGF2_ATTRIBUTES Configure Attributes
FMFGRCN_DEF_RULE Reconciliation Rule Definition
FMFGRCN_DEF_SLICE Reconciliation Slice Definition
FMFGSUBTOT Reconciliation Subtotal Texts
FMFGTCL Congressional Limitations (St. Fund)
FMFGYEFIELDS Collected fields year end
FMFG_ACC_CLOSEOUT Closeout of the Residual Accounts
FMFG_AUTO_TC Treasury Confirmation - Automated
FMFG_CANCELED_AP Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI
FMFG_CANCELED_AP_MM Canceled Fund for Account Payable-MM
FMFG_CANCELED_AR Canceled Fund for Acct Receivable-FI
FMFG_CANCEL_FUND A/R Cancel Fund Automatic Posting
FMFG_DIT_FBT Maintain List of DIT/FBT Accts
FMFG_DOCT_ADJ Document types for adjustments
FMFG_EF_POST Post parked Earmark fund documents
FMFG_EXCLUDE_INVOICE Exclude Invoice from PPA Calculation
FMFG_E_1099_C Tax Form 1099-C
FMFG_E_BR1 Statement of Budgetary Resources
FMFG_E_BS1 Balance Sheet
FMFG_E_CA1 Statement of Custodial Activities
FMFG_E_CF budget carry forward with subtypes
FMFG_E_CL0 Preclosing Rollup
FMFG_E_CL1 Preclosing rollup: fund type rules
FMFG_E_CL2 Preclosing rollup: fund rules
FMFG_E_FI1 Statement of Financing
FMFG_E_NET_COST Statement of Net Cost
FMFG_E_NP1 Statement of Changes in Net Position
FMFG_E_REL Release Budget
FMFG_E_SF1081 US Federal SF1081 - Voucher process
FMFG_E_SF132 SF-132
FMFG_E_SF133 SF-133
FMFG_E_SF224 SF-224 Statement of Transactions
FMFG_E_SF224_ALC_CHG SF-224: Maintain ALC GWA Master Data
FMFG_E_SF224_ALC_GWA SF-224: Display ALC GWA Master Data
FMFG_E_SF224_DERIVE SF-224 - Customizing
FMFG_E_SF224_DERIVER SF-224 - Customizing
FMFG_E_SF224_TS Treasury Subclasses
FMFG_E_TRANS_REG Transaction Register
FMFG_E_YFITRG02 Document Listing
FMFG_E_ZFZALI00 Payment Settlement List
FMFG_E_ZOPAC Online Payment and Collection System
FMFG_F2_TRANS Maintain Transfer Agency and Account
FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_BCS 5-Column Status of Funds in BCS
FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_SPL 5-Column Status of Funds in FI-SL
FMFG_HELD_INVOICES List for Parked and Held Documents
FMFG_IMPROP_REASONS Reason code maintenance
FMFG_INVCANCEL Cancel Invoice and Subsequent Docs
FMFG_IPAC US Federal IPAC Interface Process
FMFG_IPACED US Federal IPAC Interface Process
FMFG_IPACED_REVERSE IPACed Bulk File Confrm. Reverse Pro
FMFG_IPAC_CNFRM IPAC Confirmation Process
FMFG_IPAC_REGENERATE Regenerate previous produced bulk fi
FMFG_IPAC_REVERSE IPAC Bulk File Reverse Process
FMFG_IPAC_SNUM Number range maintenance: IPAC_DOCR
FMFG_MM_PENDING PO Pending Changes Report
FMFG_PMT_TYPE Maintain Pmt Method to Pmt Type map
FMFG_PO_HISTORY Purchase Order History
FMFG_PO_POST Post the held POs
FMFG_PROG_REPT_CODE Program Report Category - FACTS II
FMFG_PR_POST Post the held PRs
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE1 Reconciliation: Derivation cust.
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE2 Reconciliation: Derivation cust.
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE3 Reconciliation: Derivation cust
FMFG_RCV Report on Receivables From Public
FMFG_REASON_CODE Improper Reason Code Report
FMFG_RPT_E_UNFILLED Close Out Unfilled Orders
FMFG_SO_HISTORY Sales Order History
FMFG_SS_BATCH Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoi
FMFG_SS_CERTIFY Payment Sampling Certification Proce
FMFG_SS_STATUS Payment Sampling Process Status Repo
FMFG_TC_REV_CHECKS US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - check
FMFG_TC_REV_SCHEDULE US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - Sched
FMFG_TREASURY_CONFIR Treasury Confirmation
FMFG_WAREHOUSE Warehouse Report  Transaction
FMFG_YEAR_END_CLOSE Year End close open balance
FMFG_YRCL Year end closing rules
FMFI Execute program RFFMCJFI
FMFPCOPY Copy Assgmt of Cmmt Item to Rev Type
FMFUDERI Fund and Function Derivation
FMFUDERIR Fund and Function Derivation: Rules
FMG1 Create Budget Structure Template
FMG2 Change Budget Structure Template
FMG3 Display Budget Structure Template
FMG4 Delete Budget Structure Template
FMG5 Generate BS Object from BS Template
FMGL Maintain Text for Grouping
FMGL_COFIMONITOR Monitor Balancing CO-FI Postings
FMGL_PERIOD_CONTROL Posting Periods for Gnral Ldr Fields
FMGR Maintain Texts for Grouping
FMGX Commitment Item Issue to UNIX-File
FMGY Create Commitment Items via UNIX
FMHC Check Bdgt Structure Elements in HR
FMHG Generate Bdgt Struc Elements in HR
FMHGG Generate BS Elements f. Several Fnds
FMHIE_CHANGE Process Hierarchy
FMHIE_GENERATION Generate Generate Hierarchy
FMHIE_HIEID Create/Assign Sub-Hierarchy ID
FMHIST Apportion Document in FM
FMHK Copy Control Data
FMHV Budget Memo Texts
FMIA Indiv. Processing of Revs Incr. Bdgt
FMIB Posting Line-Based Budget Increase
FMIC Generate Additional Budget Incr.Data
FMIK Copy Rules for Revs Incr. the Budget
FMIL Delete Rules for Revs Incr. Budget
FMIP Edit Revenues Increasing Bdgt Rules
FMIPCT Payment Transfer: Customizing
FMIR Detail Maintenance of Open Int Rules
FMIS Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget
FMIT Totals-Based Distribution Procedure
FMITPO Payment Transfer
FMIU Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget
FMJ0 Manual Zero Carryforward
FMJ2 Year-End Closing: Carryfwd Cmmts
FMJ2_D Carryfwrd Cmmt Accrd. to Entry Date
FMJ3 Reverse Commitments Carryforward
FMJA Budget Year-End Closing: Prepare
FMJB Budget Year-End Closing: Determine
FMJC Budget Year-End Closing: Carry Fwd
FMJD Reverse Fiscal Year Close: Budget
FMJM Maintain residual budget application
FMJN Display residual budget application
FMJO Maintain residual budget approval
FMJP Display residual budget approval
FMJ_ANZ Carry Forward Down Payments
FMJ_APP Approval Step Cmmt Carryforward
FMJ_DISPLAY Display FM Commt Carryforward Docs
FMJ_FICA Transfer Open Items from FI-CA
FMKFDEF FM Definition of Key Figures
FMKFR01 Display budget data
FMKUDELDATA Delete BCS database tables
FMKUMIGDOC Migrate FB Documents to BCS
FMKUMIGTOT Migrate FBS totals to BCS totals
FML1 Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger
FML2 Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger
FML3 Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger
FML4 Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger
FMLD Ledger Deletion
FMLF Classify Movement Types
FMLGD_H_CUST Clearing Control
FMLGD_H_ELKO Basic Settings Elctr. Bank Statement
FMLID Display Change Document
FMLIDW Drilldown for Change Documents
FMLINR FM line item document number ranges
FMMACGPERC Edit percentage per cover group
FMMC FM Obligation Closeout
FMMDCICOPY Copy commitment item substrings
FMMDFCCOPY Copy funds center substrings
FMMDFDCOPY Copy fund substrings
FMMDFNCOPY Copy functional area substrings

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